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i wanna hold hands with you.


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THOMAS BRIAR WALKED INTO HIS HOUSE WITH STEVE HARRINGTON RIGHT BEHIND HIM. The two boys feeling a bit anxious to face Thomas' mother who would have a cow when she caught wind that Thomas gotten into a fight at school. Both Steve and Thomas prepared themselves as Clara stepped out the kitchen with her hands on her hips. Her crystal brown eyes examining the wounds littering Thomas' face, before the wooden spoon in her hand dropped to the floor. Both boys faces scrunched up as she screeched a lecture.

〝Thomas Jonathan Briar! What in the world has gotten into you? First you get in a fight at school which you started by the way and you don't come home until half past five!〞Her face started to turn an angry shade of purple. 〝Care to explain〞She demanded.

〝It's my fault, Mrs. Briar. He was defending me because I couldn't handle my own problems.〞Steve hesitated, running a hand through his gelled brown hair. 〝Thomas was just being a good〞He paused as the word he really wanted to say sat at the edge of his tongue. 〝Friend. He's a good friend.

Thomas glanced at Steve, as his fingers twitched. He knew what Steve wanted to say, and deep down, he wanted him to say it too. 〝It won't happen again, momma.

Pursing her lips, Clara didn't bother arguing with her son. For, she was somewhat proud of him for sticking up for his friend. However, she couldn't help a small smile from flickering on her face as she walked closer to get a better look at his cuts. 〝He better look worse than this.〞She teased, before spinning on her heel and walking back to the kitchen. 〝Dinner will be ready in an hour.

Thomas and Steve shared an amused look, before running up the stairs. Thomas couldn't help the train of chuckles leaving his lips as he collapses on his silk duvet. 〝That woman is something else.〞He told Steve, who took the spot next to him. The ceiling was a bit interesting, as the two boys found themselves engrossed in the bumps and textures.

Knowing Thomas wasn't going to be the first to make conversation, Steve spoke up. 〝After the whole Nancy thing blows over. II was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me. A proper one.〞He said nervously. Steve's heart was racing as he awaited an answer. For some reason, he wanted nothing more than to walk around the streets of Hawkins with Thomas wrapped in his embrace. But both boys knew that would be almost impossible. For homosexuals weren't always welcomed amongst the townspeople. Tommy H for example would give them hell. And despite all that, as Steve turned his head to look Thomas in all his raw and beautiful glory, he wanted nothing more than to burn in that fire.

TALK ME DOWN  ▸  STEVE HARRINGTON  ❪ COMPLETED. ❫Where stories live. Discover now