opposites attract

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I'll write this part for Sope/ YOONSEOK.

A. PoV :
When Tae and Jimin came home home somewhere around midnight they saw the most unusual thing ever happened in the history. Jung Hoseok was being pinned down on the couch by none other than Min Yoongi. The Minyoongi who won't even open his eyes and mouth unless his life is depending on it.
He was smiling down devilishly at Hoseok while trying to kiss him.
" Hyung wait someone will see us " Hoseok said trying to save himself .
" why Hoseok you were the one who punched me earlier and now you don't want me to kiss you? Besides the kids must be sleeping in their room already " Yoongi said
" ehmm.. Actually the kids are standing here watching the whole scene " Taehyung said showing his box smile.
"Oh fuck! " Hoseok got up so fast that poor Yoongi was thrown down on the floor.
"Calm down Hyung we just came in we didn't see anything and Yoongi hyung what is that bruise on your face ?" Forever caring Jimin asked.
" its.. ummm.. " Before Yoongi could say anything Tae said.
"Forget the bruise.how are you guys kissing? We know Hobi hyung was crazy for Yoongi hyung but i thought he liked LeeEun noona?. "
"I don't like her in that way, you idiots and this fucking ass punched me in face because of this misunderstanding " Yoongi said rubbing his elbow which hit the floor when he fell.
" Tell me the details guys i want to know everything or I'll not let you live for the rest of your lives " Tae said excited.
" Ah! This idiot. I'm going to sleep you can ask Hobi" with the Suga left the room.
" MIN YOONGI! How can you leave me alone through this suffering" Hobi shouted at him
" cut the drama hyung ,now start ." Tae said
Hobi sighed and started telling what happened.

* flashback from Hobi's PoV*

I was boiling from inside watching Suga being exceptionally nice to the new girl. He never spoke this much to anyone or even looked at anyone. I've been with him for 5 years and he never noticed how much i liked him. After school we were walking home, Suga with Lee Eun and Namjin hyungs hand in hand with each other. I was the only one sulking at the scene before me. When Lee Eun finally left us for her house was in another direction ,i saw Suga, waving at her even when she was out of sight .

This irritated me so much that i grabbed his shirt and punched his face.
" what the fuck Hoseok? " Yoongi yelled in surprise.
Jin and Namjoon ran toward us confused at whats happening.
" You little shit! Why are you being so clingy with that girl? " I growled at him
" Why do you care what i do with her " Suga said giving a deadly stare
" Because i love you! you dumb shit! I've been trying to make you notice me from last 5 years but you never ever open your damn eyes for me but you'll start throwing heart eye glances at the girl you've just met" when the words were out i realised what i just said.
Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi were staring at me with wide eyes and Floor hitting jaws.
" wow! You just said that out loud " Jin exclaimed happily .
I slowly looked at Yoongi who was still staring at me.
"Say something stop ogling at me" i said annoyed and embarrassed.
But being the lazy person which he is he didn't waste time on saying something. Yoongi just pulled me closer and closed the spce between us by crashing his lips on mine.

*flashback ends*

"And that's how kids i got your hyung" Hobi said with dreamy expression.
"Well that was dramatic but what about Lee Eun noona?" Tae asked.
"He said she reminds him of his sister who is in Daegu and that's why he was so nice to her. Now get lost i need to fuck my new boyfriend" with that Hoseok ran to his room.
" Everyone is getting in relationship and here we are sitting single and broke " Tae said in a loud fake sigh .
"Aww don't worry Taetae you'll find someone pretty for you. Let's get to bed its late " Tae looked at Jimin wish confused face. 'Yes you're the prettiest for me Chimchim' he thought to himself but didn't say it loud.

Some time after lying on bed Jimin was still awake he couldn't sleep. He could hear loud and weird sounds coming from Hoseok and Suga's room. He didn't want to imagine what they must be doing so he just ignored it. He kept replaying the incidents of the day in his mind. How Jungkook kissed him, how his lips felt soft,sweet and familiar. He kept blushing alone in darkness over and over again thinking about this untill he felt someone sitting on his bed.
"Tae? " he said without looking
" No baby , it's your boyfriend " Jungkook said lying down next to Jimin. Jimins eyes went wide in shock. How did he come inside?

Heya! First of all i know suga has a brother not sister so i just kinda switched it for story. And second i kept yoonseok scene short because i really don't know how to write it. I hope I'll improve in futur. Keep reading. 😚

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