Chapter 19

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Austin's POV

Being on tour is really fun, but it can get stressful. So, I decided to go walk along the beach. While I was walking, I noticed a person laying down on the sand. I couldn't really see that well, but it looked like a girl. I decided to go over and talk to her. 

"Are you okay?" I said getting close to her. Her eyes opened and a smile appeared on her face. Shoot, she's probably a fan, and now she's going to go all fangirl on me. She just nodded. "I'm Austin Mahone, but I think you already know that." I laughed. "Yeah, I'm a big fan of your music. Oh, and by the way, my names Kaitlyn." She smiled and reached out to shake my hand.

"Were you crying?" I asked looking at the dry mascara down her cheeks. Whoever hurt her is a real jerk. She was too beautiful to be crying. "Oh, umm, I kinda got in a fight with my... boy...friend." She questioned the last part. I knew a girl like her would have a boyfriend. Looks like my chances with her are gone. "Well, whatever he did, it's not okay. A girl as pretty as you should not be wasting her tears." I said looking into her greenish brown eyes. "Thanks, that means a lot." She said looking at my eyes. She was beautiful. Did I say that already?

"You wanna go for a walk?" I asked reaching my hand out to pull her up. She gladly took it and we walked down the beach. We started talking about absouletely anything and everything, and it was amazing. I know I just met this girl, but I think I'm starting to like her. Just as I was going to say something else, her phone buzzed. "Umm, I better go, my friend said to come back to the house." 

"Okay, well, talk to you another time? Do you think I could get your number?" I asked a little scared.

"Yeah! Here." She said grabbing my phone and putting her contact information in. Then she took a selfie of us together and put it as her contact. "Send me that." She smiled, and she handed me her phone so I could put it in my information as well.

Nash's POV

I was really confused on what was going on with Kaitlyn and Cam, but I decided to stay out of it. But, I thought Kaitlyn was making a big deal out of this. I mean it's basically saying that Cam can't talk to any girls. But, I guess since it was Fallon, I see why she got mad. She loves Cam and I know she doesn't want to lose him to any one, espically Fallon.

It was like eleven thirty now, and Nicole and I were cuddled up in our bed watching a movie. "Hey, Nicole?" I asked playing with her soft hair.

"Yeah?" She smiled, looking at me in the eyes.

"Do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" 

"I'd love too." She leaned in, and gave me a kiss. I gratefully kissed back and she pulled up so she was sitting on my lap. After a couple seconds, we stopped and I pulled her out to the balcanoy in our room. The roof was easy to climb on, so we lied down on it, next to eachother, looking at the stars. How can life get any better? Little did I know, what was coming my way.

Matt's POV

Mia and I got closer and closer by the day. I think I was starting to like her. She was so pretty the way she laughed, smiled, and everything about her was perfect. We are both down in the movie room, just talking. I really want to get the nerve to ask her out. I think I'm going to do it.

"Mia?" I asked grabbing her hands and rubbing my thumbs over her knuckles. "Yeah?" She asked smiling.

"Do you want to go out on a date tomorrow night with me?" I nervously asked. "Yessss!"

We continued talking, then put in a movie. She fell as sleep a couple minutes into the movie. I thought it would be romantic to bring her up into her room, so that's what I did. While I passed the living room, I saw Jack J and his girlfriend Angie, and Carter and his girlfriend Valerie, sleeping. Valerie's head fit perfectly in carters crook of his neck. Angie's head was on Jacks chest, and he had a smile on his face.

I laid Mia on her bed and tucked her in. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before I walked out. I went into my room, put a t-shirt on and some boxers. I couldn't go to be just yet. I was too happy. So, I went on twitter. I followed and tweeted some fans, and it made me feel good inside to see that when I did such little things like following them or tweeting them it makes their day.

Nicole's POV

It was about 5 o'clock now and Nash and I's date was at 7, so it was probably a good time to get ready. Nash said to dress fancy, like a longish dress. I went into my bathroom and undressed and hopped in the shower. Once I was done, I sat infront of my mirror. For my hair, I decided on doing a milkmaid braid sort of thing. Then, I chose a royal blue dress with a sparkly strap that went around the top. I did my makeup, then checked my phone. It was 6:40. Perfect timing. 

Nash came in my room a few minutes later. "Ready?" He smiled. "You look beautiful Nicole." He said as we walked to his car and he opened the door for me and jogged around to the other side. "You don't look bad yourself." I attempted to wink, but failed. Nash was wearing a suit and looked so hot. I love seeing guys dress up, especially Nash. 

Once we got there, the waiter walked us over to our table. He ordered our drinks and left. "I don't know what to get. Everything looks so good!" I said flipping through the menu. "Get whatever you want. I think, humm, I think I'm going to get a pasta." Nash addressed. "Oooo! I think I'll get a spaghetti and meatballs. Those are my favorite! Ahhh, they're so good!" I decided. Nash just chuckled.


After dinner, Nash and I went on a walk through downtown. It was so pretty seeing everything lit up and all. This life was perfect and I was so lucky to be living it. As the downtown ended, it led onto the beach. I took off my heels and ran into the soft sand. Nash followed and I looked into the ocean. He put his arms around my waist and then spun me around so his breath was right on my face. It made chills go all over my body. "Nicole, will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?" Nash asked eyes never leaving mine. 

I know I have been off and on with Nash, but I knew that I never wanted to leave his side. He gave me this feeling that I've never felt before with any other guy.

I knew what my answer was, without a thought. 


Author's Note:

I decided on making a long chapter because I don't know when I'll update next. School is almost over, so once it's out, I'll update more frequently. I dedicate this chapter to my friend Claire, she's been wanting me to do more things with Matt and Mia. Let me know who you want more of: Nash, Cam, Matt, or others? Thanks so much for the 3k reads!! I really am thankful for it. I love to read the comments, so make sure to comment :) Also, make sure to vote, it lets me know what kinds of chapter you guys like me to write. Love ya'll 

-Lolo :)

"Do more of what you love to do" -Jc Caylen

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