Chapter 8: The Lamp

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Jay and the others walked up the steps of the palace in Agrabah and stared up at the large golden doors as Jay looked back at his friends he gulped, his inner fears of hate and resentment from Aladdin and Jasmine crept up his spine. Jay took a deep breath in and rapped his knuckles on the big golden door "Well guess nobody's home, best start someplace else" Jay said nervously as he started to walk away. Mal stood where she was and silently said a spell to open the doors, The big golden door creaked open allowing the group of friends to enter. Jay still had a bad feeling about this although he kept a strong face he was utterly ashamed and scared to be in the palace of his own fathers enemies.

"Hello? Anybody home?" Mal called out when they were inside the Palace, the place was huge and revealed a big empty ballroom. Two thrones sat in the middle of the room atop of a pedestal of sorts. A scream was heard from behind everyone as Carlos attempted to climb up a pillar while a medium sized tiger with orange stripes batted it's paws at the boy

"Down kitty, nice kitty...." Carlos stuttered as the tiger continued to bat at him like a new chew toy. Jay and the gang were too amused with the sight before them to notice Aladdin and Jasmine walk into the room were the children were.

"Ahem" a voice came from behind the group as well as catching the attention of the tiger who dutifully walked over to the adults. Jane and Doug helped Carlos down as Jay turned to face the couple, his face flushed bright red as Aladdin patted the tiger on the head. Mal hid behind Ben but he merely chuckled and walked up to Aladdin and shook his hand and Jasmine gave him a hug

"Ben, it's been so long, how are your parents?" Jasmine asked with a bright smile upon her face as she looked at the young boy in front of her.

"My parents are well thank you, you remember my friends" he said gesturing to the others who were either standing fearfully or cowering behind each other.

"Aah, yes indeed Hello children" Jasmine chuckled and turned to Carlos who was hiding behind Jane who was doing her best not to speak,

"Sorry about Ra-Ra, he is learning to be like his father and can be a little rowdy" Jasmine smiled as Rajah Jasmines trusted friend and tiger companion came walking over placing a big paw atop his sons furry little head. The gang stared at the royals and their scared worried expressions turned into relived nervous laughter.

"So Kids, what can we do for you?" Aladdin now spoke as he glanced over at Jay and smiled, Jay cleared his throat and walked up to Aladdin and Jasmine and bowed before shifting nervously on his feet.

"My name is.... is... uh... Jay," He looked back at Ben and his friends who smiled reassuringly, Jay turned back toward Jasmine and Aladdin who were now focused solely on him, he took a deep breath in "My name is Jay, I am from the Isle of the Lost and my father is..... Jafar." he exhaled deeply and looked up at the couples shocked and pained faces, He watched Rajah lead his kitten away. Time stood still as Aladdin and Jasmine shared worried looks before their gaze fell upon the young son of Jafar.

"How old are you Jay?" Jasmine spoke in a soft tone as Aladdin stood there looking unsure what to do.

"I'm fifteen" Jay stuttered nervously as Jasmine's frown turned into a small reassuring smile

"fifteen is a wonderful age, now tell us why you are here?" Jasmine asked taking the boys hands in her own. "He probably wants to try and gain all the power in the world just like his father" Aladdin scoffed earning a angry look from his wife.

"Our friend is in trouble, we have come to hear your story and find my talisman" Jay spoke softly ignoring Aladdin's rude comment.

"You want to know our story? But where should we begin with it" Jasmine asked curiously speaking to the boy.

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