Chapter 22

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Nichole's POV

I woke up in a place I didn't recognize. The walls were gray and rusty. Where the heck am I, I thought. Oh no, where's Julia?!

"JULIA!" I screamed.

"Shutup Nichole." A familiar voice yelled back at me. She approached me. All I could see were her peircing black eyes coming closer to my face. I could smell alcohol and cigarettes. The light turned on and I could see who it was. Fallon.

"You're going to listen up very closely Nichole, I mean if you want to see Nash and Julia again." she smirked.

"What do you want this time bitch." I spat at her.

"Now, now, I wouldn't take that type of tone with me if I were you, because if you do something stupid, everyone you love is going to die." 

"Just let me go! I've never done anything to you, why are you trying to destroy everything I have?"

"Because you took the one thing that I always wanted." Her eyes looked like the devils. "You took Nash from me."

"I never took Nash from you, it's not my fault if he loves me and not you. I mean who would love a bitch like you?" I spat at her.

"Carl! Come over here!" she yelled back into the darkness. A figure appeared and he was the guy Julia and I saw at the mall. "Slap her." she comanded to him. 

He slapped across my face multiple times. It stung like no other feeling. Since my skin is sensitive, I felt my face redden. That's going to leave a bruise or two.

"Listen up bitch, what you are going to do is break up with Nash. You are going to ignore him and set him up with me. You are going to kick him out of your house and never talk to him again. If you don't do exactly what I say I'm going to kill Julia." A light lit up in the corner of the room. Julia was sitting on a chair in a cage-like thing. This is all my fault. She had cuts, bruises, and blood all over her body.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to break up with Nash and never talk to him again. And how would I even break up with him if I'm stuck in here?"

"Carl punch the girl." she pointed to Julia. I couldn't watch. Her body falling to the floor as he knocked the wind out of her. 

"YOUR A BITCH FALLON!! JULIA!!" I screamed trying to get loose from the chair.

"So, you going to break up with Nash now?" she was now in my face.

"Fine." I gritted my teeth as a tear escaped my eye.

I don't know what to do. I don't want Julia to die, so I guess I'll have to go along with her plan until I find out something else to do. But if I do go along with her plan I could be putting Nash in danger. 

"Good girl." she backed up. "You're going to call Nash and break up with him. If you say anything else Julia will be hurt even more than she already is. Got it?" 

Fallon gave me a phone and dialed Nash's number. She gave me notecards to read off of. After what felt like forever he answered the phone.


Nash: Hello?

Me: Hey Nash.

Nash: Nichole? Where are you? 

Me: Julia and I just took a drive along the coast so we are at a hotel right now. I need to talk to you about something important. 

Nash: Oh okay, just let me know what your doing and what is it?

Me: We need to break up. Bye Nash.


My voice was crackling by the end of the conversation. After I said that we need to break up, Fallon made me hang up the phone. Nash's voice sounded very concerned too.

"Good job. I'm surprised you actually did that." she smirked. "Carl, make sure they don't go anywhere. Do whatever you want to them." And with that she left. Where the hell is she going, and what does she mean by "Carl do whatever yoou want to them." Now I'm getting really scared. I don't want to get raped or something.

Carl approached me and got really close to me. This was getting really uncomfortable. His breath smelled like liquor. His mouth went to my ear and he whisphered, "You are going to regret everything you have taken away from Fallon." 

And then he left the room.


Author's Note:

I'M SOOOOOOOOOO x1,000,000,000 SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE IN LIKE 3 OR SO WEEKS. I've been really busy, lazy, and I just got back from vacation. I will try to update again Thursday or some other time this week. I'm not sure whether I should continue this story or not. I have some more ideas, but idk. Life has just been really over whelming lately and I'm really stressed and just confused. Knowing you guys like this book literally makes my day. Reading your positive comments make me smile and laugh, and make me want to do more. Anyway, vote this chapter if you want me to continue this story. Also if you want, follow my fan account on twitter @pinenashtle Thank you guys so much for the 8k reads<3 Love you guys! 


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