Chapter 3: The Betrayal

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Evie woke to a sharp slap across the face, causing her eyes to well with tears. She looked up to her mother who was staring at her with hatred, and Disappointment. Evie let out a shuddery sigh and lowered her head before Evil Queen firmly grasped her daughters face in her hands, her sharp freshly manicured nails digging into Evie's delicate skin, Evie whimpered and tried to free herself from her mothers grip. Evil Queen took this as a stance of defiance and slapped the child once more and kneeled down to face her.

"well it looks as if my precious little girl is finally awake" Evil Queen sneered as she mocked sincerity. "I saw that little stunt you did at the Prince's coronation and I must say I was quite alarmed and upset." Evil Queen let out a dramatic sigh as she stood straight up, "I must say that Prince fella was quite cute and I am so disappointed that you let him slip away with the daughter of Maleficent of all people, I never did like her." Evie felt her fists ball into fists as she thought of her friends and boyfriend, she knew deep down she did not need a prince to be happy she knew that because Mal told her and it was the truth.
"No..." Evie gritted her teeth attempting to keep her composure, she didn't want to give her mother the satisfaction of her words hurting her. She took a deep breath and went to speak once more

"No?... oh.. dear me child you appear to have forgotten to whom you are speaking haven't you?" Evil Queen's eyes narrowed and a catlike grin spread across her face much like that of the Cheshire Cat. Evie looked at her mother and gulped the fear creeping it's way down her spine, with lightening speed Evil Queen grabbed Evie's arm firmly and twisted it behind her back causing Evie to squeal in pain

"Tell me Child, Who is the Fairest of them all? What do you know of true love or true beauty at that matter, you have no true friends, you only have me and you will only ever have me." She twisted Evie's arm one last time and then shoved her to the ground, Evie got up holding her arm and glared at her mother

"No mother, you are wrong! I have amazing friends, friends who would never let anything happen to me! And a Boyfriend who taught me I didn't need a prince to be happy. All I need is him perhaps the reason you were never Fairest of them all was because Snow whites heart was purer than yours!" Evie saw her mothers hand connect with her face, it sent her right back to the ground, Evie felt the blood trickle down her nose and the tears that were tempted to escape but she would not stop fighting. "Mother, you can hurt me however you want but you will never take what means the most to me! You can never take my hope!"

Evil Queen stood there and sneered "We'll see about that Evie." Evil Queen walked over to her Child and grabbed her roughly by her blue hair "You are never going to be found, nobody is looking for you and you mean nothing to any of them, if you did your precious friends would have found you by now Enjoy your time in this room. You will be here for a while" Evil Queen dropped Evie and kicked her once in the stomach before walking out of the room locking it behind her.

Evie's POV:

I waited until I heard mother leave before mustering up the strength to stand back up, my arm was throbbing, I lifted my shirt and gazed at the bruise forming above my belly button. I shakily stood up and walked over to a window in the far corner of the room. As I gazed out I noticed there were only trees and I was in a tower of some sorts, I tried to look for anything to get a clue of where I was, I leaned out of the window before I was grabbed from behind. I let out a scream and kicked my leg at the unknown person behind me who had released me as my leg connected with what I could only hope was a leg. When I turned around the room was brighter and standing there was Gil who was rubbing his shin and jumping up and down on one leg.

"Gil? I asked questioningly as I stood cautiously away from him "You helped my mother Kidnap me?!" Gil had been my friend before me Jay Carlos and Mal left the Isle.

"I wouldn't say helped more like asked to help with something and told about a reward." Gil shook his golden blonde hair and smiled his goofy little grin, "I didn't know it was you until your mother-"

"I get it.... wait. Until my mother what? Is she planning something? Does she think taking me will get he off the isle?" Gil looked at me with confusion before shaking his head "Ahhhh I know what your trying to do! You want me to tell you what we know so that you can try and outsmart us. But every kidnapper knows don't let the captive know anything about the kidnappers plans to take over Auradon by getting rid of the VK's one by one" I smiled and simply nodded my head it was just like Gil to talk without thinking, even if it did land him in trouble once in a while. "so... My mother is going to try and get rid of us?" I asked quizzically receiving a curt nod from Gil. I had forgotten all about the pain in my arm and stomach as I listened, I hadn't even heard the other person come into the tower until she cleared her throat. I grimaced and looked up at Ginny Gothel with the same black curly hair as her mother and same obnoxious condescending personality.

"Well hello Evie, you look dreadfully awful" Ginny laughed and looked over at Gil who stood there with a look of confusion on his face, Ginny simply rolled her eyes before placing a satchel down in front of me, "it's just some food and water, don't waste it all tonight it's all your getting for the week"

I looked down at the rotting food and wrinkled my nose "well I'm definatly not in Auradon" I thought to myself even as Ginny scoffed at me "I bet your wondering where you are Evie, and all will be told soon enough. But for now try not to worry about it" Ginny grabbed Gil and shoved him out of the room shouting "Sleep well princess!" before the door slammed behind them, the sound of the lock being turned made me cry inside. I had to find a way to get out of here, her friends were now in danger.

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