Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-

 “Step one, take us to the formal.” Ashton ordered.

 “What am I? Your taxi driver?” I asked as I rolled my eyes.

 “Shut up and drive.” He said with a chuckle.

 I followed his orders and drove to the venue of the formal. It was rather small and it was full of people that we didn’t even know. The mainstream music was blasting through the street which Ashton noticed.

 “Okay, first thing we are going to do is switch the music to some heavy metal.” He said.

 I laughed before realising that he was actually serious. “What? Why? And how?” I asked.

 “I’m blind, you have cancer. We’ll give them a sob story and the aux cord will be ours.” He said with a smile.

 I looked around the room that was filled of teenagers dancing around and having fun before noticing a DJ in the corner of the room.

 “Ashton, there is a DJ here. “ I said.

 “Even better.” He said with a smirk. We walked over, with my help Ashton didn’t need his cane… Even though he literally never uses it anyway.

 “Hi can I please request a song?” Ashton asked the girl with the purple steaks through her hair.

 “No, sorry no requests.” She replied.

 “But, I’m blind.” He cried.

 “And I’m not, now leave.” She hissed.

 As we walked off Ashton spoke again. “It’s time to demolish that bitch’s car.”

 “Her name is Lindsay Green, her car is the green mazda 2.” Ashton spoke as we left the venue.

 My eyes scanned the car park until they stopped at a green mazda 2.

 “I found it.” I said as I lead Ashton over to the car.

 “Okay, smash the window.” He ordered with a smirk.

 “What the fuck Ash? She literally wouldn’t let you request a song and now you want to smash her car windows?” I scoffed.

 “And how do you even know this is her car? This could be any random persons car.” I pointed out.

 “I am certain it’s her car, I recognised her voice and she broke Michaels heart a few years back, she deserves it.” He spoke.

 Before I could reply he punched through the window, the alarm going off.

 “Ashton what the fuck, stop it!” I screamed at him.

 “No, we can’t, now go into her glove box, what’s in there?” He asked.

 I climbed halfway through the window and opened the glove box. “It only contains a pair of sunglasses, some napkins and some purple lipstick.” I rushed.

 “Pass the lipstick.” He said and I did. I could hear people starting to exit the venue so I ducked and so did he.

 “You broke his heart, I break your car. You didn’t let me request a song, I use up your lipstick.” Ashton quickly scribbled on the side of the car.


“Let’s go.” He said as I took off running in the direction of my mum’s car, I could hear him following close behind.

 “Hey, kids! Get back here!” I looked back to see a buff man chasing after us in a security outfit.

 "Follow my footsteps we’re almost at my car!” I yelled to Ashton.

 We finally reached the car and we both jumped in before I ran over a bush in order to leave quickly.

 “That’s enough pranking for one night.” Ashton sighed as he laid back into the car seat.

 “That’s enough ‘pranking’ for seven life times.” I replied.

 “We’re the dream team. The double duo. Like Batman and Robin.” He said.

 “Dibs Batman.” I shouted.

 “Whatever, Batman sucks anyway.”

(a.n)- i can feel you judging me by how terrible this chapter is but it was really rushed and i cant wait for the future chapters okay i love yous i hope yous are enjoying this xx

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