Chapter 18

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"Please talk to me?" I practically beg Harry holding him by his arms. I really hope this kid doesn't start running away again because I honestly don't think that my smokers lungs can take another sprint.

"There's nothing to say Louis" Harry says with his arms thrown up in the air. "I know all I need to know at this point!".

I take his hands in mine. He looks away just as I'm about to speak to I gently shake his hands to get his attention back.

"You don't understand how sorry I am. It was stupid and meaningless, and I hate myself for it. Things between us were starting to overwhelm and me scare me because....because it felt so fucking good...and I...I always get scared when things are good. Please forgive me? I promise nothing like this will ever happen again. Please Harry?"

Harry pulls me into a hug and I relax into his big arms instantly, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest; feeling his heart pounding.

"Come on, let's go home".

I let out a huge sigh of relief and unclench my fists that I hadn't noticed I'd been doing all this time.

"My place is closer so we can go there".

Harry places his arm around me as we walk down the road back to my house. He seems to of sobered up slightly, however he still stumbles a few times and nearly trips over a flat drain. With him leaning his whole body on my by the time we get to the top of my street, I'm basically dragging his body on top of my own. He really is so much bigger than me.

I prop him up on our street sign and signal to him that we have to be quiet as it must be around 3am at least. I turn my key in the lock ever so slowly and softly push against the front door so that it doesn't make its usual squelching noise. I pull the drunken mess behind me and push him upstairs into my room. He collapses back on my bed instantly creating a large thud. I quickly hold my finger to my lips to shush him as he starts to giggle obviously completely unaware of how loud he's being. Luckily we seem to have got away with it.

I kick of my shoes and then pull Harry's off and lightly chuck them on the floor. Then, I take of my t-shirt, unbutton my jeans and thrown them both in the crumpled pile of washing I've got growing on my chair. Harry's eyes haven't moved from me  the second I came in the room.

"Like what you see?" I playfully whisper.


"I what you see?" I whisper again.


I say it again slower. Harry shakes his head clearly confused.

"I'm too drunk to concentrate on lips right now". Harry says at the top of his voice near shouting. I quickly run over to the bed and put my hand over his mouth signalling for him to he quiet.

It's only when he licks my hand and I pull it away that I realise I'm currently straddling him just in my boxers. I move myself away so I'm laying back on the bed next to Harry.

I'm not too sure how we're going to talk right now seeing as Harry can't stop accidentally shouting and can't understand my lips due to me having to whisper. If only I could talk to him like him mum and sister can with the whole hand thing.

"How about we text each other?" I ask in a loud whisper.

"Your whole face is too blurry right now Louis-Louis. A cannot see. I'm blind". He dramatically covers his eyes and silently fake cries. God this kid is so annoying. The lovable kind though.

I type out a message on my notes in my phone and hold it in front of Harry's face. Let's hope this works.

How much did you drink??

Harry smiles and takes the phone from my hands.

Too mmuch my friend,, toooo much

I laugh as I type out my next reply. Harry rolls over so that his head is now laying on my chest and his legs wrapped over mine. I flinch back at first and then lean into it, resting my arm over his back.

You can stay here tonight. I'll look after you

Harry's face lights up when he reads my message. He leans up and softly kisses me.

Now it's Harry's turn to say something that I don't understand. He jumps up from the bed and speaks so quickly, slurring each word more than the last that I shoot him a look of pure confusion and amusement as our roles reverse.

"Harry sshhhh. Don't wake up my parents"

After a few more attempts at trying to understand Harry I finally reach an understanding of what he's been trying to say. "We have school tomorrow"

He's panicking about having school tomorrow. He's so fucking adorable. I have to bite my lips to hide my smile. I genially pull him back to bed, taking off his shirt and jeans.

I type out a message on my phone.

Goodnight Harry

Wake me uup in the morningfor school? Promise?

Yeah I promise. Now go to sleep.

Goodnight Lou.

I pull the covers over our bodies, Harry's head resting back on my chest and his legs sprawled across mine.

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