Chapter 15

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Nash's POV

After Nicole said that we couldn't date right now that really made me upset. I can't believe she said that. like it wasn't even my fault. Because I was really upset, I went outside and hopped in my car and started to drive. Where? That's a good question. I wasn't sure where I was going, all I knew was that I needed a deep breath. All I can remember was I was turning right onto to get on the highway when a semi-truck came out of no where and hit me. Everything went black, and that's all I remember.

Nicole's POV

Currently, Cam and I are sitting in the lobby of the hospital not knowing what is going on. When we got here, about like 4 hours ago, they told us that he is in surgery right now and we can't see him till after he's done. It was driving me crazy and I couldn't think strait. This was all my fault. I felt like shit and I probably looked like it too. "Do you think he's okay?" Cam asked looking up at me with his brown hair all over the place and eyes all bloodshot.

"I honestly have no idea Cam, but Nash is strong, I'm sure he will be alright." I said with a light smile grabbing his hand.

I let go and stared off into space when Cam interupted me thoughts. "You know he talks about you 24-7? Nicole Nicole Nicole is all he talks about. You should really think about giving him a second chance...."

Maybe Cam was right. We have been through so much together over the past years and now we are living together. Maybe I should give Nash another chance. I mean, he's a great guy and we both have feelings for eachother.

I looked over at Cam and just nodded my head yes. 

"Nicole Evans and Cameron Dallas, Nash is out of surgery and is ready for visitors, but only one at a time."

Cam and I practically sprinted to his room. "You can go in first, if you want?" Cam said and I nodded and went in.

There was my Nash, wrapped up with tape on his left leg, right arm, and a little around the top of his head. I smiled and went and sat on his bed and looked into his eyes. Those peircing blue eyes got me everytime.

"Umm, who are you?" he said curiously and my heart dropped. "...You don't remember me?" I said half crying. "No, sorry.. should I?"

He can't remeber me. I can't believe this. How does this even happen? I couldn't handle it, I was about to cry my eyes out. I stood up and walked out of the room to find Cam standing there. "About time!" He said sarcastically.

"Cam.... he, he can't remember me." I said crying into his shoulder.

"What?" he said eyes wide. "I'll go into his room to see if he remembers me, but you go get the doctor and tell him."

I nodded and went to find the doctor and told him what had happened.  He went into Nash's room and told Cam to go so he could talk to Nash for a little while. "He doesn't remember me either." He said while his tears started coming out slowly from his eyes.

After what felt like hours, the doctor came back out and sat down with us. "Nash was just in shock from his surgery and should remember things by when he wakes up tomorrow. But if not, his memory could be ruined, for who know's how long."

"Thanks doctor." Cam said trying not to cry. The doctor left and Cam and I were left there in the waiting room waiting for Nash to wake up and remember us. I got a text from Kaitlyn.

K: I'm coming over to the hospital tonight with a change a clothes for you and Cam.

Me: Okay, I'll tell you what happened to Nash when you get here.

K: Okay, stay strong hun! :*

I locked my phone and told Cam and he just nodded. I don't know what I would do with myself is Nash couldn't remember me and what we've been through. I just sat in the chair with my knees into my chest trying not to cry my eyes out. Nothing can make me more better right now. All I want is Nash and to call him mine. 


Author's Note:

Thanks so much for so many reads! Hope you liked this chapter, I'll try to update soon, I just have a lot of things going on right now. Anyway, those who have wanted to be girlfriends for some of the boys you'll be in the story soon! Just keep reading and I promise you'll be in it soon. I still need Carter and Jack J, so if no one wants them then I'll just make up names for their gfs. Remember to vote, it helps me know which types of chapters I should write. Love you guys!!!! :*

-Lolo :) 

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