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your lips know their way around.


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THOMAS BRIAR WAS NOT MUCH OF A FIGHTER. But for Steve Harrington he would be anything he'd need him to be. And when a certain freckled asshole came out of the locker room cackling, and a certain heartbroken Harrington fueled enough fire inside him to make him follow after Tommy H in the parking lot and shove him to the ground. His fist raised up to throw a punch square in his nose. The blood didn't even bother him as it coated his knuckles. He didn't know what came over him, as the blood in his veins boiled in absolute anger. Gasps from their peers invaded his ears as he twisted Tommy's shirt in his hands as he shoved the confused, and shocked boy back into the concrete. 〝Leave Harrington alone, dickhead.〞He warned, with his voice laced in venom. Tommy used the back of his head to wipe the copper colored liquid dripping down his face. 〝You're such an asshole.

Tommy H gave him an incredulous look, as humorous laugh bubbled from the back of his throat. 〝Oh so that's what this is about? Protecting your boyfriend?〞He sucked on his teeth before lunging at Thomas, tackling him to the ground. He didn't have to think twice about getting on top of him, and swinging multiple punches at his face.

Despite the audience crowding around them, nobody seemed to jump in and help separate the two. All that could be heard was Thomas' struggling, and the cheers coming from Tommy's friends that found this hilarious. Everything around Thomas felt like a haze, and his struggled to push the weight off of him. His mind felt blurred as he sent a kick to Tommy's stomach, scrambling up. His tongue swiped across his bottom lip, and curled back in once he tasted the bitter copper leaking from the cut Tommy left on his lip. Thomas knew he was all banged up from Tommy's string of punches, but that didn't stop him from running to the freckled asshole that chuckled like something was funny. He took a swing that almost missed his cheek but in God's name Thomas made the hit that left Tommy breathless. 〝Don't fuck with Harrington.〞Was the last words he said as he spit on the ground next to Tommy H, and Carol, who was beside her boyfriend making sure he was alright from the blow.

He walked away, his face thumping like a heartbeat. Thomas felt like he was going to collapse at any moment but before he could, Steve Harrington was quick to run over and slip Thomas' tired arms over his shoulder as he helped him walk to his car. 〝You're something else, Briar.〞He murmured, shaking his head grinning.


THE FIRST THING THOMAS BRIAR NOTICED AS HIS EYES FLICKERED OPEN, was the pounding on the left side of his cheek. He winched as his head hammered. The last thing that he could remember was throwing a punch at Tommy H after he saw Steve sniffling in the locker room. Massaging the crook in his neck, he looked up to see Steve staring him down.

〝He kicked your ass.〞Steve said, as he walked over to the spot beside Thomas on his bed. A warm towel was in his hands, and he took the bloody hand that was on Thomas' lap, and began to wipe away the remains. 〝But you kicked his harder.〞He laughed.

Thomas shook his head chuckling. He hadn't gotten into many physical altercations before. He was mostly closed off and to himself for the most part. It was rare for someone to get him that mad. 〝He made you cry.〞Thomas said simply, glancing up to see Steve already looking at him with a small smile. His heart fluttered, and a blush crept on his cheeks.

〝He told me something about Nancy.〞Steve explained with a sigh, moving the towel to Thomas' bottom lip. He didn't know why he was so torn up about the Wheeler girl. For his heart leaped in his chest everytime he saw Thomas grin at the littlest things. He was just as confused as Thomas was about things.

Thomas winced, and yanked his face away. His tongue darted out to wet the sour skin. 〝She really did a number on you, huh?

Steve took in a deep breath, and looked at Thomas. He looked at the smoothness of his skin that was littered with small blemishes here and there. He looked at the overgrown eyebrow hair that desperately needed plucking. Then he looked at his lips that were swollen from the reckless punches thrown by Tommy. And as he looked at him, he thought about all the memories he and him had once shared. Thomas Briar had always been there for him. From the day he had fallen off the monkey bars at the playground, to the day Nancy Wheeler broke his heart for the first time. Thomas had always been there for him. Steve recalled the night where their lips had touched, and magic happened. His fingertips buzzing with an urge to slip themselves into the mess of his curls and pull him closer until there was no space left between. That night, he felt euphoria. He felt excitement. He felt love.

Thomas could say the same thing. For Steve made him feel strange things. He had never imagined himself kissing a boy. Let alone his bestfriend. But there they were. Looking at eachother as if time had stopping moving in that particular moment. It was a dangerous game they were playing now. Like cat and mouse. It had been a span of only a day when Thomas said he needed time and now they were in the same predicament. Steve's hand rose to Thomas' bruised cheek and his thumb caressed it. 〝I don't even know who I am anymore.〞He whispered before placing his lips delicately onto to his. It wasn't like the first kiss. It was rough or harsh. It was sweet and slow. Thomas' stomach fluttered with a million butterflies as Steve made sure to keep things PG and not move too fast with him, knowing that he nor Thomas was ready.

〝I want us to work.

TALK ME DOWN  ▸  STEVE HARRINGTON  ❪ COMPLETED. ❫Where stories live. Discover now