Chapter 12

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As soon as we reach Harry's room we both leap backwards onto his bed laying down. We lay in a comfortable silence for a little while as I take the opportunity to look around his room noticing all of his posters and prints stuck to the pale blue walls. Various plants fill the room with warm glowing lights hanging off the walls; it feels cozy and relaxing. His light suddenly flickers and flashes multiple times as if the bulb is going to explode, however Harry simply sits up as his door swings open revealing his sister Gemma.

She shoots a quick smile in my direction before moving her hands around in the air, touching her shoulders and chest occasionally and making weird facial expressions. Each time she pauses, I look across to Harry to see him also making weird signals with his hands. There hands move so fast in shapes that I've never seen before and for a second I consider that they're winding me up. I look back and forth between them both feeling excluded from a private conversation. Gemma finally stops moving her hands as she leans back to walk away.

"Nice to finally meet you, Louis" She calls over her shoulder closing the door behind her.

Harry turns to me, blushing. "Sorry about all that" he says awkwardly.

"The hand moving stuff, what was that?"

"I'ts called sign language Lou" He lets out a small giggle.

"Yeah I know does it work? Is that how you talk?"

"At home, yes. I only know a few other people that know how to do it"

"Do you find it easier? To talk using your hands?"

"Yeah. My mum and Sister learnt it when I was very young so I've kinda grown up using it. I prefer it to speech if I'm honest. It's the only way I ever feel fully involved in a conversation like I'm not missing something. It feels natural. I don't have to worry about the volume of my voice, the tone, pitch or whatever. I don't have to feel embarrassed about how I say certain words or if I've even pronounced them right. I can"

"Can you teach me?"

"You want to learn sign language?"

"If it's easier for you, then yeah"

"Could you be any more perfect?" He leans foward and kisses my lips taking me by surprise.

"Okay, so I'll teach you like really basic stuff to start off with" He crosses his legs, his knees resting on mine as he takes my small hands in his. I had never noticed before how big he is compared to me, not just in height but in everything; I feel so small compared to him.

"To say 'Hello' you wave your hand like this" He presses his hand against mine as he glides it into the postion. "To say, 'How are you' you touch here, then do this and then point and to say "Okay" you do this. Now show me"

I move my hands in what I think is the right way. A smile falls across Harry's face when I stop. This is so much harder than it looks.

"You got the first bit right, we'll work on the rest"

Okay I think I sign. This is going to take me a long time!

Harry wraps his arms around my waist and throws me onto the bed so that I'm, once again, laying under him.

"Thank you" Harry kisses down my neck, sucking slightly. "Thank you, thank you" he says between kisses and sucks.

"Do...that...again" I breathlessly moan.

"This?" He sucks on my neck, licking and gently chewing.

"Yeah, that"

"What about this?"

Harry slowly moves his hand down my stomach and stops at the top of my boxers.

"Can I?" He asks nervously.

"Can you what?" I smirk.

"Don't make me say it" He instantly flushes bright red.

"Tell me what you want to do to me Harry"

"I want to...touch you" He giggles.


He shyly covers his face. "Down there"

"You may" I love making him it, he acts so shy and innocent but I know he wants this just as much as I do.

Harry suddenly grabs the growing bulge in my boxers and starts to rub up and down. I moan his name as he thrusts his body against me rubbing himself against -

"Harry?" A sharp loud knock follows as the lights flicker and flash.

Harry kisses my stomach with his eyes closed.

"Harry stop" I hold his shoulders as he opens his eyes.


"Someone's at the door" I whisper through my teeth.

"Shit" We both get up and quickly rearrange our clothes.

"Harry?" The voice and knocking repeats.

"Just a sec"

I run my fingers through my hair and attempt to make it look decent as Harry opens the door to reveal his mum standing there.

"Hey. Sorry love, I did flash the lights to knock for a while. I didn't want to just come in, in case you guys were busy" Harry looks at me as I try to hide my smile. "I've ordered some Chinese if you want some?"

Harry looks at her confused so she signs to him instead. I wish I knew how to talk to Harry like that. He turns to me and asks if I like Chinese food...stupid question.

As we head downstairs for dinner my palms suddenly sweat with nerves. I've never done the whole dinner at another house thing and I'm shitting it. What if his family hate me? What if they ask so many questions that I can't answer? Concentrate Louis! You've got this. Just concentrate. Make a good impression and don't fuck it up. My mind wonders off in a million different directions when I'm nervous. I can feel myself growing hyper...I should of taken my extra pills before this. Fuck. Here we go. Concentrate Louis!

Author Note:
I'm sorry this chapter is a little shorter than intended. Please let me know what you think of the story so far? I'd really really appreciate your opinions and maybe if you wouldn't mind leaving a vote? Thank you! X

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