Chapter 14: Reunited

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 Carlos and Jay walked through the doors of Aurora's Castle and stares in awe at the beauty, As they walked towards the main ballroom they were stopped by Queen Leah who stared at the boys with her arms crossed.

"Queen Leah" Jay said as he bowed sneaking a glance at Carlos who also bowed to the Queen,

"What are you two doing here?" Queen Leah asked accusingly her eyes glanced around the room making sure nothing was out of place. Jay stood up and scratched his head

"We were told Mal was here, we want to see her." he said watching Queen Leah's eyes and rolling his eyes. "Fine, right this way and I will tell my daughter you are here" the Queen sighed as she led the boy's down the hall to Mal's room.

"She's right in there, my daughter will be in her study which is down the hall and around the corner" Queen Leah said before walking away. Carlos and Jay looked at each other and laughed some of the people in Auradon could actually belong in the Isle of the Lost, and she was one of them. The boys knocked on Mal's door when they heard no answer they walked in assuming she was sleeping, they looked around the empty room and back at each other.

"We have to tell Aurora" Carlos said taking Jay's arm and running towards the study, they got to the door and knocked rapidly on it. The doors opened by a woman who had her hair tied back neatly in a braid, the two spotted Aurora sitting by the window with a book in her hands, they ran into the room as Aurora put down her book and stood up, "Boy's what's wrong?" Aurora asked worriedly looking at the two boys.

"Mal is gone!" Carlos shouted out, Aurora gasped and ran out of the room towards Mal's room. Carlos and Jay followed behind her, Aurora pushed open the doors to Mal's room and searched in a panic for the young girl. Carlos and Jay stood still as they watched Aurora run around calling out for Mal, The boys saw the panic in her eyes and the worry on her face "Boy's we need to call Fairy godmother and Ben. " Aurora said on the verge of tears, the boys nodded as they pulled out their phones to contact everyone. A few minutes later Fairy godmother and Ben came running into the room, there they saw Carlos and Jay comforting an inconsolable Aurora who sat on the edge of Mal's bed. Ben walked over to the woman and placed a hand on her shoulder "Do you know where she might have gone?" Aurora looked up at the King with red puffy eyes and shook her head "I didn't even know she was gone, my mother was suppose to keep an eye on her" Aurora said as Queen Leah stepped into the room and leaned against the door frame.

"Mother you were supposed to be watching her!" Aurora spoke harshly to her mother causing Leah to appear startled, she was at a loss for words "b..but.. I..I.. I just thought....." Aurora put up a hand silencing her mother "I don't care to know, all I want is for Mal to be here" Aurora said placing a hand over her heart. Carlos stood up and looked at Ben "You don't think.... she went to find Evie?" He whispered to the King, Ben's eyes shot wide opened and turned to Fairy godmother "We need to go to the Isle!" Fairy godmother shook her head "I'm sorry Ben, but that cannot be done. It is too dangerous." Ben looked over at Fairy Godmother "But Mal could be in Danger." he whispered trying hard not to bring anymore panic to Princess Aurora.

"I'm sorry but I must forbid it"Fairy Godmother spoke softly back to the young king, she knew he was going to do anything to protect Mal but she had to stay firm. "Until Mal returns or we get word of her being in danger the three of you will stay at the school under survelience,. that way you cannot sneak your way to the Isle." The three boys groaned and turned to Aurora who was now standing and nodded their heads "We will stay here in Auradon." Aurora smiled sadly and hugged the three boys "I wouldn't want this level of worry on anyone else, I can take it and I will be fine." Aurora released the boys from the hug and looked up at Fairy Godmother "Find her and bring her home safely" Aurora said firmly as she held back her tears. Fairy Godmother nodded as she ushered the boys out of the castle and back to Auradon Prep.

Mal parked the Royal Limo underneath the old Pier and covered it with a tarp, which was alot harder with only one person. Once the Limo was covered she began to walk passing through the marketplace. She kept to the Shadows as to not be seen, She nabbed a rotten apple and bit into it grimacing at how nasty the fruit was here on the Isle. She passed by Ursula's Fish and Chip shop and Hooks Clock and Curiosity shoppe before ducking into an alley just as some of her mother's old minions came walking around. Since her mother had been turned into a lizard her minions now worked for Evil Queen and if they saw her they would kill her right then and there. Mal continued to walk and found herself walking towards the bargain castle where her and her mother lived her whole life. She shook her head and mentally yelled at herself "no, no reminiscing you are on a mission." Mal told herself. She continued to walk past Evil Queen's Castle home and Cruella's Hell Hall Mansion. She ducked behind a tree as someone came running towards her. She ducked as the person came closer, Picking up a trash can lid she jumped out ready to attack. She ran towards the unknown person and tripped over the person's long cloak causing it to fall off, Mal stood up and stared at the person with tears in her eyes "E..Evie?" Mal said as the girl stepped forward attempting to tie the cloak back over her deep blue hair. "Mal?!" Evie shouted, w..what are you doing here you're not dead! Evie said as she hugged her best friend "Mal, I'm so so Sorry! I never meant for you to get hurt, I let my mother get inside my head and I..." Evie was cut off by Mal who hadn't yet let go of the hug "Evie, you have no need to be sorry, I knew you weren't yourself. I should have been there to protect you" Mal spoke as fresh tears rimmed her eyelids and ripped down her cheeks.

"Mal, you did protect me, you are my best friend and my sister. But if you would have been in that room you would have been taken too." Evie said holding her friends hand tightly in her's, Mal and Evie stood talking to each other, not noticing the person who had been watching the entire time slip back into the shadows. "E, we should get moving I just want you home safe." Evie latched herself to Mal's arm as they heard a sound from behind them. Mal's eyes turned green as she turned around quickly, "well, well, well, isn't this a sweet little reunion." Evil Queen stepped out of the shadows with a sneer on her face. Mal pushed Evie behind her "I may not have been there to protect her the first time but It will be a cold day in hell before you take her from me again" Mal said glaring the the wicked woman. "oh, Mal... you think this is the end? I will not stop until my daughter is done with this fantasy of her friends and the goodness she thinks she has, ugh and don't get me started about that boy." Evil Queen snapped her fingers and Ginny , Maddy and Gil walked out from behind them they were not surrounded. "Now come with us dear, and we will make this less hard" Evil Queen looked at her daughter who stood behind Mal with tears in her eyes, she began to walk forward and Mal grabbed her hand tightly. "you want her you need to get through me, lady" Mal growled Evil Queen sneered as she once again snapped her fingers producing her minions "that can be arranged, take the both of them back to the tower" Evie attempted to fight off one of the minions who had grabbed her hoisting her over his shoulder, "Evie!" Mal screamed as two Minions grabbed her, "stop!" she twisted as Evie's voice got quieter, Mal lowered her head and stopped fighting as she was hoisted and brought towards the tower.

Mal was dropped roughly on the hard wooden floor just inches away from the broken glass mirror, She stood up and looked around the room seeing Evie curled up in a ball crying softly. Mal ran over to her soothing her when Evil Queen came walking in smugly along with Ginny and Maddy.

"Today just isn't your day Mal, it's a shame I thought you would have been just like your mother." Evil Queen knelt down in front of Mal and smirked "I should have known you wouldn't amount to anything more then just a weakling, just like my precious Evie" Mal lunged at Evil Queen only to be pushed backwards by the witch. "you and I will have our time soon, but for now you two just make yourselves comfortable. I need to get my Talismans that were left behind." Evil Queen turned to leave through the portal to Auradon, Mal knew it was now or never she grabbed Evie's arm and ran towards Evil Queen pushing her through the portal with them.

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