Chapter 12: Space Between Us

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 Ben rushed through the doors of the hospital in a panic, Jay Carlos and the rest of the group were close behind the King. "Help, we need help, Please!" Ben shouted as he held an unconscious Mal in his arms, blood still seeped through the girls jacket and drops fell to the floor. A female Doctor came rushing over and immediately took note of the girl in the kings arms, snapping her fingers two male nurses came over with a gurney. Mal was taken from Ben's arms and rolled away quickly, "Where are you taking her, is she going to be okay?" Ben asked, the lump in his throat rose as he felt tears roll down his face. The doctor shook her head as she ran down the corridor towards the room they wheeled Mal to leaving Ben alone without any information about his beloved girlfriend. Lonnie placed a hand on Ben's shoulder as they all walked to the waiting room, they were in for a long night. A few hours later the doctor emerged from the room, she looked distraught and this worried Ben deeply. He stood up seeing the Doctor watching the group as they all stood up as well, "Well, how is she?" Jay blurted out he couldn't take the tension any longer.

"My name is Dr Fitzherbert she waved her hand as Belle, Beast and Fairy godmother came walking in as well as two royal Guards "doctor looked at the young King and pulled out a clipboard, "Mal had a deep stab wound which thankfully did not penetrate any major or vital organs however whoever stabbed her had poisoned the object used and the poison is well, killing her." Ben's face dropped as he became blind with tears, he heard someone slam their fist on the wall, he assumed it was Jay. The rest were crying quietly, Ben was angry no he was enraged. Evil Queen would not get away with this,

"What happened to Mal Ben" he heard his mothers voice and snapped his head upright looking deep into her eyes. "We went looking for Evie, and we found her...." Ben said quietly as he clenched his fists remembering the look on Mal's face when Evie ignored her, the pain in her face was to much to handle. "Evil Queen did this, Mal turned into a dragon and Evil Queen stabbed her." Ben fell to his knees attempting to control his emotions, he felt a hand on his shoulder and shrugged it away.

Dr Fitzherbert looked at the group of teenagers "you said Evil Queen did this to Mal?" The group all nodded. "Fairy Godmother might I have a word with you?" Dr. Fitzherbert asked with some urgency "Of course, lets step outside" fairy godmother said as she stepped outside the room the group was in. Once Dr Fitzherbert and Fairy godmother were outside the room the Dr fidgeted with her clipboard, "Fairy godmother, you are aware of how dire this situation is correct, if in fact Evil Queen has stabbed Mal we could have only a few hours before the poison reaches her heart and kills her." Dr. Fitzherbert stated in a serious tone . "I do understand this, but what do you know about this poison?"Fairy Godmother asked quizzically.

"The poison is as potent as the poison used to place Snow white to sleep, but as lethal as the curse Maleficent used to attempt to kill Aurora, The poison will destroy her heart so that she may never love nor live again." Dr. Fitzherbert stated as she handed a paper to Fairy godmother, "We are able to slow the poison down but we will not be able to save her unless an Act of true love is instilled then will be the long road to recovery, for now we have placed her in a Coma so that the poison will not spread as fast." Dr. Fitzherbert finished and shook Fairy godmothers hand, "Thank you Dr. You have been much help" Fairy godmother smiled sadly as she walked back into the room where the children were, Lonnie's mother as well as Doug's father had now shown up and were all sitting beside their children. Fairy godmother looked over at Carlos and Jay who were sitting alone in the corner of the room talking amongst themselves, Fairy godmother cleared her throat getting the attention of everyone in the room "Mal is very hurt, the doctors are doing everything they can for her. I suggest you all go home and get some rest." Lonnie walked over and gave Jay a tight hug as well as Carlos and Ben before walking out with her mother and father. "I want to see her" Ben stated as his parents attempted to lead him out of the hospital. "Mal cannot have visitors yet Ben, please go back to the castle and we will call you when she can have some" Fairy godmother said pointing her finger towards the door, Ben bit his lip but followed his parents out of the hospital as well. Fairy godmother looked at her daughter and the remaining VK's "Carlos, Jay please return to your dorm rooms I will have a car pick you up Tommorow to come back to the hospital." Carlos and Jay both nodded although they knew they wouldn't get much sleep, They walked out of the hospital followed by Fairy godmother and Jane, who hugged the VK's tightly.

When Carlos and Jay returned to Auradon Prep things were eerily silent, there were no sounds of Evie working on her sewing machine and no Mal complaining about the amount of sunlight in the kingdom. As Carlos unlocked the door to their room Dude ran out and jumped into his arms licking his face. Jay walked over to his bed and scrolled through his phone, after a few moments of silence Carlos looked up to see that Jay was curled in a ball, he could have sworn he heard a sniffle but he didn't want to pry. Carlos looked over at his nightstand and smiled at the photo of Mal, Evie, Jay and himself smiling, remembering the happy times he fell asleep allowing a few tears to escape.

Evie's POV:

I can't believe it, I just betrayed my friends... and not only that Mal might be hurt or even worse dead! I watched as my mother gloated and droned on about killing the daughter of Maleficent and it killed me inside. There's no way I can go back to Auradon and face them now, they probably all hate me. "Evie darling, come join mommy in celebration our time for revenge begins as soon as I figure out how to work these talismans...." I blinked as my mom's expression went from overjoyed to complete and utter anger. "Where are the talismans!! Ginny, Maddy, Gil! You three are idiots, you were suppose to bring the talismans but instead you left them in Auradon?!?" I smiled to myself at least Auradon was safe for now, "Thank goodness" I whispered but not soft enough my mother heard me and *smack* I was thrown across the room landing hard on my back. I blinked back the tears and tried to make myself seem uncaring but mother saw right through me as usual.

"so, my dear one has gone soft yet again, perhaps I need to show you what YOU did to your "best friend", Evil Queen summoned a portal showing a hospital room. "look closely Evie, this is what you did. And you will never be forgiven" I stood up and looked at the purple haired girl laying unconscious in the bed, I felt my eyes well up with tears as I ran upstairs to my room. Sitting on the edge of my bed I closed my eyes envisioning a time when I was home with my friends where I belonged, I began to sing softly to myself:

I didn't want to let you down
But the truth is out
It's tearing me apart, not listening to my heart

I really had to go
And I would never stop you
Even though we've changed
Nothing has to change

And you can find me in the space between
Where two worlds come to meet
I'll never be out of reach
'Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between
You'll never be alone
No matter where you go
We can meet in the space between

I laid my head in my lap and cried for my friends it killed my inside, not being there for Mal and everyone when they needed me now more then ever. I felt my mother walk into the room and I could feel she was proud of what she did, thats when It hit me, Mal sacrificed herself to try and save me now it was my time to save her.

Meanwhile in Auradon:

The next morning Jay and Carlos woke up and immediately headed to the hospital, by the time they got there Ben was already there sitting beside his parents, As they walked inside they were shocked to see Aladdin and Jasmine Anita and Roger and Aurora standing in the waiting room. "what are you all doing here?" Jay asked looking at Aurora who smiled at the boy "I believe you have something that could help Mal Jay. Aurora said glancing over at Ben, "the necklace!" Carlos said as he pulled Evie's necklace out of Jay's pocket handing it to Aurora. "How could that help?" Jay scoffed, he was still pretty angry at the way Evie had treated them but he knew he wouldn't want to live without her or Mal. Ben took the necklace from Aurora and looked at the boys "trust me." he was then led to Mal's room at the end of the hall.

When Ben walked in the room he immediately rushed to Mal's side, he face was pale and her hands were cold as Ice. He brushed her purple locks out of her face and kissed her gently, for a moment he thought he saw Mal's eyes flutter but it wasn't the case. He looked at the necklace in his hands and as he was about to put it around Mal's neck his anger got the best of him," why on earth would I try to break this curse with an object that belonged to the girl who hurt my girlfriend in the first place" He stuffed the necklace in his pocket and kissed Mal's forehead "I am here to protect you Mal, don't worry Evie wont hurt you again" Ben walked out the door unaware that Mal's eyes did indeed open for a moment before closing once more.

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