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nancy wheeler can suck it.


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THOMAS AND STEVE WALKED AHEAD OF THE THREE KIDS— after fighting off what seemed like hundreds of demigorgons, he had swung his bat full force into one of their mouths and managed to slip them out. Steve was still in awe at how Thomas' timid exterior shed in the momenta smile dancing on his face remembering it...

〝What are you smiling about?〞Thomas hummed at Steve, elbowing him in the ribs.

Steve shoved Thomas with a chuckle, shrugging. 〝About how badass you were.〞He said winking, causing Thomas' cheeks to flush a deep pink at his comment. Steve wrapped his arm around Thomas' shoulders, and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 〝Don't turn shy on me now babe!〞The nickname made Thomas' heart beat with happiness. He couldn't wait for this all to be done and over withso he and Steve could have that date.

The little signs of affections would never cease to make his heart skip a beat. Thomas would have never thought being with Steve would have made him feel this goodbut he was glad this experience was proving him wrong. For the first time in a long time, Thomas was truly in a good place with him.

〝You're positive that was Dart?〞Lucas asked Dustin, breaking the trios silence.

〝Yes! It had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt.〞Dustin explained, making Thomas scrunch his face in disgust.

Max looked at Dustin confused. 〝He was tiny two days ago.〞She pointed out. Though Dustin hadn't bother to look back at her.

〝Well he's molted three times already.


〝Molted... Shed his skin to make room more growth like hornworms.〞Dustin elaborated.

〝Well when is he going to molt again?〞Thomas asked concerned. He definitely didn't need demigorgons or whatever those things were, terrorizing residents in Hawkins.

〝It's gotta be soon. When he does he'll be fully grown or close to it.〞Dustin explained. Thomas wondered how he knew so much.

Steve then made a comment about how it's going to be eating more than just catsand it seemed to start an uproar as Dustin stopped walking dead in his tracks by Lucas grabbing his shoulder. 〝Wait cats? Dart ate a cat.

Dustin looked like a deer in headlights as he stuttered out denials. 〝What? NNo.〞However Steve decided to speak up again.

〝What are you talking about? He ate Muse!〞Steve told Dustin confused, earning a smack on the back of the head from Thomas, who couldn't hold back from sighing at him.

〝Muse who's Muse?〞Max asked.

〝Muse? That's Dustin's cat!〞Steve answered, and Thomas muttered under his breath at how clueless Steve could be.


An argument broke out between Lucas and Dustinto which Thomas didn't even bother splitting up. His arm slithered down to Steve's open hand, and intertwined them while the chaos happened. A red color tinged Thomas' cheeks as Steve smirked and squeezed his hand. He was glad Thomas was gaining confidence between the two of them.

In the midst of their scrabble, something caught Steve's attention that made him release Thomas' hand. He picked his bat and placed it on his shoulder as he walked closer for a better look. 〝Guys... Guys...!

Thomas ran to Steve, reconnecting their hands. He felt better touching him to make sure what was happening was realand being with Steve reassured him that. The sound burned his ears as it grew louder. And as they hit the edge of the cliff, it was nothing but fog that coated the trees and ground.

〝It's the lab. They were going back home.

Thomas sighed as they trekked through the woods. Him and Steve were standing in front of the kids with their flashlights pointed ahead at them. He still hadn't wrapped his head around what was happening, but he didn't feel like questioning it either. Thomas always did know there was something else in the world he didn't know aboutbut he didn't realize it was a whole upside down world. He was so preoccupied with keeping the kids safe, he was startled out of his daze when someone was yelling a few yards away from him. Thomas rose his eyebrows as they grew closer, his face turning sullen when he saw Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers. 〝Steve?〞They said at the same time, their eyes flickering to Steve and Thomas' interwoven hands. Thomas scratched the back of his neck and went to pull it away but Steve held it tighter.


Thomas felt a bit awkward, but Steve held no shame. 〝What are you doing here?〞Nancy accused. Raising an eyebrow he looked at the girl with an offended expression.

What are you doing here?〞Thomas hummed his eyes moving from her to the boy next to her that he heard took pictures of her about to have sex with Steve. Maybe it was his jealousy taking over, but he couldn't help but have his tone sound snarky.

〝Looking for Mike and Will.〞Nancy defended. Dustin looked to the Lab.

〝They're not in there are they?〞Dustin asked. Thomas scoped out the place. It was dark and secluded, and have a bit of fog hanging around it. He got chills just thinking about what was going on in that dark lab...

〝I'm not sure...〞Responded Nancy. For a moment Thomas caught her eyes glance at him and Steve's hands intertwinedbut the look disappeared as fast as came. She looked towards Jonathan who asked why it matter if they were in the lab or not, until an animalistic growl was heard echoing.

Before Thomas even got the chance to speak about Nancy's judging glancesa noise was heart from a distance and all heads whipped the way. He knew it was a demigorgon and he knew the night was far from over.

But as his fingers wrapped around Steve's tightly, Thomas felt confident he could do this. They could do this. Together.

TALK ME DOWN  ▸  STEVE HARRINGTON  ❪ COMPLETED. ❫Where stories live. Discover now