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jade thirlwall
i'm good

I woke up to someone shaking me by my shoulders

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I woke up to someone shaking me by my shoulders. I forgot what I had done last night and the shaking really scared me. "Wha-what? Who's there?" I said, sitting up. I looked around. "This..this isn't my bedroom.." I looked at the person. "Who are you? Did you bring me here? What's the matter with you? Are you gonna kill me?"

"Woah, slow down.." The man said. "Did...did we have sex???" I said, louder. I stood up and I instantly got a hangover. "Ow..ooh pounding head..pounding head..ah shit this hurts.." "Calm Down Jade, relax and sit." "Who are you? Did you bring me here?" "One question at a time please."

"Okay, what time is it?" "It's around 6:30 in the morning. I'm just guessing that you have to be at work around 7:30ish.." Work. Right, more like school work. Damn it, I knew I should have come here..where am I? "Where am I?" "You're at the came here last night and you were crying. You told me that—"

"I know what happened..I don't need a stranger", a cute stranger, "to tell me what happened." I got up, grabbed my jacket, and walked out the door, stumbling a little bit. I turned back to him and asked, "We didn't do anything..last night, did we?" He walked towards me, getting ready to leave too. "No we didn't." I looked up into his eyes.

They actually melted my heart, they were beautiful and bright after sleeping. "Okay.." I said slowly. He leaned in and I leaned in, The we kissed each other. It was like a passionate kiss, it was beautiful. "Sorry.." he apologized. "Don't apologize. It was..nice." I said, walking down the steps. There was still music playing like there was no tomorrow. People dancing. People drinking. People...doing stuff.

He followed behind me until we walked out the door. I was relieved to see the break of dawn, it was beautiful but I really should get back to my house. I go out almost every other week and my parents don't even know that I do this. "How far do you live?" "Not that far. I just walked over here surprisingly." "In those heels?" "Like I said, surprisingly."

"Well alright then, I should be getting ready for my new job." He said as he gave me a little kiss on the cheek. "Aw..thanks." I looked at him and said, "Okay sorry..but I gotta go to sch—work! Work! It's like school but it's work.." " I guess I'll see you later then." He smiled and walked away from me, and going to the parking lot.

"Wait! What's your name?" I said, running back to him. "It's Luke." "Um..can you put my—your number in your—my phone?? Sorry...can you?" He looked at me and said, "You already have my number." He laughed it off and I checked it. It said, 'Luke 😁' I felt so embarrassed so I started to walk back home. I looked at the time, 6:49am.


I finally got up to my doorstep. I've done this a million times, I got this. I took my house key and put it in, I turned it and I prayed to god that the door didn't creak. I closed my eyes tightly and opened up the door more. Then I heard the one sound I did not want to hear..that. fucking. creak. 

I quickly pushed the door opened, speed walked myself inside, and quickly shut the door. Luckily, my parents are heavy sleepers so they don't wake up to just anything. I took my shoes off and held them in my hands. I ran upstairs and pretend to be asleep for another hour. Just then, my phone went off.

Luke 😁 : hey, are you home yet? Just want to make sure you're safe.

I read the message and it was cute that he was worried about me and wanted to know if I got home. I find that very sweet in guys that they care.

Me: i'm home safe, don't worry about it..what about you? Did you get home?

Luke 😁: yeah, I did, well I hope you have fun at work today!

Work..that's right. If I'm gonna meet up with him again, then I have to pretend that I actually am..what did I say? An interior designer? That's so not what I want...

Me: yeah thanks! Have a good day at your new teacher job!

Don't ask me why I remember what he does and why I can't remember mines...

Luke 😁: thank youuu

Me: 👋🏼💓

my soulmate is also my teacher? (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now