Chapter Thirty

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"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

I laugh, pushing Ella away. "Leave me alone!"

"Wake up, you fucking bitch! It's your birthday!"

"I'm aware. That's why I should be allowed to sleep in. I don't even have a show today."

"That's why we're gonna go out and have a shit ton of fun. Let's go get some breakfast and then we'll go out!"

"El, we can get breakfast. But I want something low key. I've been so busy lately that I just wanna sit at home and relax, and not think about the fact that my boyfriend and my family aren't here."

"Aww, don't be sad, cutie." Ella pouts. "We'll do whatever you want."

Ella then runs out to get waffles from some fancy café a few blocks away, and promises to return as soon as possible.

Just a few minutes after she leaves, there's a knock at the door. I sigh, jumping out of bed. I check to make sure that I'm not too exposed, then go to answer the door.

There's a delivery man with a rather large box, smiling. "Delivery for Rosalina Faye."

"Oh, thanks." I respond, taking the box. "Have a good day."

"You too, Love."

British people are so nice. New Yorkers are assholes.

I carry the box back to my bedroom, setting it down on the bed. I cross my legs and rip the tape off the box, opening the flaps.

I gasp as I realize that it's a care package, of sorts. I pull out the note that rests on top of the pile of stuff.

Happy Birthday Rose!!!
It absolutely breaks my heart that I can't be with you for your nineteenth birthday (but you weren't with me for mine either so we're even now), but I wanted to give you your present now because I know you've been feeling a bit homesick. So I've been collecting all your favorite things and I packed them all up and here they are. I hope you enjoy and I love you more than words can even describe. Happy birthday!
Love Benny <3

I begin pulling out the items one by one, my eyes tearing up and my heart tightening.

Fuzzy socks, Ben's hoodie that I always used to take, cannoli filling, a bag of Almond Joys, a copy of Milk and Honey, a copy of Anna Karenina, a package of french vanilla coffee, a jar of honey, three pictures frames (one with just Ben making a cute face, one with all the Newsies crew in a picture, and then one of just Ben and me kissing).

Then I get to the bottom and find an even smaller box tucked in the corner. Inside, are a whole bunch of envelopes. The first one on top says open immediately.

I tear open the first letter as fast as possible

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I tear open the first letter as fast as possible.


I'm already starting to laugh, imagining Ben sitting down and writing this.

So obviously you've gotten to the bottom of the package, and I hope you liked everything. If my calculations are correct, then today should be your birthday! And if it's not, then just pretend it is, okay? People aren't perfect.
Anywho, happy birthday! I wanted to write this letter just to tell you how much I love you, but apparently that's a lot harder than I thought it would be.
I'll probably be blabbing on this whole letter so just bare with me.
I've never felt like this before. I've never sat by my phone, waiting for a text from someone. I've never found myself smiling or laughing at just the thought of someone. But since I met you, my entire life has changed. I know that I will be married to you one day and that we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together, and have kids and maybe even get that dog you've always wanted.
You have made me a better person, especially since we've been apart so much. And by now it should have only been about two months, and that's extremely hard. I miss you more and more every day, and even though we can't talk every day because of the stupid time differences, I hope that won't be such a big deal. Our love for each other will only grow through this. Happy birthday, and I love you.
Love Benny <3

"Whoa, what's all this?" Ella gapes as she walks back into my bedroom.

I quickly sniffle, wiping off the tears from my cheeks. "Ben sent me a birthday present."

"Ugh, That man is adorable and he treats you like a queen, as he should." Ella murmurs, sitting down beside me. She rummages through the box, cooing at all the things inside.

"I just really miss him." I sigh, grabbing her bag and beginning to unload breakfast.

"I know you do." Ella responds, gently setting the box on the floor. "But You two are both working. You'll be together soon enough, don't worry."

"It feels like I'm never gonna see him again."

"You will, don't say that, babe."

I sigh, looking down at my phone. I wish Ben was here.

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