Negligence (II)

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I rise up from the bench, passing by the four others left inside the small room, motivated in anxiety as I head towards the door, feeling overwhelmingly nervous for what is to come. There were ten of us when I had just arrived and now the time has come for I to be interviewed.

The invisible air-like wall closes from behind me amidst the dropping chatter, making the interview even more intimidating. The darkness from the end of the eerie hall brightens up quickly upon setting foot inside. After a few feet of walking, I reach a single door that exists at the edge of the grey-green colored hall. The woman opens the door before gesturing for I to enter inside.

Once in, I find the intense white light blinding my eyesight, causing me to see stars for a few seconds before adjusting to the bright white light. I quickly notice that the whole room not only runs on white light but also matches the grey-green color outside. A woman in yellow and white looks up at me from her chair behind a large square metal table that stands right in front of me.

"Please sit down Mr. Wespedez," says the dark tan skinned woman. As I sit, the woman tilts her glasses slightly before commencing.

"Thank you for coming, my name is Ms. Tihspid-Asixela or Ms. T.A. for short. Hello, nice to meet you," says the woman as she strongly shakes my hand.

"Hello," I say back, still set a bit back in behavior due to the slight confusion caused by the bright white lights.

"To start, I need you to know that this interview is a one-on-one meeting. I will ask you a series of questions regarding your background before informing you of what is to come from Kurakaine Training. Once I know you are ready, I will have you sign the contract upon confirmation of your passing this interview. And in order to help you get comfortable regarding your interview, please, tell me a bit about yourself."

The woman brings out a small black box from under her. The box itself contains a clear glass cover at its roof, a bit unlike what I expected to have the box appear as. The woman now grabs my wrist and holds it, reaching for my thumb to move it toward the small box. The roof of the box lights up in red as it scans my thumb.

"Now tell me, why do you want to pursue Kurakain Military Training? What have you overcome that makes you qualified to train to become a Kurakaine?"

"Well, I uh-" but before I completely begin, she interrupts my speaking to insert a few words into the conversation.

"-By the way, do not worry about anyone overhearing our conversation. Remember, you are safe here and everything held within this room is confidential. I am here to be your friend and I will make sure your privacy is held to the highest regard, you have my assurance. Excuse me, sorry. Please begin," the woman says before looking straight into my eyes, waiting on I to create a response.

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