Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-

"Yes Violet you have to go to the doctors." My Mum said in a stern manner as she drove the car, me occupying the passenger seat.

I go to the doctors every week for a check-up, so that the doctors can see if I'm going to get better. But in all honesty I think that it's just so that they can see if I've got any mental issues going on.

They think that my cancer is making me depressed. I don't think it is, if anything I think that I'm living each day like it's my last, since it might be. I sit at home watching Pretty Little Liars and reading the many books I own. If that's not living your life to the fullest then what is?

As we walked into the doctors I couldn't help but read the signs. "Pugs not drugs!" "Do you really want herpes?" They always make me laugh. They think that tacky signs will stop teenagers these days.

We walked straight into Damien's office. Yep that's right; we go by a first name basis. Well you think we would since I've been coming here once a week since I was 14 and I am now 17.

"Hey Violet, how's it going?" He asked. Damien was bald and had really blue eyes; they were nice to look at. He was fairly young but he was already married and had a child named Jedi, as you can probably tell he is also a massive fan of star wars.

"Other than knowing that I could die any day I'm great." I answered honestly. If I did die I was prepared. I knew what I wanted at my funerals, what songs, who were going to be speaking and so on. I didn't want to make a big fuss about it but my mum practically forced me to plan out my funeral. You would think that someone would organise their wedding before their funeral, but nope not me.

"Have you been vomiting much?" He asked as he typed some things into his computer. "Yes, every day. Sometimes blood, sometimes just food." I answered.

There was no point in trying to hide that I was sick, I tried that at first. I didn't want to believe that I was on the road to dying. But in the end we are all on the road to dying, from the moment we take our first breath we are slowly dying; it's just some quicker than others I guess.

"Violet have you been taking your medicine?" He asked. I knew that my Mum would want to kill me but I guess I have to tell the truth about my health, telling one tiny lie could be the difference between dying today and dying next year. "No." I said as I tried not to look at him in the eye.

"Look Violet, I know that they make you feel sick but at least they are helping! At least now you can lift your head." He sighed. I knew he was right, I just really didn't want to take the tablets, they make me want to vomit and it's a waste of time.

"Here's a deal, if you take all of your tablets this week you can have only half of your dose next week." He said with a hopeful smile. It didn't make sense, but I guess it's better than having to have those stupid things next week. I know I would have to have them this week anyway because Mum would be making sure I have them since I just admitted to not having any lately.

I nodded. "Good, now there's something I need to speak to you about." He said as he wrote a few things on a piece of paper. "I've signed you up for free therapy and a support group. Now before you go attacking me about how you don't need these things, I just want to let you know that you should just try it first." He said as he handed my Mum a piece of paper.

I glared at her, knowing that she was a part of this plan. She always tells me to get more social and to try and get more friends, it's not that people don't like me; a lot of people have tried to become friends with me. It's just that I don't want to become close to anyone else, I'm just afraid that when I die they will be upset. I don't want to because of that; it's just better that I don't socialise or get too close to anyone.

I remember last summer I became close with an American exchange student named Lindsay, she was nice but then as soon as she left Australia I didn't talk to her again. It was good to have a friend, but it was acceptable then because we were bound to not talk again after she left. No matter how many times we promised to keep in touch, I knew it wasn't going to happen.

"You start support group tomorrow." Damien said smiling. I wasn't going to object, soon I was going to be dead, while I'm here I may as well just do whatever people ask me to do since I won't be around much longer to please people.

It's not that I don't like living, it's just that there's no point anymore. I don't want to die, but if I got told I was going to die today I wouldn't make a fuss, no one would. There's no one to live for anymore. Yes there is my Mum and Dad but they would be perfectly fine without me, I wouldn't be holding them back from living their lives anymore.

Once upon a time I wished that there was someone to live for and give me hope but now I hope that everyone starts to forget about me, to make it less sad for them I guess.

(A.N)- I've decided to start something new. Please leave a vote if you are interested and might continue reading. The next chapter will be up soon, depending on if anyone is interested otherwise there is no point. xx

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