Love it or leave it

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P. S. : I'm cringing at myself for making Jungkook ask Jimin out in public toilet .


After crying for what could have been many hours or days.i wiped my eyes with the tissue he gave me and i was surprised to see him still sitting beside me.
" okay? " he said
"Not really"
"Wanna talk about it? "
I don't know why i did this but i wanted to get the burden out and the only person i could talk about it was not mine anymore so i started talking.


Tae's voice was still obscured by his sobs because he couldn't stop crying but he spoke in fragments between his sobs.
" I... Loved hi- him since the mome- nt i saw him fo- for the first t.. time " he said sobbing.
" here drink this you'll feel better " the stranger said passing him a water bottle which Tae silently took. After taking a few sips and a deep breath he started again.
" when he was hurt i felt that someone is twisting a knife in my heart. All i want is to see him happy that's why when he told me about his first boyfriend i didn't get mad at him. Because he seemed so happy and i wanted him to stay that way forever. I never confessed my love because i was so afraid of losing him and after he had his first heartbreak. I was heartbroken to see him sad but some part of my heart was happy to have him back again. I wanted to confess my feelings for him but i couldn't muster my confidence. So i ended up breaking his asshole for an ex -boyfriends nose instead. " he said with a teary smile.
" I still want him to be happy but now that he seems very happy with his new boyfriend i can't stop my heart from shattering. I feel like this time he's actually leaving me and will never come back to me again. I want to feel very happy for him but i can't. It kills me know that he can't return the feelings i have for him" with that his voice started cracking again.

The person sitting next to him was hearing carefully. He hesitantly put an arm around the crying boy's shoulder . When the his sobs subsidized a bit he asked if he was okay, the other nodded.

" you know why am i sitting here? " he asked out of the blue.
" because you like watching guys crying " Tae said
" Ah ! Yes its my kink" the boy laughed making Tae smile.
"But apart from that you might have noticed I'm skipping school" he said
"Why is that? " Tae asked
"I transferred from Bucheon last week but i don't want to go to school because of the same reason as you. " he said.
" Why your best friend also got a new boyfriend? "
" Actually no. I had a girlfriend in the school i went to in Bucheon, we, were in a heart and flowers relationship for 2 years. Then she decided to have a change and started dating an other guy simultaneously. " he took a deep breath before continuing.
" when i found out about it and asked her. She said she doesn't want me anymore and would appreciate if i don't show her my face again. i loved her from all my heart and she was the center of my universe . she still is . That's why i left the school and transferred here. This may look absurd but i wanted her to be happy and if she is happy with me not being there, i can do this much for her " he said with a sad smile.
" so you see i didn't really come here to study my ass off that's why m skipping "

Tae kept silent for a few seconds thinking about what the boy just said.
" You don't hate her for betraying you? " he finally asked.
" oh ! I do. But i love her more so i let her go. You can't force someone to love you back and if you really love someone their happiness matters more than yours. "
" so what I'm trying to say ,little pill, is that you should be happy for your friend and try to move on. If you keep hoping for him to return to you some day you'll end up waiting for all your life. And besides i believe god made someone special for everyone maybe yours is on the way or maybe he's sitting right beside you" he said with a wink.
The last line made Tae's cheeks burn red , he looked the other way to hide his smile.
The other guy got up and picked his bag.
" you wanna hang out for a while? " he asked
" Umm.. Maybe later, I've to go now and I'm feeling rather tired. And thank you for ..... Everything i guess " Tae said.
" pleasure is all mine. I'll see you later in the school maybe? "
" sure. Oh hey! You didn't tell me your name . I'm Kim Taehyung " Tae said when the guy started walking away
" I'm Byun Baekhyun" the guy said waving his hand and walked away.

Jimin's PoV:

While walking out of the class i noticed Tae was not with me. How can i not notice him being away for the whole day. I was really surprised at my self.
But it was not my fault , i was absorbed with my boyfriend for the whole day that i didn't notice my best friend missing.
" you okay Jiminie? You look worried" Jungkook asked.
" oh !yes I'm fine " and we walked out of the school hand in hand. I tried calling Tae but his phone was switched off.
" kookie? I wanted to ask you something " i said remembering my dream from last night.
" what is it? "
" i had a weird dream last night "
He stopped walking at that. Hoseok and Yoongi turned to look back at us but i gestured them to keep going.
"What kind of dream? "
I told him about the dream and his expression changed from worried to relaxed.
" I knew you would have such dreams once we're together. I'm happy to hear it"
" you're happy bcs I'm having creepy dreams? " i looked at him in disbelief.
" No baby I'm because i know you're finally getting closer to me. Don't think too much about it . I promised u would explain everything just wait for a bit okay? " He said sliding his hand behind my neck and pulling me into a brief kiss.
" I'll get going now i don't wanna be late for my first date " with that he ran off leaving me confused in the middle of road.

When i got home Tae still wasn't there so I decided to go to the theater and see if he was there. I was to meet Jungkook at 6 PM so there was lot of time left. And my best friend was more important than a silly date wasn't it?
I checked the old theater but Tae wasn't there so i decided to call Jin.
" Hello? " Jin answered from the other side.
" Hyung, it's me Jimin. Do you know where Tae can be is he with you? "
" No. I saw him running out of school in the morning but after that i didn't see him anywhere. Did you try his number? "
" yes his phone is switched off. I don't know where to look for him. Hyung wait m getting another call I'll talk to you later "
I saw another caller was an unknown number.
" Hello? "
" is this Mr. Park Jimin? " the person asked.
" yes? "
" Mr. Park I'm speaking from the city hospital your friend Kim Tae hyung met with and accident and he's is in ICU right now please come here as soon as possible. " with that person hung up.



Did i make Baekhyun too angelic up there? Well i love him so i can do that.

Varying Shades Of Love -Vminkook/ Jikook / Vmin  ✔Where stories live. Discover now