Hailey Didn't Have a Say in This

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Hailey walked up to Skylar's room and tears fell down. She could lose Skylar at any moment. She could lose her marriage as well. Everything she's worked so hard for, could be gone in a few hours, days, weeks, months, or if she's lucky....years.
She sighed, and kissed her daughters head softly.
"I-I hope everything will be okay, b-but who knows. I screwed it up Sky... I cheated on daddy with Jay... don't ever cheat, it's n-n-not good..." Hailey said, as she wiped her tears away.
She then walked to her and Michael's room, and sat on the bed. Why is she crying? She's the one who messed everything up. She looked at the clock and noticed it was now 2am, and Michael hasn't come back.
"Damn it..." Hailey said softly, and shook her head. Tears kept rushing down her cheeks. He wasn't coming back home tonight, but she didn't blame him.
Michael arrived at a hotel in tears. He had his hoodie up, so no one could recognize him.
"Hi sir, how can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked, and Michael sighed.
"I-I-I want a room for a-a few days..." he said, and the lady shook her head.
"I'm sorry, we're book-" before she could continue, Michael threw in the famous card.
"I'm Michael Conor, from In Real Life! You have to mak-" now Michael was the one not to continue.
"Alright, we have a room. It's opened now... can I see your ID?" She asked, and Michael took it out of his pocket. He hand it to the lady who nodded and he was off.
Michael made his way up to his hotel room, and sat on the bed. Tears poured out of his eyes, and he tugged at his hair.
"GoD DAMN IT!" Michael yelled, and threw his hoodie off. He looked at his wedding ring and shook his head. "Thanks for breaking our vows Hails..." he said as tears fell from his eyes.
He laid down onto the bed, and let out a long sigh. Being in a hotel room alone was not fun. He missed being with either his boys, or Hailey. Hailey... he shook her out of his mind, and closed his eyes.
That whole night, he shifted and turned in the hotel room bed. He just couldn't shake the thought out of his head that she had an affair with not only anyone, but his best friend.
He turned onto his side, and tears kept streaming down his face. He never felt this much pain until now. He had to make a big decision. Either forgive Hailey and stay with her and Skylar, or leave Hailey and have custody of Skylar.
He closed his eyes, and decided a good nights sleep would help him clear his head and think.
Hailey woke up at 6am due to Skylar crying. She got up, and walked to her bed.
"Hey.. why are you crying?" Hailey asked softly, sitting next to her daughter.
"B-bad dream" Skylar said, and Hailey pouted as she pulled her daughter into her lap.
"That's why they're called dreams, they're no real" she told her daughter, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"You and daddy broke up" Skylar said, making Hailey's expression change.
"I-in your dr-dream?" She stuttered out, and Skylar nodded. "Oh baby... that's wh-why they're called d-" Hailey turned away and her voice cracked. "Dreams... Sky..." she said, and Skylar smiled.
"Where's daddy?!" She asked excited, making Hailey feel like a dagger went through her chest. She had no idea where he was.
"Th-the uh studio..." Hailey lied, not knowing what else to say to her.
"Ohhhh, I go pee" Skylar said as she jumped off her moms lap and walked towards the bathroom. Hailey let tears fall down as her daughter was out of sight.
"Mo-MOMMYYYY!" Skylar yelled, making Hailey jump up and run to the bathroom.
"Y-yeah?" She asked, sniffling.
"My tummy hurts..." Skylar said pouting, Hailey nodded.
"Hurts how?" She asked softly, and Skylar pouted once again.
"Throw up..." she said softly, and Hailey sighed.
"O-okay come on... let's uh, get you in bed and I'll put a bucket next to your bed. Want me to put on a movie in your room and we can watch it?" Hailey asked, hoping it'll get her mind off of Michael, and Skylar's mind off of being sick.
"Mhm" She said and walked towards her room and laid down as Hailey placed a trash bucket near her bedside.
"If you need to throw up, do it in there okay?" Hailey informed and the girl nodded. "And then we'll go to the bathroom to finish" she said rubbing her daughters back.
"Thank you mommy" Skylar said, as her mom put on "Tangled".
"No problem" she said, and sighed softly. She laid next to her daughter, and waited for Michael to come home.
After a few hours, she decided to text him.
Hailey- hey MC, are you okay? That was a stupid question... I'm just worried about you. Are you coming home soon?
Michael- don't call me MC, okay? And I'm fine thanks and I don't know
Hailey- where are you?
Michael- not with you
Hailey let out a shaky breath, and tears fell down.
Michael- you weren't worried when you were making out in Jay's bed, now were you?
Hailey- damn Conor.... and you know I was!!!
Michael- 🤷‍♂️
        Hailey- whatever... Skylar misses you, I told her you're at the studio
Michael- nice job! You lied to our daughter 🙄
Michael- call me
Hailey smiled a bit knowing she'd get to hear his voice. She called him and put him on speaker.
"Hi.." Michael said, and Skylar jumped up excited.
"DADDY!!!! I MISS YOU!" Skylar yelled, and Michael chuckled.
"I miss you too baby girl! I'll be home soon, okay?" He said softly, but Hailey didn't believe him.
"YAY! I WANNA WATCH MOVIE WIT YOU!" Skylar yelled, and Hailey looked away tears falling down her face.
Skylar gasped noticing her mom in pain, and hugged her.
"MOMMY CRYING DADDY!" Skylar yelled, and Hailey faced palmed. She heard Michael sigh on the other line, there was nothing he could do.
"Just uh... I got to go record Sky. I love you okay?" Michael told her, his heart breaking more each second.
"I wuv you too daddy!" Skylar said, Michael smiled and hung up the phone. Hailey locked her phone, and looked at the tv screen.
"Mommy?" Skylar asked, and Hailey looked at her. "Daddy no wuv you?" She asked, and Hailey took in a shaky breath.
"I-I-I" Hailey started, and tears fell down from her eyes. Skylar looked at her mom, not knowing what to do anymore. "I-I shouldn't cry in front o-of you... I'm so sorry" she said wiping her tears.
"Shhh mommy, it okay. I wuv you, daddy wuv you too" Skylar said, and Hailey looked away.
"I love you too and uh...Yeah... daddy loves me..." Hailey said, really unsure if he does at the moment. He could walk in the doors now, only to say they're divorced.
         Just as she thought that, the black haired boy walked into Skylar's room. Skylar ran to him and gave him a tight hug. Hailey smiled at the two bounding, and looked away.
        "Hailey, we need to talk" Michael said, and Hailey got up and nodded. The moment of truth that they've been waiting for.
         "Daddy... no break up wit mommy... you wuv her she wuv you" Skylar said, making Michael let out a shaky breath.
        "Mhm..." he said, nodding his head to their room, and the two walked in there and he shut the door
         "Hailey I was thinking we should..." Michael started, and Hailey wasn't ready for the words to come out of his mouth next, or was she?
        "Sh-should what Conor?" Hailey asked, and noticing him taking off his ring. She gasped, and tears ran down her cheeks.
        "Divorce..." he said, and Hailey clasped down onto the floor in tears. She started to shake, and cried even harder.
        She forgave him for having an affair, but he won't forgive her? But she didn't have a say yet, maybe that will change things...

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