Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-

Over the last month I have spent a lot of time with Ashton and being with him so much has made me realise that I was becoming friends with a real dork.

Ashton was hopeless at flirting, he had tried many times (I have no idea why though) but one time he gave me a banana and I said that I wasn't hungry and that he could have it... That ended in him informing me that he already had a bigger banana... In his pants...

Another time was when he told me that I had the prettiest smile which made no sense whatsoever because he is blind.

Then there was the time when he told me that if we were two of the last 7 billion people on earth he would still be happy to make his way into my pants, which once again didn't make any sense.

I have also realised that his sense of humour was really terrible as he invited me to his house and I came over, as usual as he was my only friend. Then once I got there I found myself walking into Ashtons room as he was dressed in a lion costume.. He thought it would be hilarious...

But the main thing that I have realised about Ashton in the last month is that he doesn't let his blindness take over his life and ruin it, which is the main thing I like about him. He lives how any normal person would and that makes me happy to see. I really wish that I had the ability to just forget about my cancer and act like a normal teenager is supposed to act.

"There was this hot girl at the shops today, she was checking me out. Michael even told me." He said with a smirk.

"How do you know that Michael wasn't lying just so that you could have self-esteem the size of Europe for the next year?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

It wasn't that I didn't believe Ashton; a girl was probably checking him out. After all he is quite attractive, but I just liked stirring him up.

"She was, I know it. I was wearing a tank top today so she was probably looking at my muscles." He said as he flexed his muscles, I just rolled my eyes.

"You're an idiot." I said, unamused. "No, I'm an attractive idiot. Get it right." He said with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry Ashton what was that? I can't hear you over the size of your ego." I said.

"You know I'm just joking." He said as he shook his head, laughing. I knew he was joking; it was funny to joke around like this with Ashton sometimes.

"So, Michael got a girlfriend today, her name is Cassidy." He said.

"That's nice." I said as I scrolled through my tumblr, not interested in Michael's love life.

"She knows about his ball cancer and still stayed with him." He said with a grin. "How is it different to anyone else?" I asked, not offended as I was used to it. Just surprised that out of all people Ashton would say such a thing as he must know what it feels like as he used to have cancer himself.

"It's not that, it's just that most girls dump him once they find out that he can't use his dick on them." He said.

"Oh." I nodded, Ashton wasn't afraid to just say things that would make most people uncomfortable, he was so out there.

"Anyways I'm going to have a sleep, wake me when its 6." He mumbled as he lay down in his bed.

"Set your alarm, I'm tired too." I said as I laid down with him. Our days usually consisted of nothing and sleeping, we were such interesting people.

"Nah, let's just sleep until we wake up." He yawned. "What if that's next year?" I asked, giggling at the fact that Ashton sleeps for a really long time.

"Eh, nothing interesting is going to happen this year anyways." He said.

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