The new kid

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Jungkook's PoV :
Yes! I found him. It's him. But god why you did this to me ,now i know its him but he won't remember me. Why it have to be this way? Why can't he remember me the way i remember him. And i can't tell him ,he would not believe me. What do i do now?
These thoughts kept running in my mind. As i walked away from my Jimin. I don't want to leave him at all but i can't stay with him either ,I'm nobody to him . And i need to think which is impossible around him. When he's around he's the only thing i can think about . Then i got this idea and turned around.

TAE's PoV :

It started raining outside so I thought i should pick Jimin on my way. As I reached the bar i saw him coming out . He gave his signature crescent eyes smile as soon as he saw me. Gosh! How much i loved that smile.
"Ah! Thank god you're here i thought I'll go home soaked ."
" let's go Jiminie" i said with a smile .

A. P. O. V. :

When Tae and Jimin reached their house their hyungs were already asleep so they ate their dinner ,talking in hushed tones.

" ugh! you eat like pig . Slow down ." Jimin scowled at his best friend
" i eat like man ,kido "
" Hey! I was born before you so call me hyung ,you disrespectful toad "
" Toad? You just called me ugly? You have no idea how many girls and boys sleep dreaming about me every night" Tae stared in disbelief
" yeah dreaming about Tae trailing behind his best friend who makes them drool" jimin winks
" Aish! You audacious bastard " Tae said laughing . He loved these moments together this is the way they've been with each other for most of their lives. He still remember the first day at their kindergarten when he was deciding about where to sit when he noticed the scared and small chubby boy sitting in corner ,looking around with his cute small eyes. And that was the moment he decided to protect this innocent soul till end .

After washing the dishesh they made their way to the bedroom Tae fell asleep as soon as he hit his bed. He got easily tired because of their tight schedule from home to school to work .

Jimin was about to lay down when from the corner of his eyes he noticed there was someone standing outside their house . He peeked out of the window and instantly knew who it was. He ran out fast his heart beating like a hummingbird.

Jungkook was ready to leave when he heard footsteps behind him and turned to look at the face he longed to see.
"What are you doing here?" jimin asked in disbelief
" I was just passing by, i didn't know its your house"
" you're a terrible liar " jimin grinned at the stranger.
" Walk with me? " Jungkook asked
"Really? You ask an almost stranger in the middle of the night to walk with you. You can be a psycho murder for all i know " Jimin said with an elevated eyebrow . It earned a chuckle from Jungkook.
" you haven't changed at all " he said. Jimin looked confused and raised a questioning eye brow.
" you talk like we have met before "
" well we have " Jungkook winked and in a fast motion pulled wide eyed jimin into a hug.

" I missed you so much for so long " jungkook mumbled on Jimin's shoulder . Jimin was so confused anf frozen to do anything but just stand there. He savored a warmth of this stranger and wandered how this hug seemed very familiar. For a moment he wished they would stand like this forever but then mentaly smacked himself for thinking this .He pushed the stranger away from him.
"Wh- what the hell do think you're doing? You're crazy. And why would you miss me? I barely know you. You're no one. ". Jimin spat.
That hit Jungkook like a rock and he couldn't control his tears so he just disappeared.
Disappeared!! Just like that leaving Jimin staring open mouthed at the place where he was standing a moment before. He was so shocked to move. How can someone disappear into thin air? Just like that ! Slowly he moved inside thinking what just happened. And stayed up thinkinga about it. 'Maybe Im just imagining things. He can be a ghost. (Aish! Such stupid idea). He can be a murderer planning to kidnap me. (Murderers don't go around hugging people, you idiot .) Then he might be some tv show host pulling a prank they do it all the tine. (Ugh! You ain't a celebrity for whom a tv show will come back 3 times')
this fight kept running in his mind till the sunlight kissed lightly on his cheeks. He got up sadly to get ready for school .

" yoongi hyung! You look like a zombie but atleast they keep their eyes open when walking " Hoseok said looking at Yoongi who was walking with half closed eyes with his bag hanging on his shoulder.
" My brain is too fine to be compared to a zombie kido"
"Hey! Look at Namjin hyungs. They're finally together? " Jimin yelled looking at the couple who were walking towards them, hand in hand.
" they've been together since beginning Jiminie . It's just they're showing it in public now " Tae said. He knew both of them from last 5 years and he worked with them in the same cafe. He knew the were together but they kept it secret till now. He adored them . They were goals . He secretly wished Jimin and him were like that.

They kept walking toward, their class with Hoseok continuously teasing Namjin.
4 of the hyungs were Tae and Jimins seniors. So they both made their way together after leaving thier hyungs.

Tae and Jimin always sat together since childhood. It was a habit now just like breathing. They were used to being around and when they weren't around it felt like some part of their body was missing.

The teacher entered the class with a new student but Jinin didn't notice he was too busy in talking to Tae.
"Morning everyone. We have a new student today. He transferred recently. Introduce yourself " teacher said to the kid.

" hello every one. I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'll be you classmate from today " Jimin's head snapped up at that. The new guy was exactly the same one he saw disappear yesterday. And what more, his eyes were glued at Jimin. How is this possible? Everyone can see him . He is real. But how did he disappear then? Jimin was totally confused now.

The new kid just came and sat on the seat behind Tae and Jungkook. Tae immediately started talking to him. He was always like this. The social butterfly, talking to anyone and anytime. But jimin was still lost of words and thoughts the questions running in his mind made him go numb .


Ummm. Thank you for reading i guess. 😬

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