Chapter 5

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After loosing Jay to a group of girls in the garden, I decide to head upstairs for 5 minutes to myself. I'm feeling way to drunk right now and I need to sober up, quick. I push past the people hanging about on the staircase and in every corner of my house and head straight for my room. I close the door the second I reach my room and push my head against the door with my back turned. The rooms spinning and I feel like I'm on an aeroplane. Taking a few deep breaths in I start to calm myself down; there's too many people and I know I'm due a panic attack if I don't sort my shit out. 

Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder and I scream as I jump back into the door. 

"Shit sorry man, I didn't mean to make you jump...I did say hey about 3 times" the boy that I recognise from downstairs says, clearly confused. "You feeling okay?" concern clear on his face. 

I walk over to my bed and take a seat opposite him as he also joins me sitting down. 

"Sorry I just didn't expect anyone else to be in here. I've had way too much" I try to lighten my voice to change the awkward atmosphere. 

"Fair enough, we've all been there" he smiles. 

A moment passes without either of us saying anything. I briefly look over to the window and then back to Louis to catch the end of a sentence. I give him a confused look to which he understands and asks again. 

"It's Harry right? Gemma's younger brother?" 

I nod. 

"How old are you then Harry?"

"I'm 16"

"Ah i'm 17. You just start at Springs?" 

I move slightly closer to understand his voice better, he's a difficult one to read. 

"Yeah I've been there a couple of weeks. I haven't seen you there before though?" 

A small laugh escapes Louis lips. "Yeah It's complicated. I had to take some time out. I'm back now though" 

With the small distance between us, the smell of Vodka and Rum lingers in the air combined with cigarette smoke. It's only as I look at him now, and I mean really look at him, that I notice how beautiful he is with his bright blue eyes and sharp jawline. He smiles back at me for a brief second and then looks down at his hands. 

Next thing I know, I feel his soft lips brush against mine and his hand against my cheek. I move my lips in a rhythm against his, allowing him to take full control. His hands grab onto my hair and he starts to gently pull a selected hand full as he places his tongue deeper into my mouth. His hot hands slide down my body causing me to shiver, pulling me in closer by the waist. He pauses and smiles at me before crashing his lips back onto mine, then pulling away. 

He stands up and runs his hands through his hair, his faced frowning as he bites his lip.

"Fuck" He barely mumbles to himself. "I'm sorry I shouldn't of done that" 

I'm too stunned to say anything. I want to reassure him, tell him how fucking good that felt, tell him I how I want more. I want to get up and do it all over again. I want to tell him. I mentally scream at myself to say something; but I don't, I just sit there watching him run out of the room and slamming my door behind him.

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