Chapter 2: Where is Evie?

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Mal was walking down the hall with Carlos and Jay when she had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, Something was not right she ran off towards the Bedroom her and Evie shared but was stopped by a two people in Blue and Gold Royal Uniforms. Carlos and Jay caught up and saw the group as well as Mal who looked blankly at the Guards as they spoke to her. Jay walked up to Mal and placed a hand gently on her shoulder causing her body to stiffen by the sudden contact.

"What's wrong Mal?" Jay asked as Fairy godmother and King Ben walked out of the girls room. Mal stood there for a little while and let out a shuddery sigh

"We Believe Evie has been taken Jay" A voice came from behind him, he turned around and saw the Former King and Queen of Auradon standing there Adam was holding Belle in his arms as she wiped a tear from her face, Belle had taken an extra liking to the VK's after their heroic actions at Ben's coronation

"We will be moving Mal to our Castle for the time being, she appears to be in a state of shock right now and it will be safer with us for the time being." Belle said in a motherly tone. All Jay could do was nod as he looked at Mal who was being held by Ben and Carlos, Jay watched the Guards block off the Girls bedroom with a magic force Field to keep people out but also to keep intruders in as to catch anyone who may be connected to this.

Mal was escorted away with the royal family not a single tear fell from the purplette's face but that was nothing new as the young Fairy never cried. Jay and Carlos stood back watching before heading back to their own rooms. As Jay and Carlos rounded a corner they saw Audrey Lonnie Jane Chad and Doug standing around whispering, As soon as the VK's came into view Jane ran up and hugged Carlos as Lonnie hugged Jay.

"We just heard and we want you to know we are here for you every step of the way" Lonnie said to the two male VK's as Doug walked over and placed a hand on Carlos' Shoulder

"I have only known Evie for a few months but I already love her, But I can only Imagine what this has done for all of you" Carlos Merely nodded and forced a smile, His eyes looked over at Chad and Audrey who were oddly Silent. The two walked away without so much as a glance in their direction, Jay and Carlos smiled at their friends as they all walked into the boys room. Once in the Room Jay was the first to speak his anger bubbling to the surface

"We can't just sit here while our Friend is somewhere out there!" Jay fumed as he paced the small room, Jay was an expert at most things and highly athletic, he was also very protective of the other VK's and now that one was missing he would not stop until he found out what happened.

"What could we do Jay? We don't even know where to start, or what to even look for" Jane said in a soft voice as she rested her head on Carlos's Shoulder. "And anyway I'm sure Fairy Godmother has this all under cont-" Jane was cut off by the sound of Jay slamming his fist down on the desk "We can't just wait until Fairy Godmother does something! Our friend is out there, our Friend and Your Girlfriend!" He yelled as he pointed at Doug who looked at him with a frown, "We are all willing to help however long it takes Jay" Doug said. Lonnie rested a hand on Jay's shoulder and tried to calm him down "getting all hot-headed and angry will not help us find Evie and you know that." That was just like Lonnie, She always knew how to calm Jay down and as he did the room became quiet once more.

"So I take it we are going to find Evie then?" Carlos spoke after a moment of silence looking into Jay's eyes, "We have to go talk to Mal and Ben, and then we will start the search" Jay stated firmly as he rubbed his hands together. The 2 VK's and the AK's all walked out together and walked towards the girls bedroom glancing quickly at the mess inside, and the single opened window "Carlos you will have to figure out how to get us inside that room, but for now lets go talk to Ben and Mal" The Gang nodded and began to walk to the Castle.

They had made it to Sherwood Forest and were walking past the old Snow White cottage when they heard something from behind a tree. They stopped and looked around talking in hushed voices

"you don't think it's the people who took Evie" Jane Whispered

"Maybe it's a Bear?" Lonnie spoke in a worried tone from behind Jay

Jay took a step forward and threw a rock at the tree which caused an apple to fall, but the Apple didn't hit the ground instead it had hit something else.

"Ouch!" The voice stated along with a "Shush they will hear you"

"Who is Behind that tree! Show yourself" Carlos Called out, Fear Lacing his voice, Carlos De-Ville was the youngest and smallest of the VK's, he was frightened but also very smart. The group huddled together as two figures came out from behind the tree.

"Audrey, Chad!? what are you two doing all the way in the forest?" Lonnie asked as Jay looked at them skeptically, the two AK's stood there in front of the group looking at the ground not saying a word. Jay stepped forward as he noticed something around Audrey's Neck, It was Evie's Heart necklace the one she had been wearing earlier that day. Without thinking Jay ran up and grabbed the necklace from Audrey "where did you get this?" Jay growled his eyes narrowed and his fist clenched, he looked like he would snap at any moment. Audrey looked at Chad who rolled his eyes

"I found it and gave it to Audrey as a gift" Chad scoffed and tried to grab it from Jay, "Thats Bull and you know it" Jay shoved Chad backwards and watched him fall into a shrub of berries "If I find out that Either of you had anything to do with Evie's dissapearence I will personally make sure you both pay dearly." Jay placed the necklace in his pocket and walked away from his friends, Carlos, Jane, Lonnie and Doug took one last look at Audrey and Chad before running to catch up to Jay. Chad and Audrey shared a look as Audrey helped Chad stand up. Next stop Castle Beast.

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