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luke hemmings
rough start, huh?

luke hemmings -rough start, huh?

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The day was finally over. All day, the only thing that was on my mind was Jade. Seeing her sad made me so sad and that ruined my day. I wanted to make her happy. If she was just fucking honesty with me at the beginning..I wouldn't be in this situation with her. I drove myself home, I live in an apartment complex and honestly, it's pretty comfortable.

I mean, its just me and I have all the room I need to do whatever I want. Now that I'm a teacher, I need grade lots of paper and since no one else is living with me, I can grade in peace and that's exactly what I need. Anyways, I parked my car in the lot and walked out. I felt my phone buzz and I checked it.

Another message from Jade. She hasn't texted me back since I replied back to her. I feel so awful though, tomorrow I have her in class for an hour and a half so I'm hoping that everything goes well.

Jade 💓: hi..sorry I didn't answer you earlier...

Me: it's okay, are you doing alright?

Jade 💓: im fine, I don't think I can stay in your class

She texted me that and I couldn't help but to feel sad once again.

Jade 💓: hello? are you there?

I didn't answer her. I wanted to but I couldn't. I put my hand down and ran my fingers through my hair. I can't believe she wants to switch out of my class already. Am I that big of an..I don't know, influence on her that she can't even stand to look at me without feeling upset or distraught?

Me: I'm here, um..why can't you stay in my class?

Jade 💓: because I just feel like it would be awkward if I saw you everyday.

Me: okay, that's fine. You won't skip my class tomorrow right?

Jade 💓: probably not, but the next day..I will most likely not be there.

Me: okay..

I heard a knock at my door so I went to go answer it. One of two choices are that my neighbor, Michael, is knocking or someone other random person, like a scout girl or something. I looked through the peephole. I saw that it was Michael and I relieved for some reason.

I opened up the door and he had his daughter with him. "Hey, what's up?" "Um..I know this is all of a sudden and random but could you watch my little girl with me?" I looked at her and she looked so scared and shy. "Um, why? Where are you going?" "It's just somewhere I can't bring my little girl. Please? Just for a couple of hours?"

I said okay and he handed her over to me. "What's wrong?" "'s just been a hard day.." "A rough start, huh? It's okay, it'll get better." "I don't think so. Just come back as soon as you can to get her." He said goodbyes to her, "Okay sweetie, Mr. Luke is going to watch you until I get back. Be nice to him and don't make a mess of his house."

"Okay daddy." She went to go hug him and she came back to me. "Thanks man." I said bye, and shut the door. "What's your name sweetheart?" I asked her once we sat down on the couch. "My name is Kaylee." She said shyly. Kaylee Clifford, cool name. "Well Kaylee, are you hungry?" "No not really. Daddy already gave me food before we came here."

"Well, that's good." I didn't really know what to do with her. I started to text Jade again.

Me: hey...are you free right now?

Jade 💓: yeah, what's up? Is anything wrong?

Me: I'm babysitting..

Jade 💓: you're what? 😂😂 Who are you baby sitting?

Me: my neighbors daughter, by any chance..are you good with kids?

Jade 💓: actually yeah, my older sister has a kid and I'm pretty good with him

Me: great, can come over or something and just help me out?

Jade 💓: are you serious? You want me to come over to your house...and help you babysit a kid?

Me: basically yeah. Are you okay with that?

Jade 💓: alright Luke, what's your address?

I felt happy at that moment, but if anyone saw her with me, I don't know what I would do. Especially if they know that I'm her teacher.

Jade 💓: Luke! I literally live like 5-10 minutes away from you!

Me: seriously? What a coincidence! 😂

Jade 💓: this is so fucking funny, so that means I can come over whenever!

Me: yeah! I would love that..

Soon after our conversation, I heard a knock on the door. "Hold on sweetie, I have to get that." "Okay Mr. Luke." She said quietly as she sat there and played with my phone. I opened door and saw her beautiful face just smiling. "Hi!" She said, jumping onto to me and hugging me.

 "Hi!" She said, jumping onto to me and hugging me

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"Haha hi, glad to see you too! Please come in." She walked in and I shut the door behind her. "So, where's the little baby?" She asked me. "She's sitting on the couch." "Nice place you got here, looks like a mini mansion." She said as she started walking. She took my hand and we walked to the couch. "Hey Kaylee, this is Ms. Jade, she's going to be watching you with me today."

"Hi Kaylee! How are you?" She said, excitedly. "I'm okay, what are you doing here?" "Oh, I'm just helping out Mr. Luke until your daddy gets back." "Yay!" "So sweetheart, what do you like to do?" "I like to sing a lot. Daddy sings all the time and now I sing with him." I began to ask, "What's your favorite song to sing?"

"My favorite song to sing is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, daddy and I like to sing it when I go to sleep." "Aw honey, where's your mama?" "Daddy said that she left someone but she's much more happier. He told me that we'll see her again soon."

I looked at Jade and I crouched down next to her. I said to Kaylee, "You know honey, if you ever need anything, you can always come to me." What about Ms. Jade?" "She won't be here all the time but I'll always be here." "Okay."

I looked at Jade and we just sat on the couch with Kaylee between us and we just talked. We made each other laugh and we felt like an actual family. It felt nice for once.

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