Chapter 13

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Nicole's POV

"WHAT THE HELL NASH?" is the only thing that could come out of my mouth.

I thought Nash loved me. But, I guess I thought wrong. I mean, we've only dated for about 5 days or so, but how could he cheat that quick. If he didn't like me, why wouldn't he just tell me instead of kissing another girl?

"NICOLE WAIT! I CAN EXPLAIN!" Nash yelled running towards me, but I managed to hide behind a bush. I grabbed my phone out and called Kaitlyn.


Me: Kay kay?

Kaitlyn: Hey Nicole wha- WHY ARE YOU CRYING?

Me: Nash

Kaitlyn: Looks like he's goin get slapped

Me: Can we go home? I really just need to talk.

Kaitlyn: Yeah! Let me tell Cam and I'll meet you by the entrance.

Me: Thanks so much!

Kaitlyn: No problem hun

*End of convo*

I got up from behind the bush and went to the entrance gate and just pulled out my phone. I started balling even more when I unlocked my phone because it was a picture of Nash and I.

I went through twitter and saw Nash tweeted something.

Tweet: I just did the stupidest thing of my life. May have lost someone who I love more than this world :'(

Is that how he thinks he's goin get me back? Just tweeting something? I just can't believe he did that. Nash is never the type to cheat or be a player.

"NICOLE! NICOLE! LET ME EXPLAIN BABY, PLEASE!" Nash yelled running over to me, but I turned away.

"I'm not your baby anymore, we're done Nash." I stuttered to say.

"I didn't kiss her though, she came onto me..." he said quietly and tried reaching for my hand but I tugged away.

I just walked over to the gates until I saw Kaitlyn and ran over to her giving her a hug.

"Let's go home." she said as we walked out.

"What about Cam?"

"He said he's going to talk to Nash and find out what his deal is."


"I can't believe he did that. Like we just started dating!" I huffed as we got into the car.

Kaitlyn was a great listener. She always knew the right things to say, and what to do to cheer someone up. Cam was so lucky to have her.

Instead of going home, we decided to go to IN-N-OUT, aka my favorite fast food restaurant in the world! When we got there, we ordered our food/ I got a cheeseburger plain with fries and a vanilla shake and Kaitlyn ordered a hamburger with fries and a chocolate shake. When Kaitlyn and I were sat down, I told her everything that had happened.

"Wow, I just can't believe that happened!" she said amazed.

"I know! I mean, we just started dating, and he does this?" I huffed taking a bite out of my burger.

"It's okay girl! There are many other guys out there!"

"You're right! Forget Nash! I really don't want to have a heart broken, this is supposed to be a great summer!"

"But we're kinda living with him..."

"I never said I wansn't going to stop being friends with him, I just said I'm not going to date him."

Kaitlyn just nodded and we continued to eat out meal.

Cam's POV

I was really surprised when Kaitlyn told me what had happened. Nash is such a nice guy and he never is a cheater or never has done anything like that in his life to a girl.

"Yo, Nash!" I yelled aproaching him. He was just sitting on the brick wall right infront of the Mickey Mouse painted on the grass. I could hear that he was crying and he had his head in his hands, looking down.

"I don't wanna talk now Cam, please leave."

"It's okay bud. I know you couldn't have done something like that." I said patting his back, sitting down next to him.

"She wouldn't even listen though! She doesn't understand how much I... how much I.... I love her... and now, I lost her." he sobbed softly.

"Just give her some time, she'll come around."

"But what if she doesn't?"

I didn't answer because I didn't know what to say. We are all living together so she has to at least talk to him, but I didn't want to say she'll come back, because honestly, I wasn't sure myself.

Nash and I got up and went and found all the others and went back home.

Once we had arrived, Kaitlyn was on the couch watching TV.

"Where's Nicole?" Nash asked with his head down.

"She just wants to be alone right now Nash."

A tear slipped from his eye and he walked up to his room softly crying. All of us just watched, said nothing, just stood there, not knowing what to do or what to say.


Author's Note:

Hey! So I still need girlfriends for Jack G, Jack J, Aaron, and Carter! Please comment who you want! Thanks so much for the 800 reads! <3


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