Chapter 7: The Plan

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Hey Guys and Gals! I really hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm getting a little frazzled and I do hope you all are still enjoying the story! Some exciting Chapters are coming up!

Mal, Jay , Carlos and the rest of their friends were sitting on the floor of Ben's room in silence. Ben held Mal tightly in his arms as Ginny Gothel sat between Carlos and Jay, Things were tense and the occasional sniffle escaped from Mal. She looked up and around at everyone's solemn faces and wiped her eyes nuzzling closely into her boyfriends chest, She had once again let down her Best friend and she felt terrible. After a few more moments of silence a small voice escaped from the other side of the room where Jane sat looking at her friends "So whats the plan?" Jane asked looking at Mal who was often the leader of everything. Mal shuddered and wiped her eyes thinking for a moment she didn't want to fail again and as she closed her eyes she immediately thought of what could possibly be happening to her best friend, a single tear ran down her cheek as she shook her head indicating she had nothing. The group once again became silent until Jay jumped to his feet startling the others,

"No, we can do this! C'mon Mal you of all people should know what to do we defeated Maleficent, we climbed to the top of the forbidden fortress we even went back to the isle to find our lost talismans surely we can do this too" Jay looked over at Carlos and then back at Mal "We are Villain Kids, together we are unstoppable you are a leader Mal. We need you to help us, to help Evie." Mal's head snapped upright at this Jay was right they couldn't just sit here while precious time was ticking away and the likely hood of Evie being safe faded. Sand the other she jumped up and with a smirk and a quick flash of her green eyes looked at Jane "You still been practicing your Magic?" Mal asked with a seriousness on her face, Jane nodded "I have been working on some small spells, mom really doesn't want me to do anything major, but I guess in a time like this it's ok?" Jane pulled out a small golden wand with silver trim looking just like her mothers and smiled at Mal "what do you need?"

Mal smiled widely and looked over at the others "alright you guys, here's the plan, Lonnie, Jane, Doug, Ben you all have your Tailismans correct?" Mal asked the four AK's who nodded hesitantly. The four AK's had their Tailismans handed down to them when they became of age and their parents felt they were worthy. The VK's were a different story the four VK's Tailismans were destroyed by Fairy godmother when they returned from the Isle the second time but if Evil Queen was looking for Tailismans that meant that they must have another.

"Okay, Lonnie, Doug, Ben and Jane we need you four to go get your Tailismans and meet us back here no later than noon." The four AK's nodded and rushed out the door, except Ben; Ben stood where he was looking at Mal with his beautiful blue eyes as he fiddled with his Beast head ring on his finger. He took it off and placed it on the table in front of him "Mines has always been on me, I never take it off, My Mother always says to me "Love doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be true". Mal took his hand in hers and kissed his cheek "You're the bravest guy I know" She smiled hearing the boys clear their throats behind her back. Mal turned around to Ginny who sat in the same spot wringing her hands nervously, Mal walked over to the girl and sat beside her placing a hand on her shoulder and feeling Ginny's body tense up.

"You don't have to be afraid anymore Ginny, we are not letting anyone hurt you, but we need to know we can trust you. Evie's life depends on you, and if anything were to happen you would be to blame." Mal knew exactly how to manipulate people into doing what she wanted so this was easy for her, Ginny looked up at the older fairy and sighed "I will not lie to you and I will help anyway I can, I don't want to go back to the Isle and I don't want to be Evil either." Mal felt a smile spread across her face as she nodded "okay then, good."

An hour later the three AK's where still not back and Mal was beginning to feel worried yet again, Ben, Carlos, Jay and Ginny had all taken seats as they watched Mal pace back and forth in the room. She was about to blow when the doors burst open and Doug, Jane and Lonnie came walking in, each holding a small box. Hey each placed it on the table and stepped back, Mal walked over and opened the first one which had Chinese writing on the top and cherry blossoms engraved in the side she reached into it and pulled out a hairclip just like the one Lonnie's mother Mulan used to wear, the hairclip was even more beautiful in person with a blue and white flower attached to the gold comb-like clip. She looked at the inscription on the inside of the box "The Flower that Blooms in Adversity, is the most rare and beautiful of them all." Mal gently placed the clip back into the Box and closed it as she moved to the next box which was a light blue color decorated with pumpkins and mice; She opened the box and pulled out a small pumpkin much like the one Fairy Godmother used to help Cinderella, Once more she read the inscription : "Have Courage and Be Kind" Mal would remember that when times got rough, for a short moment she thought of her friends and how much they were risking to help her. She went to the last box on the table and laughed quietly the box had seven dwarves on the top all carrying pick axes and heading towards a jewel mine, Around the edges were some apples. Mal opened the box up and pulled out a handful of beautiful Jewels from the Dwarves mine they were gorgeous and all shapes and sizes, different colors of Gold and silver blue and pink and one big red one shaped like an apple. Mal read the final inscription "It is when you are most lost that we sometimes find our truest friends"

Mal looked up at her friends and realized something, in order to really truly understand their tailismans and where they could find them they should go to the place that started it all. She walked over to her boyfriend and slipped the ring back on his finger, "Lets go save our Evie" The gang cheered and all of them walked towards the door before stopping briefly "Wait, Where are we going though?" Jay asked curiously, Mal snickered as she interlocked her hands with Ben's "To Agrabah, we have a story to hear" Jay groaned as he trudged forward with his friends this was not going to end well.

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