Our Little One

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"She's so beautiful" Michael said, as he sat in the hospital chair next to Hailey. Their little girl was born today.
"She really is" Hailey said softly, looking at her husband. "She's got your nose" she said with a giggle, as she rocked her slowly.
"She's got your beauty" Michael said, and Hailey blushed.
"Oh shush" Hailey said, making the black haired boy giggle.
"She's got your eyes babe!" Michael pointed out, and Hailey looked into them.
"How do you know? Your natural eyes are brown" Hailey stated matter-a-factually.
"Well Mrs. Smith," Michael started, making the girls heart race. "I can tell the difference between our brown eyes. Her eyes have a little tad of green on the corners like yours do" Michael said, making her look at him.
"But Michael m-" Michael placed a finger over her lips.
"I know your eyes better than you do. I stare in them a lot, because well... why wouldn't I? They're beautiful just like you" Michael said, making the girl blush.
         "Okay well... fine" Hailey said yawning. Michael giggled and placed a loving kiss onto her forehead.
          "Want me to hold her?" Michael asked, his eyes full of love. Hailey nodded and handed the newborn, to the boy sitting next to her.
           "She's beautiful" Michael cooed at his wife. Hailey smiled and nodded at him.
           "She is" Hailey said, tiredly and Michael looked at her.
           "You can take a nap, I'll keep her safe. I'll do everything I need to while you rest, okay?" Michael reassured the girl, who nodded and closed her eyes.
           Hailey fell asleep, and Michael just observed his little girl. She had brown eyes, with a green tint to them. She had a cute little nose, and chubby arms and legs.
          "I'm going to keep you safe Skylar Gray Smith. I'm going to protect you from any boy who tries to mess with you. I'm defiantly keeping you safe from Jay. He hurt mommy and I. When you're older and understand, I'm telling you the story. Well- we will" Michael said softly to her.
           Hailey woke up, but heard Michael talking to their child so she pretended to sleep. She wanted to hear what else he had to say.
          "You're so beautiful just like your mommy is. I'm so blessed to be married to her, and help bring you to this world. You're our baby girl- even when you get older. I'm going to always make sure you're safe" Michael said, and noticed Hailey started to smile.
         "H-how much did you hear?" Michael asked, getting embarrassed knowing she was awake.
          "Enough to know you're going to be a great dad" Hailey said smiling at him. Michael blushed and placed Skylar into the crib into the hospital.
          "Oh shh" Michael said, looking at his little girl.
          "Hey you know what's funny?" Hailey asked with a giggle. Michael looked at her, and rose his eyebrow.
          "No, what's funny?" Michael asked, walking over to her.
          "It's not funny- just ironic. You and I met at a Boy Band live show, and I ended up in the hospital. That was the start of our relationship, and now look at us. In the hospital again with our marriage and a newborn" Hailey said, and Michael smiled remembering that day. Then he stared to frown at her.
            "That was a bad hospital visit though, this is a great one" Michael pointed out, and Hailey whined.
         "I was trying to be cute Conor!" Hailey pointed out, and Michael shrugged.
           "Didn't seem it" he said softly, and sat down in the chair. He was starting to get a bit irritated from sleeping in a chair and sitting in it for 24 hours.
           "Michael I get that you're tired, but you don't have to be rude..." Hailey said softly, reaching for Michael's hand. Michael ignored the gesture, and sat back in the hospital seat. "O-okay..." Hailey said softly, pulling her hand back to her.
            "I want to sleep, so please stop talking?!" Michael asked angrily. Hailey nodded quickly, and turned over tearing up. A tear rolled down her cheek.
         "I-I just wanted to remember the cute time we meet in real life- no pun intended but n-never mind..." Hailey said, wiping a tear. Michael groaned annoyed at the girl.
          "I don't care about that right now for gods sake! I just want to sleep, do you not understand that?! Besides, you didn't even want to deal with me back then, so here's me returning the damn favor!" Michael said angrily, and Hailey couldn't help but start to cry.
         Hailey sniffled, and wiped her tears away. She knew Michael didn't mean it fully, he was just overtired. But it still hurt her hearing those harsh words come out of Michael's mouth.
          The night pasted and the two slept soundly. Skylar slept through the night, which the two were greatful for.
         The morning rolled around, and Skylar started to cry. Hailey groaned and woke up by her cries. This is something her and Michael will have to get used to.
         Michael was still sleeping, and Hailey sighed. She still felt a bit weak from labor, but she wasn't going to have her baby girl cry.
         Hailey got out of her hospital bed, and picked up her baby girl. She started to rock her, and she just kept crying. Hailey sighed and sat back down on the bed.
         By now, Michael woke up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the two of them, and Hailey just rocked her and shushed her. Michael watched in aw of his wife and baby.
         "Good morning babe" Michael said, his voice raspy. Hailey ignored him, and started to breast feed their child.
          "Good morning?!?" Michael said again, a bit annoyed she wasn't answering. Hailey looked at him and nodded.
          "Nothing? Wow.... I love you too" Michael said, as he grabbed his coat.
          "Where are you going?" Hailey asked, looking down at Skylar and back up to her husband.
          "Oh now you're talking? I'm going to get us some food cause hospital food sucks!" Michael said putting on his coat.
           "Michael..." Hailey said softly, making him look at her. "Are you going to say sorry?" She asked softly, and Michael blinked at her. Say sorry, for what? He wondered.
          Michael stared at her, and Hailey sighed and shook her head. Obviously he's to oblivious to see how he was yesterday.
         "Forget it Michael...just go and get our food. I'll see you after, I love you" Hailey said as Skylar finished drinking her milk.
          "I love you" Michael said and walked towards his two girls. "I'm sorry Hailey.. I didn't mean to be an asshole yesterday! I was overtired and I just, I took it out on you... I love you babe I really do! And I love Skylar more than anything..." Michael said, tears forming in his eyes. He shouldn't have taken out his tiredness anger onto his wife.
          "I love you too Michael, I forgive you. I just wanted you to know what was making me ignore you, that's all" Hailey said looking up at her husband.
           "Understandable" Michael said, taking her chin in between his fingers. "My baby" Michael said softly, kissing her. Hailey kissed him back, smiling instantly. Michael smiled against the kiss, and pulled away.
          "Now I'll go get us some food" he said with a smile, and Hailey smiled too.
       "Have fun and be safe! We'll be waiting for you" Hailey said, as she looked down at her baby and bopped her nose. Michael smiled in awe at the two and nodded.
        "Wouldn't have it any other way" Michael said and placed one more kiss on his wife's lips before walking out the door to get the two real food.

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