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and i wanna get close to you.


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SILENCE COULD BE DEAFENING AT TIMES. Especially between two people that talked all their life. Thomas and Steve hadn't spoken since Thomas declared he needed time. Mind you it had been a mere few hours but it felt like decades to not only the Briar teen, but Steve Harrington as well. There was so many times Thomas caught himself dialing up Steve's number and asking him to come over to they could fix this roadblock in their friendship. Steve had written out so many written letter apologies but none of them seemed good enough.

Thomas clambered down the stairs. The sweet smell of pancakes catching the hairs on his nose. For a moment, his worries seemed to disappear as he entered the kitchen with a faux smile plastered on his face. 〝Yum.〞He mumbled to himself, pressing a small kiss to his mother's cheek on his path to the table.

〝I saw Steve leave here earlier yesterday morning. He was in quite the hurry.〞Clara mentioned, flipping the batter over. 〝Is everything alright between you two?〞She always wanted to know what was going on in his sons life. The two didn't speak much about personal things, and often at times she felt as it Thomas didn't trust her enough.

Licking his lips, Thomas didn't know what to tell her. He was glad she didn't ask more than one question but silently wished Steve wouldn't have stormed out without checking if his parents were still sleeping or not. . . 〝We're fine, mom.〞He said, however it sounded like he was more so trying to convince himself. 〝He's going through alot right now, and he needs time alone.

Clara pursed her lips in slight understanding. Some reason something was telling her it wasn't the whole truth, but she wasn't about to bite off more than she could chew. 〝And I know you're being a good friend by being there for him when he needs it, right?

That's when Thomas realized just how much of a shitty friend he was being to Steve, who just got his heart stomped on by a girl he presumed to love. His personal issues could be placed on the back burner for a while. For now. 〝Promise.〞And Thomas meant it.


HAWKINS HIGH WAS A GOOD SCHOOL. It provided Thomas with an education that he'd need sometime in life, extra curricular activities to help break off some steam after a few hours of classes. There wasn't much for him to complain about. Except the new and quite incredulous student Billy Hargrove. For he was a total prick to anyone and everyone. Riding around his car that Thomas couldn't help but be a little envious of, he had no courtesy for his peers. In the mere hours of the school bell ringing, Thomas was almost run over by the maniac driving like car with his little sister or who he presumed was his sister. And now Hawkins High had blessed him with the opportunity to see him once again, except this time with his shirt off and a basketball in his hand as he bounced around.

Thomas was given sour looks the whole time from the Hargrove teen, who he presumed remembered him from this morning and now Thomas could see Steve getting the brunt of it as he tried protecting the ball from him. The girls on the stand were fawning over him and his mullet, which Thomas found quite unattractive in his opinion, and the sweat dripping down his tan skin. He probably would have found him to be quite the looker if it wasn't for his psycho attitude.

Thomas watched as Billy and Steve exchanged a few words, his eyebrows furrowed in wonder. He didn't know the two were acquainted. Though his heart dropped when from the corner of his eye, he saw Nancy Wheeler watching the whole thing. His mind then started doing circles. Did her and Steve make up and were back together? He didn't know if that made him relieved, or pissed off. The churning in his stomach told him it was both. But despite his harsh feelings towards the Harrington boy at the moment, it didn't stop the wince from occurring as Steve hit the ground.

He clenched his fist in anticipation. He didn't know if he should go and help Steve up. Then it would show that everything between them was okay even though Thomas demanded time. Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breathing. Though he never got the chance to make up his mind, because as soon as he looked back up, he found Steve walking out the double doors after Nancy with a frown.

It looked as if things were sour, and Thomas decided to make a bold move to follow after them to make sure both parties were okay. After all, Steve's relationship with Nancy didn't affect the way he looked at her. She was still that innocent person he met in Junior year that hadn't experienced life. He remembered their meeting like it was yesterday. Her hair longer than it was now, in curls down her back as Steve walked up with his arm latched around her shoulder. Thomas chuckled when he saw Steve's obvious admiration for the younger girl, the attachment quite quick. It was a small conversation. Nothing too big, for Nancy was still bashful — which she still kind of is to this day. But her voice was sweet like sugar, and her laugh like a melody. Thomas knew Steve picked a good one then. But now he felt different. Like she and Steve didn't deserve eachother. That maybe the world wasn't supposed to work that way. Thomas often thought that in another universe, he and Steve were together. Never apart. The moments shared the same, but not the feelings. No the feelings were rich. It was new and exciting. Something neither boys had felt before. A true love emerging.

Thomas was quick out of his thoughts as Steve knocked him to the ground, taking his breath. It was an accident no doubt, considering he heard Steve gasp and hurry on his knees. 〝Tom, are you alright?〞He asked, patting the curly headed boys back in concern. His eyes scanned Thomas' face, and the Harrington boy couldn't help but feel his stomach drop with old feelings for him. Old feelings he wanted to swallow and forget.

His head bobbed up and down before he used words to answer for him. 〝Yeah, Stevie.〞Thomas muttered, using the hand Steve let down for him to help himself up all the concrete. 〝I saw what happened with that douche Billy and I was going to say something but you were gone before I could.〞 His left hand curled around his head as he scratched the back of his neck. He knew Steve went talk witn Nancy. He just wanted to see if Steve would be honest and tell him the truth. Steve's eyes clouded, as Thomas glanced down to see his fingers twitching. Sighing, Thomas understood.

Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, Thomas pulled Steve into a hug. A hug to where Steve's hands rested around his torso, and by the slight height difference, his head on his chest as tears sprinkled out his eyes. Thomas felt his own bottom lip quiver, just not for the same reason. 〝It's okay, Stevie. It'll be okay.〞He cooed, rubbing his back.

"It's just bullshit.〞Steve said pulling away. His hands on his hips as he avoided Thomas' glances. 〝Everything's just bullshit.

TALK ME DOWN  ▸  STEVE HARRINGTON  ❪ COMPLETED. ❫Where stories live. Discover now