Falling apart

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Sorry for the late update guys and tysm for 200 views. 😍😍

" how can Hyung Sik be your brother that's...... " Jimin trailed off .
" so you do remember him? "
" How can i not. He was the first and only boyfriend Tae ever had ."
" i know but do you know why they broke up and what happened to my brother after that? " Jungkook asked looking at the elder one.

" I don't really remember but Tae said something about your brother being disloyal ." the younger laughed bitterly at that.

" No!  Your friend was a coward and a liar. My brother was madly in love with him. He would have died for him if asked. But you know what Tae did?

He left him, saying he loved someone else, and that someone else was you Jimin.  Hyung sik begged him to not to leave him but he left anyway. It broke my brother in such bad way that now he's in an asylum. " Jimin stared at Jungkook with his mouth hanging open. He didn't know what to say. But the younger one continued with tears pouring down his eyes.

" it was not a big deal but my brother is very weak . He was mentally effected when our parents left us and Tae made it worse. Now my brother will never be the same because of what he did. " 

" it all happened after we met in China but i never knew you were the same Park Jimin. My hyung was the only family i had, So when they took him to the asylum, i decided to punish Tae for his crime. I formed a,plan and moved to your school because i knew Tae went there."

" but we didn't meet at school you saw me at the far for first time. And you didn't even look at me the first time. What does that mean? " Jimin asked confused

" I went to the bar because i knew Tae's best friend worked their but when i found out that both Park Jimins i was looking for are the same person i freaked out.  I couldn't get myself to look at you ."

" Why did you want to meet his friend?  "

" Because you were the reason he left my brother for and i wanted to snatch you away from him. I wanted to show him how it feels when someone you love leaves you and goes crazy in front of your eyes. But when i saw you there all my plan started to look dumb i couldn't bring myself to do all those things to you. I love you but i love my brother also so i dicided I'll do it."

" Do what? "Jimin was totally confused now.
"I wanted to make you fall for me so Tae will suffer watching you with me . Then i would have manipulated you in such a way that you'll start thinking that you're going crazy.  Those disappearing tricks were a part of it. Even a clown in circus can do such trick. The dream you got was also caused by a drug i mixed in your food ."  Jimin looked at Jungkook in shock.  He thought the younger boy really loved him but it was just a plan of some freaking revenge drive. He couldn't hold back his tears any more.

" Then why did you kill Tae? " He asked

" No!  I didn't kill him. I never intended to trust me. Jimin when i was with you i couldn't think of any revenge or plan , first i thought i could do it but i was wrong, i am actually in love with you and i was going to tell you everything on our date.  I wanted to change for you. I wanted to stop everything for you. But i never thought Tae would be this much effected that he'd get himself killed. I never wanted him to die i just wanted him to learn a lesson. " He said with a sigh.

" look Jimin i know i don't even deserve to apologize but please try to forgive me. I know after this we can never get together again and we shouldn't.  I will never deserve someone like you.  But i love you plea-"

"Get out. " Jimin whispered cutting Jungnkook in mid sentence.
"What? "
" i said get out now!  And never show me your face again.  Ever"
" Jimin please liste-"
" Get out!" Jimin yelled at him.

Jungkook flinched at the sudden outburst and left the room without saying anything. 

After a few days when Jimin finally decided to got to school there was nothing left for him.  He missed having Tae beside him,  the way he would make him laugh during boring classes,  the he would show his box smile when happy, the way hw would always stick with Jimin. He felt empty inside without his brother.

And to add more to his misery. The person he was starting to love left him in pieces.  He shattered his trust in such way that it can never be put together again. He made him lose the most precious thing he ever had and now here he was alone in this bid cruel world. 

Jungkook left the school to where nobody knew.  He just disappeared the way he had appeared.  Jimin's hyungs tried to help him but who could heel the wounds which went deeper than anything. He isolated himself from everyone and became oblivious to everything around him. Just working like a robot from home to school to work and back.

To lose a lover is one thing but to lose someone you loved so dearly because of another person you loved is  the worse thing that could happen to anyone.

Okay guys this was the last chapter and i know i fucked up badly but it was my first book so i think I'm allowed that much.  I'll write an epilogue as soon as possible. Thank you so much for reading  💜

P. S. : sorry for sad ending but I'm not a big fan of happy endings.

Mic drop remix is so lit. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 i can't stop myself from watching it again and again

 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 i can't stop myself from watching it again and again

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