Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-

I woke up feeling like I was going to throw up all of yesterday's food, which only consisted of an apple and half a sandwich.

If I didn't have my tablets I would be able to eat more and vomit less, it was a win-win... Except I would of wake up with a very numb head and I would've lost the ability to focus.

"Violet are you awake?" My Mum asked as she walked into my room, not bothering to knock. "Yeah." I replied as I slowly lifted my head, some mornings my head would throb of pain, but apparently that's a side effect of having a brain tumour removed. Yes, the tumour has been removed. But the surgery didn't undertake well and the doctor didn't remove the entire tumour, so yes I still have brain cancer.

"Today you're going to support group!" She sang excited that I was actually getting out of the house. "I can't wait!" I said as sarcastic as ever. "It won't be that bad." She said as she came and sat on my bed. "Oh it will be that bad." I replied.

"Whatever, go get ready, we are leaving in 40 minutes." She said smiling.


My Mum dropped me off at support group and I was left to take care of myself and walk in by myself. Which was an unusual feeling since I'm never left alone, my Mum won't let me be alone with my condition.

I walked into the centre trying to hold down my vomit that I could feel coming up my stomach, I'm not sure if it was from the nerves or the tablets I had earlier on but I really didn't want to look like an idiot just randomly vomiting on the first day.

"Ahhh you must be Violet!" A lady who looked around the age of 50 said as she embraced me into a large hug. "Yeah." I said as she released from the highly uncomfortable hug.

"You will love it here! We have stories to tell, sometimes we play games and we all dance along to the song about life!" She said excited. It sounded like I was going to end up hating this place more than I intended.

"Everyone get into the circle of trust!" She yelled as she hurried over and sat onto one of the chairs that I guess was a part of the circle of trust.

The circle consisted of about 10 bored people who looked like they would rather be doing anything than to be a part of this.

"Let's all hold hands and say our vows." She said.

I looked to the left of me, there was a strawberry blonde girl in a wheelchair who had no left leg, she looked nice and I guess it looked like she wouldn't contaminate me so I took her hand as she gave me a warm, real smile.

I looked to my right and saw a boy who had curly light brown hair; he had his vibrant green eyes wide open as he was looking straight ahead, not at me like the other girl. He had his hand held out towards me, I hesitantly took it and as soon as I did he smiled, but still didn't look at me.

"Now today we have a few new beautiful people who have joined our group. Let's all go around the circle and say our name, our age and our favourite thing to do!" She said excitedly. The whole concept didn't sound very appealing to me, it sounded like something you would do on your first day of kindergarten.

"My name is Gail, I'm 54 and I like helping others!" The support lady who I now know as Gail started. It was very predictable that she would say something about helping others.

"My name is Frankie and I'm 15, I like soccer." The red haired girl next to Gail said.

A few more people said theirs until it got to me. "My names Violet, I'm 17 and I like reading." I said as quickly as I could. "My names Ashton, I'm 18 and I like playing the drums, it's hard to now but I'm still learning." He smiled.

He was rather attractive but he was acting really weird, I don't know, he looked relaxed but his face was dead straight staring at nothing.

After the circle of trust we all had to vow that we would try to get better and stay strong, I couldn't exactly agree to that but I just pretended to.

We had 10 minutes until the session was actually over so Gail just said we could all talk and make friends. Most of the group seemed to talk to someone they knew whilst I just sat in the corner eating the stale crackers that were on the table.

"Are you Violet?" I heard a voice ask, I turned around to see Ashton sitting there next to me. I never even noticed he was there. "Yeah I am, you're Ashton right?" I asked, even though I knew it was him. "Yeah." He said and smiled a bit.

I looked at him, he seemed perfectly normal to me; he didn't have a wheel chair, no tubes around his face, nothing. "So why are you here?" I asked, surprised with myself that I was talking to him, I've never been a very social person at all so this was strange.

"Other than the fact that I got dragged here by my mother.. If you didn't already notice by my 'weird eyes' as people like to call them, I am blind." He said like he had rehearsed it a million times.

I looked at his eyes again, they didn't look weird to me, it's just that he always starred at nothing. Well I guess he didn't really have anything to stare at.

"So, do I get to hear about you?" he asked. "Well, I was diagnosed with Brain Cancer when I was 14." I said. "And?" He asked. I didn't know what else to say, that was my story. "I don't think I will get better." I said confused with what else he wanted to know.

"No, I want to know about you, not what's wrong with you. I want to know what you love, what you hate, what you do in your spare time." He said with a grin.

Before I could tell him that there's nothing to tell my Mum interrupted. "Violet! It's time to go home." She said as she was talking to Gail.

"I have to-" I started but Ashton interrupted. "You have to go, I'm blind not deaf!" He laughed. "You better tell me about this Violet next time!" He called out as I walked away. "Okay." I replied, even though I knew there would be nothing to tell.

(A.N)- the picture is how ashton looks in this fanfic. Thankyou if you are still reading this! ilys xx please make sure you leave a vote!

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