Chapter 14

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"Lou, where's the cheese? Never mind, I found it. Do you have any mayo?"


"Okay, tastes fine without it. Do you have any bacon?"

"Yeah, look in the fridge" Louis replies without moving his attention away from the TV resulting in me having to ask him 3 times to repeat what he said.

I scan across to the fridge to discover a gone-off salad, some eggs, butter, a few scattered yogurts and various other condiments abandoned on the top shelf.

"Tastes fine without bacon too I guess" I shrug trying to hide my worry about having to prepare a meal for 4 people on my (technically) third date. I begin grating cheese and boiling pasta in the hope of creating an edible version of macaroni cheese with extremely basic rations of food.

"Dinner's ready" I shout up the stairs to which 4 girls led by Daisy run down. They all happily thank me as they each take a plate and sit down in front of the TV.

This didn't go how I thought it would.

Louis joins me in the kitchen helping me in finishing cleaning up. "Thank you for doing that for them. I really appreciate it" he says.

"No problem. Now come on, I want to see your room".

I follow Louis up the stairs until we reach the first door at the top of the landing.

"So, this is my room" Louis says. "It's not usually this much of a shit-hole but I didn't know that you would be coming over otherwise I would of persuaded someone to tidy it up for me"

I look around to see dirty cups, bottles and plates, bundles of clothes, rubbish and various other items thrown around the room mostly covered in broken glass. My mum would go crazy if she ever saw a room like this. She's so OCD about having a clean house, which I do agree with but she takes it to a new level with cleaning the house from top to bottom every single day.

"Louis, this room is really bad"

"I'm never here so I don't really use it other than to sleep and eat"

"Why is there so much broken glass?" I ask, regretting it the minute it leaves my mouth.

Louis sits on the bed, runs his hand through his hair before answering me.

"I get angry, like really angry and...I usually end up hitting someone or breaking shit. It's another problem of mine"

"Louis I-"

"No it's fine. It felt good to actually admit that" He smiles a little, an attempt to make me feel better I think.

"I really appreciate you cooking tonight. If you wern't here then they would of had to of eaten another take-away and I don't think I could afford the amount of food that they make me buy them" he pauses. "Do you want to watch a film?"


"Huh to all of that or huh to the last bit?"

"The last-last bit"

"I said, do you want to watch a film but I've already decided what we're going to watch so get comfortable and don't complain...please" He smirks.

Louis attempts to make his bed which I can clearly see he has never done before as literately climbs inside the sheet to try an put it back over the mattress. He eventually gives up so we throw some blankets on the floor and cuddle in the dark instead.


"Can you hear what they're saying?" I ask Harry about 10 minutes into the film.

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