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kiss me on the mouth.


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OUR STORY SETS WITH A HEARTBROKEN STEVE HARRINGTON, banging at his bestfriends door at the highest hour at night.  His emotions running a million miles a minute in more directions than one.  For his heart was aching, and he didn't know where else he could go without being shunned in the opposite path.  Rejection didn't do him well.

〝Steve?〞Was the first thing falling from a confused and tired Thomas Briars mouth as he saw the tears threatening to spill.

The Harrington boy was unable to respond without his bottom lip trembling.  If it was anyone else Steve would have put up his signature front acting like it didn't matter.  But Nancy did matter she mattered alot more than she should have. 〝Nance.

Her name spoke wonders to himSighing, Thomas opened his front door widerHe silently prayed his parents wouldn't hear the small creak the old wood created.  Thomas knew Steve had fallen in love with Nancy Wheeler — or that's what he convinced himself.  Either way, Thomas knew Steve was hurt.  And so, he was to be there for him.

Together they tiptoed to Thomas bland roomHe wasn't a fan of overcrowding the walls with posters and meaningless decorationHe liked it to be organized, clean, and semi emptySteve sat on Thomas' bed with his hands in his head while Thomas closed and locked the door so their talking could be muffledHe didn't know how long they'd be up for, but Thomas made sure if his father got up for work, the doorknob would jiggle a warning to them.
〝I told Nance I loved her.〞Steve began.

〝And I thought that she loved me too. She acted like she did.〞Thomas snaked an arm around Steve's shoulder, his head of curly brown hair falling over his eyes. 〝But I was wrong. Thomas I was so wrong.〞His words were laced with acid as they slipped from his tongue, and Thomas' heart lurched. 〝I know I used to be an asshole. But I changed. I changed for that god damn girl, and come to find out she doesn't even love me back!

Thomas frowned. He hated seeing Steve so lost and hurtBut deep down he didn't blame NancySteve got attached to her too quickly, even when all the signs pointed towards her affection to JonathanThomas bit his bottom lip to keep in his scathing words, knowing it would only turn him even more depressed.
〝Steve don't beat yourself up about this one. You've broken a few hearts too. And I'm sure someone else if going to break yours again.〞He said with a small smile. 〝But someday you're going to find someone that won't break your heart and you won't want to break theirs. You'll meet that person that sends chills down your back when they smile, or cause your heart to race when they laughLove comes in so many different formsThis was your first one, but Nancy won't be your lastI promise.〞Thomas rambled.

Steve sniffledTurning his head to the side with the ultimate embarrassmentHe knew there was nothing to be embarrassed aboutThomas would never make fun of him for expressing emotionsAs Steve thought about it, Thomas wouldn't do anything to hurt him. Steve lifted his head a bit higher to look up at ThomasHis mind was screaming at him to stop glancing down at Thomas' chapped lips. His heart was screeching for him to lean forward and see where that risk could take himSteve was conflicted between his heart and his mindWetting his lips, he scooted a bit closer to the boy beside himThe alcohol he consumed a few hours ago still trickled in his veins, so if it took a turn for the worst he could blame it on the shattered glass bottles outside of Nancy's windowHe didn't know how Thomas was feeling, but Steve was filled with blissHis hand doing the talking for him, slid across the white duvetHis eyes glimmering into Thomas' furrowed pair.

Thomas was shouting. On the inside of course. His skin felt like a coke can sitting outside a garbage can on the hottest day in summerFor some reason his heart was beating out of his chest like he could swear it was about to burst.  Steve was leaning in too close. His nose hairs burning as he took in the bitter aroma dripping from Steve's breath that fanned his face.  Pull away.  He told himself.  But the other half of Thomas was ordering him to take the initiative and slap his lips onto Steve's before he had time to retract. 〝Steve〞Thomas found himself stammering and then cut off by a pair of smooth lips connecting to his.  Thomas was wide eyed in surprise.  His eyelashes fluttering shut once he composed himself.  In a second, Thomas now felt like he was sailing on a smooth sea.  No bumps or waves.  No boy or girl.  Just two people letting go into eachother for a moment of intimacy and pure essence.  Despite that fact, their kiss soon transformed into a little more as Steve's tongue darted out inside of Thomas' fighting him off to claim his dominance.  Thomas felt his curls being tugged on, proving that Steve's fingers engrossed themselves in his wild mane.

Unfortunately, breathing was their weakness, and Thomas had weaker lungs than Steve, causing him to be the first to break away.  But Steve was far from done.  His lips had now traveled down his jaw, slowly laying Thomas down on his back as the curly headed teen let shaky breaths escape from his mouth.  His head was too clouded with absolute euphoria to think about how wrong this was, and how much they needed to stop. 〝Steve.〞Thomas forced out, swallowing his moans thickly.

Oh but Steve wasn't finished.  He had fantasized of this far too much to let this end that soon.  His liquid courage giving him that boost of confidence he need to excuse himself from the actions tomorrow.  Steve's right hand slowly moved down to massage Thomas' package to when he immediately pulled himself away from the hungry boy. 〝Steve.

It was in that moment, both boys knew
there was no turning back.

𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙝𝙞𝙘 𝙗𝙮 . . .   yestogay

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