Chapter 17

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Nash's POV

I'm not sure if Nicole and I are dating right now. I mean she did tell me that we are over at disneyland, so I guess we're done? 

Nicole was cuddled up into my chest. Damn, she was so cute when she sleeped (not in the stalkerish way). I decided I would surprise Nicole and make her breakfast. I got up slowly and walked out of the room. When I got downstairs, no one was awake yet. I got out the pans and the pancake mix. I heard footsteps come downstairs. A girl came out from the stairs, into the kitchen. Probably one of the guys girlfriends. "Hey! I'm Lauren! Nash, right?" the girl with brown hair and greenish eyes. "Yeah! So are you dating...." I was cut off by her saying, "Jack G." I nodded my head and returned to cooking.

Everyone started coming down one by one taking the pancakes. Nicole came down with her hair in a messy bun, which I loved. I walked over to her and grabbed her waist and pulled her into a hug. "Mornin' Nicole. Made you breakfast, but everyone kinda ate it."

"Awww, thanks Nash!!" she hugged me back and pulled me outside. I followed her down to the sand and we sat. 

"Nash, I need to tell you something... well ask you something." I started getting really nervous. What if she says she doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore. "Yeah?"

"What are we? Are we dating, or what?" She asked looking at the ocean.

"I was thinking the same thing, how bout this, we take things slow, not rush them, and let our feelings for eachother grow stronger?"

"I like that." She smiled and we just sat there for like half an hour.

We went back into the house and everyone was on the couches talking and stuff. All of the guys were sitting next to a girl. "How bout the girls all go out and have a girls day and the boys hang out today." One of the girls said who was sitting next to Aaron. I think her name was Lila.

"Sounds good!" Everyone mumbled and everyone got up and got ready.

Nicole's POV

All of the girls were hanging out today and we decided to go to the mall. The boys were going somewhere, I'm not sure though. Mia, Kaitlyn, and I haven't really hung out that much so I was mostly talking to them. I seriously couldn't ask for better friends. They always believed in me and always stuck up for me when I got bulied in high school. Yes, I was bulied for doing Youtube videos and vine. I almost commited suicide, but they are the ones that kept me going, along with Nash.

All of us went into Pink and I found 3 really cute shirts, sweat pants, and a lazy jacket, even though I probably didn't even need the pants since it's summer. We continued the rest of the day by going to the nail salon. I got a light mint blue color with a flower design. On our way out of the mall. We decided to go get some food. We ended up going to Chick-fil-a, one of my favorite fast food restaurants. Everyone decided on eating outside, and Mia and I went in and ordered everyones food. When we ordered, we were waiting, when I looked over to see Cam holding a girl's hand, while sitting at a table together. They were laughing and I was in digust. What the heck? I though all the guys were out together. If Kaitlyn sees him here, she's going to be heart broken. I nudged Mia's shoulder and her mouth dropped, and was wide-eyed at him. She was about to stomp over to him and smack him, but I pulled her back. I asked her, "Do we tell Kaitlyn, or ask him first?"

"We can't let Kaitlyn go out with him, HE'S A CHEATER!" She nearly screamed. "Shhh! He'll hear you!" I didn't get a look at the girl's face but I already knew she was a bitch.

Our food was called and we got up and took it to our table. We need to make sure Kaitlyn doesn't come in here and see him. Mia and I decided that we were ask him at the house and make him confess or else we were going to tell her. It was the hardest thing to sit infront on Kaitlyn all happy and not tell her that her boyfriend is a cheater.

After we finished, before we left, Mia and I couldn't wait any longer, so we made a lie saying we needed to go to the bathroom. Good thing everyone believed it. We both stormed into the restaurant and yelled. "CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS!"  His head poked out from the booth he was sitting at. His facial expression dropped and he said worriedly, "It's not what it looks like! I swear! Please, please don't tell Kaitlyn!"

"Don't tell Kaitlyn? We aren't, you are." I snapped.

"Cam, who's Kaitlyn?" the girl with brown hair and dirt brown eyes said focusing her attention on us. I couldn't believe who was standing right in front of me. The girl I hated soo much and ruined my high school years.



Author's Note:

I thought that this story was getting really boring, so I decided to spice it up a little. Thanks for the 2K READS! I love ya'll SOOO much! Hope you are all having a great day! Remember, if you enjoy something or someone, don't listen to the people that hate at you or them. I know for me, some of my friends hate on a lot of the Magcon family, but I just have to remind myself that they made me smile and that's all that matters.

-Lolo :)

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