Still A Masterpiece

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"you're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece" - Hasley

I salute you.


who eyes hide depths of waves,

made out of sadness and despair, 

covered with a fake smile,

that trembles at the edges. 

It's unfair, 

how no one notices your pain,

except for the trees that you punch,

the grass you kick, 

and the sky you scream at.


whose shoulders are hunched,

and falls every time someone looks away,

crooked and bent;

but not broken.

It's unfair how weak

you are.

(but not broken. never broken);

a puff of air could knock you down,

but a shove could make you fall, but never shatter you into pieces.

Your mind,

a dull knife, 

coated in dust and soot,

never used again.

It's unfair,

how your witty remarks are no longer at the tip of your tongue, 

and you fumble with your words,

wondering what to say.

But your eyes clear up,

suddenly focused and filled with a fire

that no one can extinguish.

Your shoulders straighten

and you stand proud and tall;

not even a mountain can move you.

Your once quiet mind,

now a sharp, new sword,

with the ability to pierce any armor and defense.

You have put yourself back together. 


you're ripped at every edge,

but you're still a masterpiece.

A/N: To those people that feel like shit every day, but cover it up. You're strong. Keep fighting. <3

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