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3 Years later

Jimin's PoV :

I'm  going to interview for My first Job today. I moved to America after finishing my school. Seol was full of memories that haunted me every moment of my life so i left it behind. I left my home , my friends and my everything there for a new start. Not that i made any progress in that case.  I still live alone and never dared to date anyone after what happened. I have some people which i can't call friends but whom i can socialize with sometimes but that's all i have now. 

As i walk down the street thinking about the interview,  to be honest i felt a little nervous . I really need this job for my expenses and also the company has a good reputation so it would be good if i work there. It was 10 mins walk from my house so when i reach there , i approach the receptionists.

" Hi I'm Park Jimin.  I have an interview today" i said with a smile.
"Please wait a minute sir I'll check your appointment " the receptionist said.

So i waited for a few seconds before she guides me to a glass cabin which was fully covered with curtains. The interview was for the post of PA of the managing director so i would have to give the interview to the MD only i guessed.( i don't know shit about interviews guys so pardon my babbling) I thanked the receptionist as she turned around and i knocked the cabin door.

"Come in " came a voice which sounded oddly familiar. Why?  I found out the reason as soon as i entered the room i was met with the familiar face of none other than Jeon Jungkook.  The person who I've been trying hard to get out of my mind from last 3 years.

I was too shocked to say anything. I just stood their frozen staring at the face which was making my heart flutter even after all these years . Didn't i tell myself everyday how much i hated this man. Then what is this?   Now i just wanted to turn around and go back to where i came from but before i could move he spoke.

"Hi Jimin " Jungkook said with a smile.
" H-how? " was all i could spill.
" Please have a seat " he said dodging my question. I hesitantly sat down.
" You still look beautiful Jimin " what?  How he can he say this so casually after what happened to us. After what he did to me and after he just disappeared.

" I'm here to give an interview for the job so if you don't mind can we proceed ,sir " i put emphasis on the last word. A hurt expression crossed his face but he recovered quickly.
" Alright. Let us get started then. ". And with that he started asking questions and after 20 minutes or something he suddenly said
" You're hired,  you'll get your appointment letter soon" he looked more than happy saying this.

" I might reconsider my decision of working with you" i don't know why i said this. Maybe i didn't want to see him everyday that's hardly a good choice when you're trying to forget someone.

But if i be honest with myself i did miss him and alot if i add.  I forgave him long ago for what he did. Partially what happened to Taehyung was my fault also and i did believe that Jungkook loved me but everything was too messed up that i didn't ever consider getting Jungkook back.

But now there he was sitting in front of me appearing out of nowhere like he always did. And all i could think about was whether i should run away and never come back again or i should just ket of past and make a fresh start with him.  Gosh Jimin what's wrong with you you don't even know if he's still single . I mentally smacked myself and started to get up. I was about to open the door when he spoke  .

" Jimin would you like to grab coffee with me before you leave? " i had a mental war before i nodded without turning back. Well a cup of coffee can't hurt. Can it?

Week later

I'm  going on a date with Jungkook today. Yes you heard it right or read it right whatever.  I finally decided that i can't hold onto past forever and if someone really makes your heart flutter then what's the harm in just accepting it. 

I still regret losing my best friend and my only family i knew. I still miss him like hell but it took me so long to understand his last wish.  He wanted me to be happy and not regret what happened 3 years ago. My Tae was an angel and I'm sure he must be doing his strange alien dance watching me happily go on my date from whichever heaven he is residing in now.

I smile to myself at the thought as i walk towards Jungkook and put my hand in his hand smiling up at him. He pulls me closer and puts his lips on mine.

Love can vary it's shade from person to person and time to time but each one of them is equally precious.


Hah i was just kidding abt sad ending shit. 😂😂

Okay first of all thank you very very much for reading the shit i spread on these pages 💜 whoever is reading this, I love you pal.

And i might write another story and a better one this time i promise. Please support me in future as well.
Again thank you very much for reading  😍😘😘😘😘😘

Varying Shades Of Love -Vminkook/ Jikook / Vmin  ✔Where stories live. Discover now