The spring day kiss

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*Not my art * cc to the artist
I'll keep this one short so...

"What? " Jimin asked again.
"I.. Lo-love you " Tae mumbled between his sobs.
" Of course you love me and i love you too Taetae but why are you crying? " Jimin said sitting down and hugging his friend
" y.. You love me? " Tae said with shocked expression on his face.
" You're the only thing I've loved so far Tae. What else do i have in this world to love ." and with that he kissed Tae on cheek.
Tae was speechless to say anything else after what Jimin have said and done .
"Yah! You have that blank face again. Tell me why are you crying? " jimin pushed more.
" I.. I saw you with Jungkook in bathroom " Tae said with his eyes not looking at Jimin.
All blood drained out of Jimins face.
"Tae it was nothing .just forgot it okay? Now stop crying and let's go" he got up pulling Tae with him.

Jimin's PoV:

Seeing Tae in a bad mood i decided to not go for work today and spend time with him instead. I felt bad for not telling Tae about Jungkook ,we never kept secret from each other. But this was too complicated to tell anyone.
We decide to go and watch a superhero movie . Me and Tae both loved them . After some time Tae came back to his normal self.

In the interval i went to bathroom leaving Tae in the theatre. I entered the bathroom only to bang my head on someone's back.
"I... I'm sorry " i said without looking up ast the person who turned around.
"You should be more careful Jiminie" i jerked my head up at that. Staring down at me were again the mysterious eyes i was trying to avoid.
"What the fuck are you doing here ?" I asked really annoyed and shocked. Why does he have to follow me everywhere.
" oh poor me! I came here amd waited for one and a half our just to see my lover getting annoyed at me. " Lover? This kid surely is crazy. What the hell is he talking about .
" How did you know m here? "
" My heart knows where you are and keeps pulling me to you " he winked showing his bunny smile. Oh god how can he be so annoying and cute at the same time i was mad at him but also i was melting for him. I lowkey liked him being here. I liked knowing someone was here just because he wanted to see me. Besides i wasn't unaffected by his charms ( no one is don't you think?)
" you-" before i could complete my sentence he pushed me against the wall and captured my lips with his .

Jungkook's PoV :

As soon as my lips met his plum pink lips all the years i spent without him came crashing down on me. In that moment i realised how much i craved this moment. He tasted like spring day , sweet and Jimin. My Jimin.I deepened the kiss and he kissed me back with equal passion. I sucked on his lower lip making him moan which gave me the chance to enter my tongue in his mouth exploring every crook and corner of it.

Finally we pulled apart to breath. Both of us were breathing hard. I looked down to find his cheek as red as apples and eyes looking down at the floor . He was panting slowly. I put my index finger on his chin and made him look up.
" Do you remember something ?" I asked. ( such a romantic thing to ask after a kiss. Comeon kookie)
" Y- yes i remember I've done this before with you but i don't understand when and where. This doesn't make sense we've never met before " he looked at me with very confused face.
" for now i can tell you this. On a spring day we were sitting in the meadow when you started making cute faces. I grabbed you but you ran out of my embrace . I chased you and trapped you against the tree. That's when our first kiss happened. " i said remembering the most beautiful day of my life .
" what are you talking about? I've never been to any meadow on any spring day. " Jimin said
" Jiminie don't think too much okay? I promised I'll tell you everything slowly. I just don't want to crush you with all information at once. "
" but i want to know who you are and why i feel the way i feel with you" He whined
" for your first question I'm your prince charming and as for the latter no one is unaffected by my charms " I said showing my signature smile.
" Gosh! This obnoxious man" he mumbled . I just kept staring at the cuteness.


" Park Jimin would you go out with me " Jungkook said grabbing Jimin by his waist.
" wh- what? " Jimin looked at him with his eyes wide open.
" pleeeeaase " Kookie whined making a puppy face making Jimin melt.
" Such a romantic place to ask someone out .duh! " jimin said waving his hand at tge bathroom
" is that a yes? " Jungkook asked with shining eyes.
Jimin just blushed nodded. Excited jungkook pulled his into another kiss. This time more passionate and romantic.

Tae's PoV :

When the movie started again i was so focused that i didn't realize Jimin missing until he came back.
" Hey! What took you so long " i asked
" Umm.. Sick stomach. " he said
I noticed his cheeks were flushed and he was panting slightly.
" are you okay? Do you want us to leave? " i asked with concern.
" No Tae I'm fine don't worry " He smiled at me . I knew that smile too well. It was for the times when he was hiding something but i didn't push him. If he is hiding something there must be a reason ,i trust him.
" okay" i said and we started watching the movie again.

Sorry for the worat kissing scene you've ever read. Pleasw don't hate me for it. And yws thank you so much for 50+ views. 😍😍😍

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