The Alien

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Now what in the name of god is he doing here ? I wasn't even sure if he's real or not and there he is. Standing all tall and handsome in front of whole class.
I was so confused i couldn't keep a straight face so i excused myself to bathroom, even before I could make to the bathroom a hand grabbed me and pushed him inside the bathroom.  I was pinned to the wall by none other than Jeon Jungkook.

"There you are again. Why do you keep following me. I was just going to use the damn bathroom. You don't have to follow me here. " i growled in frustration
" oh come on!  I think you would look more interesting doing business here than doing anything elese in the school " he winked shamelessly. It made my ears and cheeks burn.
" wh- why are you here? " i asked
" for you " he said simply like this was the most common thing to say to someone you barely know.
Now i realized how close we were standing with his hands placed on wall beside my head. His eyes boring into mine.  Now that i see closely he had dark brown eyes that went to such depths that you felt going down and down looking at them. His skin was so soft that i wanted to touch it to see how it felt.  He had a small black mark beneth his perfectly shaped lips. I caught myself thinking how would it feel to have those lips on mine.  Are you crazy few seconds before you were scolding him for following you?

I ducked my head fast and got away from his trap. If i stayed there for a few more moments i might just lose my mind . I was about to leave when grabbed my hand again and hugged me from behind .
" I came all the way to here for you and you won't even talk to me . What do i do now? " his words hit me like an arrow.  He came for me?  I liked it to be honest. I liked the way his body felt on mine. The way it felt familiar.  But i can't just let my self fall for a crazy stranger who can disappear any time without even knowing him. 
" just tell one thing. How and why did you disappear last night?  "This was all i could muster to ignore the sensation in my body after coming in contact with his. 
He just sighed and pushed me away and turned me to face him.
" I would tell you everything but you wouldn't believe it so soon, so please wait till the time comes .can you do that much for me please? " he said with sad eyes. I didn't know why i said it but  "okay" was all i could say.

Tae's PoV:

I quickly ran towards the bathroom to check where Jimin went. He wouldn't miss even a minute of class unless something was wrong. I was about to burst the door open when i heard someone talking inside i peeked from the ajar door to find Jimin pinned to the wall by this new kid. Jimin was staring at the his face and his expression was something I've never seen on his face before. Looking at it's intensity made me look away and turn back to where i came from.  I was burning with jealousy . I always wanted to be the reason of that look on his face, i wanted him to look at me the way he looked at Jungkook.

But they didn't even talk to each other in class so why were these both standing so close. Did they already know each other?  But i knew all about every friend Jimin had. Was he keeping secrets from me now?  That is the worst thing he could do to me,  we have shared everything since childhood ,be it memories, things or secrets. 
All these thoughts just depressed me so i decided to skip the school.
I just left without my bag knowing that Jimin will bring it later for me. I left the school and wandered away not knowing where to go.

A. PoV :

When jimin and jungkook reached the class Tae wasn't there. Jimin frowned at the empty seat, Tae's bag was still there.  Where did he go?  Before he could think of anything Jungkook sat down next to him.
Jimin felt happy at that but also guilty for feeling this way ,it felt like cheating on Tae.

On the other hand Tae just kept wandering around in the city not knowing where to go. All he could think of was;  Jimin and the way he looked at Jungkook,  the way they were standing so close to each other. Maybe its just a misunderstanding. Jimin is my best friend he would have told ne is there was something between him and Jungkook.  He alwys wanted to keep Jimin all for himself but was never able confess that how much his mochi meant for him.  Whatever it is I'll clear it today.

During lunchtime in cafeteria when everyone gathered at their usual table Jimin introduced Jungkook to his group. And their was a new girl with the seniors whom thry introduced as Lee Eun. 
"She's pretty isn't she? " Yoongi said
Everyone stared open mouthed at him because it was very very much unusual of him to say such thing. Hoseok looked like he would murder the poor girl just now and here.
" where's Tae? " jin asked suddenly getting everyone's attention
" i don't know he left his bag and stuff in class and left without informing " Jimin said
" gosh!  No one knows what that alien would do " jin said worried
" don't worry baby, he'll be fine " Namjoon said pecking on Jin's cheek.  That earned few aww's and aegyos from the group. It was rare that Namjoon show affection in public. Rest of the lunch went on with everyone talking and Hoseok glaring at poor Lee Eun.  Whereas Jungkook was just staring at Jimin like he was some precious diamond which he just found.

Jimin came home later when Jungkook finally let him go with his hyungs who just raised eyebrows at the new boy being so clingy with Jimin. And what more ; Jimin was enjoying the attention. Usually he was conscious when he got too much attention but today he looked like he was used to it. Jungkook said he would meet Jimin at the bar later. When Jimin entered his room with 2 bags hanging on his shoulder Tae wasn't there. It made him worried.  He slipped out his phone and dialled Tae's number who didn't pick the call. 

Being Tae's best friend Jimin knew where he went when his Alien version came crashing down on him so he headed out. He reached there in 5 minutes. It was not very far from their place.  Usually a normal person would go to park or beach or to place like that when he was sad but Tae was different.

He always came to the old theatre building which was abandoned for many years now.  Its structure was still instact and the back entry door was broken so anyone could enter there. Tae came there whenever he felt sad he would just sit on the old stage and watch the rows and rows of seats in the darkness.  It remind him of his life like a dark room filled with rows and rows of problems. The only light he could see was the small window on the upper wall which reminded him of Jimin.  But someone was coming to shut that window down tooand Tae was going to be engulfed by the complete darkness.

"Tae? " he heared his light calling his name .
"Here. " he answered back in a broken tone and started crying .
". Hey!  Tae?  What happened?  Why are you crying ? " Jimin said in shocked voice. Tae rarely cried in front of anyone and it was shocking for jimin to see him cry like this.
Tae looked up at Jimin with teary eyes and tried to say something.
"I.  ..i lo-  love.... " his voice was muffled by sobs so Jimin couldn't make out what he said.


Am i going too slow with the story ??

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