Chapter 15

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My first lesson just drags from the minute I take my seat in the front row. Every few minutes I check my phone in the hope of a text from Louis but nothing arrives. If he was actually serious about this morning, and a part of me massively doubts that, then I can finally stop feeling so paranoid and insecure.

Jay texts me asking if I'm in school today so I discreetly respond with yes. We text for a bit, he asks about Louis so I decide that my best friend should be the first to know.

- Okay so...I think me and Louis are a thing -

- No fucking way....! - Jay immediately texts back.

- Yeah. Still can't quite believe it myself -

- I always knew he was into guys! I could just tell -

A small laugh escapes my lips hopefully not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

- Don't say anything though, ok? It's just between us for now -

My phone buzzes with Jay's reply of agreement. A knock on my desk suddenly takes me back to the lesson with a disapproving look from my teacher. I slide my phone back into my pocket and try to catch up with the last part of the lesson that I've missed. My phone vibrates against my leg with a text, probably from Jay. I take the opportunity to check it when the teachers busy talking to another teacher outside of the room. Surprisingly it's from Louis and my stomach does a somersault as I open it.

- I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party at Niall's place tonight? You could stay over at mine after if you want? I'll even let you drink some alcohol ;-) -

A party at Niall's? With all of his friends? No. Zayn is obviously going to be there! No. I can't go. Besides, I would just annoy Louis by following him around all night and clinging to him like a bit of blu-tac. I still haven't seen Zayn since the time he beat the absolute shit out of me and I plan to avoid him for as long as possible. Has Louis conveniently forgotten all about that?! I'll just have to make up an excuse.

I really want to see him though. Fuck it. I'm going.

- Sure! -


"You're looking very happy with yourself today" Niall says as we walk to a lunch table together.

"Yeah, I'm in a good mood. So anyway, you got everything sorted for tonight? I'm up for a mad one"

"Yeah I think so. My brothers been able to help out getting all the alcohol and shit. Everything should be ready for around 10"

"Sounds good to me mate"

Niall shifts uncomfortably in his chair. "What should I do about Zayn? You still pissed at him?"

"You're not?"

"Well yeah obviously but he said he's sorry and-"

"Not to me or to Harry. We're not going" I interrupt raising my voice clearly annoyed.

"We're? As in you and Harry?" A smirk creeps across his face.

"Yeah, he'"

Cool? That's how I describe Harry? Out of all the words I could have chosen, I say cool. He's so much more to me than that.

"Harry? Cool? You smoked a joint or something?" He scoffs.

"Fuck off Niall"

"Hey, I'm just joking. He seems alright" He shrugs, taking the hint that he's annoyed me.

"So have you invited Zayn then?" I change the subject.

"Uhh yeah...but I can tell him not to come if you're not okay with it?"

"Obviously I'm not going to be okay with it Niall. You saw what he did to Harry!"

"I know. I'm sorry...I just wanted us to all have fun like old times. I'll tell him he can't come"

I pick at a sanwich and end up only eating half so I make Niall buy me a can of coke and just drink that instead. We talk for a bit, about completly random subjects that I'm not really interested in before we walk to go to our next lessons.

"So how long are you gonna be in the younger classes?" Niall asks.

"I dunno, hopefully not long"

"Yeah, I miss you man. Gotta go, see you tonight" he calls as he turns away running to his class.

I find my seat, next to Harry at the back of the English class.

"Hey" He smiles. I love watching him smile, it spreads across his whole face and makes his green eyes light up.

"Hey" I reply, suddenly becoming nervous. Why am I getting nervous around him?

"You're like 10 minutes late. What happend?"

"Nothing, I'm always late"

"Okay" He lightly laughs."So we're writing a book review on Of Mice and Men. What did you think of it?"

"Oh I didn't read it" I shrug.


Of course he had to ask.

"Because I ca...Because I didn't want too" I almost tell him the truth and then decide against it.

"What were you going to say Lou?"

"I didn't want to read it"

"You don't have to lie to me"

"I'm not" I snap, starting to get irritated.

"Yes, you are. I know when you're lying" He pushes.

"Just drop it Harry"

"Fine" He turns away to look at the board as I stare out of the window.

The teacher goes on for a bit and I completely ignore every word that she says. Thoughts race in and out of my head, things that are completely irrelevant and random. I try to focus back on what I'm supposed to be doing but I can't concentrate with all the noise. Everything's so loud. I look around the room seeing people writing in their books. I turn towards Harry and notice him looking directly at me.   

"Lou?" Harry interrupts my thoughts."You can't read, can you?"

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