Turn of events

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Few days have passed since Tae left . But Jimin still wouldn't come out of his room. He left the room only once that too for his best friends funeral and after that locked himself again.

His friends tried to talk to him but he was barely present in this world now.  Jungkook tried to tell him that what happened wasn't his fault but.

He kept blaming himslef for what happened to his friend. He kept thinking about the things he could have done that day and stopped it. 

I could have noticed when he left school and stopped him.

I could have asked him what was bothering him.

I could have told him how much he meant to me and asked him to never leave me.

But Tae was gone and he couldn't do anything apart from regretting.

On a Friday afternoon he suddenly realised that Tae left him a audio which he haven't heard yet.  He quickly fished the phone out of drawer . He put the headphones on and played the audio.

At first there was just sound of ambulance but then he heard Tae's voice.  Weak and low.

" ji-jiminah , i.. I've been waiting....... For so long to tell you this... But now that I've courage to tell..... Y-you there's no t- time left at all.  I... I love you Jimin.  And.... I always wanted.... You to be.. Be mine.  But i couldn't tell you this...... Because i was...  Af- afraid you won't return the... Feelings. And see... I was right. I...  I know you l- love me but it took me.   ...so long to und- understand that you loved me.... Like a brother not lover. By the time... You hear this I'll be long.... g-gone but do this... L-last thing for me. Please d- don't blame yourself...... for my death. I know you'll say... It's your fault but no. ..its nobody's fault just mine. i hope you get... all the happiness you deserve. A-and I'll always love you and you only Jiminie"

By the time the audio stopped Jimin was already crying hard. He hugged his knees and wept. Tears kept streaming down his face. 

How can i not notice my friends love when we were together for all our life?  How can i be so blind.  If i had noticed it everything would have been better. Tae would still be alive. I don't have any right to live. I should have died instead of him. I kept hurting him all my life by ignoring the feelings he had and now he's gone.  I don't deserve to live.

When this thought crossed Jimins mind he got up and started looking for a sharp object. He finally found a razor and he was about to slit his wrist when someone opened the door .

"Jimin!  What the fuck are you doing? " he said snatching the blade away from his hand

" leave me jungkook i just want to end this. I killed my friend and i don't deserve to live now. " Jimin said trying to grab the razor back.

"No!  Yoy didn't kill anyone and it's not your fault that he's dead. "
" yes it is.  It's all my mistake. He was out there in the park because he was hurt seeing me with another boy.  He didn't see the car coming because he was lost thinking about me . " Jimin grabbed the razor back and  ran towards the bathroom.

"Jimin!  Stop!  It was me who killed him.  I planned this. " Jungkook yelled and Jimin stopped dead in his track. He slowly turned around and faced his boyfriend.

"You what? " he asked
"Yes it was me who did all this. Sti here and I'll tell you everything but put that thing away please don't hurt yourself " he said carefully

" you're lying to distract me right? "
"No I'm not . do you remember you went to China on vacation 2 years ago?  " Jungkook said carefully . Jimin looked at him in disbelief.
"H- how do you know that? "
"Because i was there with you "
" no I've never seen you before. And i don't remember anything about the trip apart from the fact that i went there" Jimin said
" yes that's why you don't remember me but i was there. Please leave that thing and let me explain. " Jimin thought for a whie but the threw that blade down and sat on his bed.

" even if you were there what does it have to do with Tae? " Jimin asked in confusion.

" Do you know why you don't remember anything from the trip? "
" Yes!  Someone gave me some kind of drug which made me forget whatever happened during those hours when drug was in my system. I only found out when i was on my way to home that i didn't remember anything from thise 2 days. "Jimin sighed.

" So that's why you couldn't identify me. You said i was familiar because Jimin we met between those two days when you were on drug. "

" It still doesn't make sense.  I went there alone so how Tae is related to all this? "

" jut listen to the whole story. will you?  " Jungkook said.

" So when i first saw you in that little hill station we were staying in you looked fine enough.  The drug didn't made you behave odd or anything it just blanked your memory . When i asked for your number and address you said all you could remember was your name and that you came from Korea. I thought you were making an excuse but now i know why you said that.

We started talking and we enjoyed each others company. The kiss i told you about happened on the second day. Those 2 days were the most beautiful days of my life . I fell in love the moment i saw you.

When we were to leave i asked you again for you number and address but you said you still didn't remember it. So i just left .but i was never able to forget about you. I tried to find you but i couldn't . I tried to forget you but i couldn't. I know this sounds absurd to fuss over a 2 day interaction but i couldn't help it."  Jungkook looked at the elder who was staring at him in disbelief.

"Then what happened next ?"  He asked

" I have a brother 1 year older than me . His name is Jeon Hyung Sik " Jungkook said and Jimins eyes widened at the name.

" It can't be the same Hyung Sik" Jimin said in disbelief.
" Yes Jimin it's the same Hyung sik"


Beach fucking plot twist !!!!!!


Who do you think Jeon Hyung sik is ?


And Sorry for the drama.
Does that drug thing look exaggerating?  Well even if it does i can't help it. Besides even i don't know what am i doing .😂😂

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