Chapter 14

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Nash's POV

I didn't care if Kaityln said Nicole didn't want to talk to me, I was going to knock on her door. *Knock knock* "Nicole?" I said opening the door. "I don't want to talk to you Nash, leave me alone." her voice sounding weak. "Baby, please, we need to talk. I need to explain." I went over to her bed and sat down next to her. "Fine, you have 3 minutes" Nicole said turning her head over to me. Her eyes were all red and bloodshot and her mascara was running. But she still looked beautiful. After I explained to her what had happened, she looked at me directly in the eyes. She started to tear up more, so I just hugged her. I'm so confused right now, is she still mad or does she forgive me? But she didn't pull back from the hug, so maybe that's a yes?

Nicole's POV

I believed Nash a little more after he told me what had happened, but I still wasn't sure. Yes, I really like Nash, but I feel like we rushed things. We have been friends for like forever and I don't want to ruin our friendship. "Nicole, do you forgive me?" nash said pulling away from our hug. "I do Nash, but I don't know if we can date... at least not right now." I spoke quietly. "What do you mean Nicole?" he said getting up, and got tensed. "Nash, I just don't want to ruin our friendship and I think we are rushing things right now. We have the whole summer." "But Ni-" I cut him off saying, "I want to be alone to think right now Nash, I forgive you, but that doesn't mean we're back together..." He left the room and once at the door looked at me and I saw a tear slip from his eye and fall to the floor. I hated seeing him like that, but I think it's for the best that we remian being friends.


The next morning I woke up and I was spread out on my bed like a starfish. Gosh, I never sleep like this unless I am tired or sad. I got up and went over to the shower because I never took one last night, so I felt so dirty from Disney. I went over to the mirror and took a long look at myself. I had mascara dried on my tan cheeks and I looked tired. I took off my pj's and grabbed my phone, put it next to the shower and played my favorite song, Latch

Once I was done, I put on some denim shorts and a tank top that had a cross on it and did my hair. I blow dried it and put it in a side braid because I was too lazy to do anything to it. I did my normal makeup routine, a natural look. I grabbed my phone and headed down the stairs into the kitchen. No one was awake yet so I was trying to be quiet. I put my waffle in the toster and turned on the TV. I just decided to put on the local news. *pop* I went over to get my waffle when I heard steps come down the stairs. It was a girl who I've never seen before. "Uhh, who are you?" I said with a strange look. "Oh, sorry, my name is Madison. Taylor and I are kinda... well, friends I guess." she said looking into space when she said the last part. "Oh okay, my names Nicole. And are you sure you're just friends with Taylor?" I asked winking. She just rolled her eyes.

We started talking for a while and she seemed really nice. I really think we could end up being really good friends. When she was asking me about Nash, I told her everything. She nodded and when we finished eating I was about to go outside but instead heard something on the TV that caught my eye. 

"Young internet sensation, Nash Grier, was in a car accident last night, and is severly injured."

I ran over to the TV and just stood their looking at it. I ran up to Nash's room and he wasn't there. I ran into Cam's room and started shaking him. "NASH GOT IN A CAR ACCIDENT" I yelled. "What are you talking about Nicole?" he asked wide eyed. "We have to go to the hospital, NOW!" We both got our shoes and ran out of the house and raced over to the hospital. If I just forgave Nash, he wouldn't have been mad and we would have been together last night. This is all my fault. 


Author's Note:

What do you think will happen? Also, if you have any things that you think I should do, just comment! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THE 1K READS! I love you all SOO much!

-Lolo 💕

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