Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

"Who was that boy?" My mum asked excitedly, she wasn't used to me socialising with anyone let alone a boy. "His name is Ashton." I replied as I untangled my earphones and put in one ear as I listened to 'When we were young.' By The Killers, it's one of my favourite songs.

"He was a very handsome young boy." She said as she continued driving. I just ignored her; I would probably never see Ashton again anyways so what's the point in spending my music time thinking about him?

"If you don't think that he's attractive then you must be blind." My mum said. "Mum, he is blind." I replied, putting in the other earphone as I tried to block her out.

But unfortunately with her annoying high-pitched voice I could still hear her. "Does he have eye cancer?" I heard her ask. "I don't know." I replied as I turned my music up, finally not able to hear her.


Once I got home I went to my backpack to find my favourite book 'Looking for Alaska' by John Green. But instead of seeing my book in my bag there was a piece of ripped paper. I quickly looked at the paper, it read in rather messy handwriting-

'If you want your book back, and I'm sure you do since you seem like the type of girl that's into John Green. I suggest you call this number (0412910192192) and we can arrange a date? - Ash xx'

That little sneak, how could he even write if he is blind? I quickly dialled the number. I planned it out in my head- I would pretend to go on a date with him but then just take my book and go home.

"Hello?" A voice in which I recognised was Ashtons answered the phone. "Give me back my book." I said through gritted teeth.

"Go on one date with me." He replied, I could sense his smirk through the phone. "No, I suggest you give me back my book or else I will call the cops." I replied.

It's not like I was actually going to call the cops over a stack of paper but he needed to learn that he can't get everything he wants just because he is blind and sneaky.

"You won't call the cops on me, Violet Anne." He said with a chuckle. "How do you know my middle name is Anne?" I asked, I started freaking out because hardly anyone knew.

"On the inside of your book you wrote your name." He said. "How did you read that?" I asked. "I got my friend to read it for me, tell me what book it is and write that note for you. His name is Michael and he was at support group too." He said.

I thought about it but I couldn't remember Michael at all. "So text me your address and I'll be there at 7." He said then hung up the phone.

I was only doing this for the book...

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