Ave atque vale.

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I apologize for what I'm about to put you through  😖😖😖

A. PoV :

Jimin ran towrds the ICU . There were tears running down his face, he didn't even look back to apologize when he hit people in his way.

When he reached the ICU a guy around his age was sitting with his head hanging low and there was so much blood in his hands and uniform it made Jimin scared and nauseous. 

The guy looked at Jimin.
" Are you Park Jimin? "
" I'm Byun Baekhyun, i was the one who called you. "
"H-how is he? " Jimin asked between his sobs.
" The doctors are still there with him. He was injured badly. " he said in low voice like it hurt him badly to say this.
Jimin sat down next to Baekhyun still crying.
"Thank you for bringing him here" Jimin said without looking up at the other boy.

" I was with him for a few hours but i was about to leave when i saw him walking out of the park and crossing the road without looking around .  I'm so sorry i couldn't stop him before the car hit him" the boy said.

" You couldn't have known the car is going to hit him. It's all my fault i should have noticed him missing earlier. " more tears started running down his face with this.
Before the other could say anything Doctor cane out of the room.

" Doctor how is he?  Can i see him?  " Jimin said in hurry.

At first the doctor looked hesitantly at the boys but then said " I'm sorry.  Your friends injuries were very serious .  He had lots of internal bleeding and his vital organs were damaged badly . We tried our best but I'm sorry my dear. " with that doctor patted Jimins shoulder and walked away.

Jimin stood there frozen, processing what the doctor just said.  It can't be true, i know my Tae would never leave me alone. He wouldn't. 
Jimin ran inside the room and rushed to the bed where a nurse was covering his body. 
" Don't touch him! Get away from him! " he yelled at her

"Tae ! Tae get up .I'm here.  Lets go home. Yah!  Stop it already. I know you're playing some trick"
He shouted shaking Tae's body.
" Ms.  Ask him to wake up please. Now he's really scaring me.  Tae please stop it now! " Jimin said breaking down completely.
" Jimin , he isn't coming back please understand. He's gone. " a voice said behind him.

"No! No! No!  He can't.  He didn't even say goodbye. He can't just leave like that.  Come back now you idiot !" Jimin kept muttering .
" Jim- " Baekhyun was cut of bye Jimin shouting again.

" Taetae tell me is it about the Jungkook thing?  Are you punishing me for not telling you earlier. Please come back I'll never keep any secret from you again, please Tae. You can't take away my only family please" but there was no response. He kept begging his friend to come back but he wasn't coming back now. He was long gone.

After crying for some time he got up and cupped Tae's face with his hands. 
"Tae,  why did you do this to me? " he asked looking at innocent lifeless face.
" Jimin ,Tae left this for you" Jimin turned back to find Baekhyun still standing there with Tae's phone in his hand and there was an audio file that he was showing  .
"He wanted you to hear it.  I'll get going now " he said his voice cracking at the end.  He rushed out of the room.

Jimin kept crying hugging his friend and muttering apologies.

Jungkook's PoV:

I've been waiting for Jimin for 2 hours now. He isn't answering his phone and there's no sign of him around.  So decided to go to his home and check.

When i reached the house i saw Hoseok and Yoongi running out of the house.  I quickly approached them.

"Hyung!  Have you seen Jimin ? Why are you in such hurry? "
" Jimin is in hospital he left a voice mail two hours ago saying Tae had an accident. I just cheked my phone and saw it. Come on get in the car."
I was shocked by the news, we quickly got into the car and Yoongi drove towards the hospital.

When we reached the room where Tae was I saw a crowd of nurses standing there.  When i made my way in, my heart broke into pieces looking at the scene.

Jimin was hugging Tae tightly and muttering sorry continuously. Tears were  running like river down his cheeks.

" Jimin!  Jimin ,what happened?  Why Tae is still unconscious? " Hoseok asked going near to Jimin,  who didn't even recognize the voice.

" sir.  He passed an hour ago but his friend won't let us touch him.  We need to take the body away. " one of the nurses said.

He passed? What does she mean he passed?  He can't die just like this.

A. PoV

Yoongi and Hoseok both looked at each other.  Both of them had tears in their eyes.  They couldn't believe their friend was gone.  Yoongi went near Jimin and tried to talk to him but the younger one just kept muttering apologies.

Jungkook went near Jimin and put his hand on the elders shoulders. 
"Jimin,  he's gone leave him now!  You're hurting yourself. " his said slowly fighting back his tears.

Jumin finally looked up  at Jungkook with puffy red eyes.
"Kookie please tell him I'm sorry and come back" he said in pleading tone.  It broke youngers heart to see him in such situation.  He wanted to strangle himself for doing this to them.

This is all my fault after all.

After some time and some effort of his friends Jimin left Taes body alone and the nurses toom him away.  Jimin kept sobbing into Jungkooks chest on the way to home.

Jungkook tucked Jimin in bed and kept sitting by his side while the other cried himself to sleep.




I'm so sorry  😖😖😖


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