Chapter 16

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Authors Note: So I don't really want to do a couple chapters just them in the hospital, so I'm going to fast forward a couple of weeks. Thanks :)

Nicole's POV

Nash is finally ready to come home. The past few weeks have been miserable. I barely saw Nash because the doctors we're jerks and didn't let us go in that much. Cam and I have been staying nights here and Kaitlyn and the rest of the guys would come over and bring us clothes and good food because the food here sucked.

I was heading over to Nash's room with Cam and I saw a slight smile come on his face. "I'm happy he's coming home." Cam said. "Yeah, me too. I was seriously so nervous that he wouldn't make it. Now I realize how fast things can change." I said walking into the room.

"Ready to go home?" I asked, sitting next to him.

"More than ready." he said kissing my nose, which made my face scrunch up. He started at my nose, then started giving me small, but passionate kisses all over my face. "Ummm, I'm right here guys..." Cam said awkwardly. We started laughing and with that, we were on our way out of this place. Cam drove home and I sat in the backseat.

It only took us like 10 minutes to get home and once we pulled in we saw a hug sign on the garage that read, "WELCOME HOME NASHHH!"

When the car parked, I was about to get out when the door opened. "My lady." Nash said with the worst English accent and with the goofiest smile.

"Why thank you." I said in the worst English accent ever.

We walked into the house hands tightly interwinded.


It was about 6 o'clock now and Nash and I were cuddled up in my bed watching movies. He didn't have any more broken bones, just a couple of bruises. Nash wasn't really paying attention to the movie, and neither was I. We were just enjoying the time we were spending together. "Nicole?" "Yeah?" I asked meeting his bright blue eyes. "Thank you so much for staying at the hospital with me for the past couple of weeks. It really means a lot to me." He said sounding like he was about to cry.

"I'd do it again for you. I'd do anything for you Nash." I got lost into his eyes and before I knew it, he grabbed my chin and leant down to my lips. Man, I missed those lips. We sat upward so I was straddling him with my legs around his torso. I reached my hands into his soft hair and made a fist and tugged slightly. A little groan came from his mouth which turned me on even more. His tongue was asking for entrance, but I denied it. He pulled away. "Come on Nicole, no one likes a tease." I smirked and bit my bottom lip. "You wanna play that game, huh?" he said smashing his lips against mine. His tongue went through my mouth and he stopped and went to my neck. He started sucking on the skin, finding my sweet spot. Then he blew over the skin which made shivers go through my body. He pulled away and I was speechless.

I've never seen Nash like that before, but, I liked it. I knew my feelings for Nash completely changed. I actually think I'm in love with him. NONO Nicole, you can't say that. You guys aren't even officaly dating right now, at least I think.....


Author's Note:

I know, I know, it's a short chapter and I haven't updated in a while, but I'm really busy. I'm really sorry, but I'll update monday or tuesday! Love you all SOOO much!

-Lolo :)

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