Chapter 6: Hopeless

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Evie was sitting on the floor of the tower thinking of a way to escape, she had to warn her friends somehow and she would die trying if it came to it. Evie looked around the sun had begun to rise and let in some light, illuminating the room once more She looked around at the broken mirror that laid across the floor and then to the extremely long strands of brown hair. "Thats it!" Evie exclaimed as she used the discarded hair to make a rope to climb down from the tower. Evie's taste for fashion made this task easy and within minutes she had a long rope of hair, She walked over to the window and tied one end to the plant hanger above her head and tossed the rest of it down. She yanked on it a few times before taking a deep breath closing her eyes she grasped the hair and began to climb down. "I'm doing it, I'm really going to get away!" Evie smiled to herself as she climbed further down the tall tower, she heard a noise above her that made her mind panic. She looked up to see her mother looking down at her, Evil queen held a shard of glass up and cut the hair causing Evie to fall to the ground. Evie fell the rest of the way down and landed on the grass below, A shadowy figure appeared over her as darkness overcame her.

- End Flashback -

Evie's eyes flickered open as she looked around in a panic she had been so close to escape she could practically taste the freedom. A sharp pain erupted from Evie's side and as Evie attempted to move she found she was bound to a chair, Evie yelled for help but none came She slumped in the chair as tears fell down her cheeks. Moments later Maddy and Gil both came into the tower room with some moldy apple pie, Gil untied Evie's arms keeping her feet still tied tightly to the legs of the chair and shoved the pie in front of her. "Eat up Princess, EQ doesn't want her daughter dying on her watch." Evie glared as Maddy spoke to her carelessly but she knew all about her mom's experiments with apples and was sure it could be poison, but it just looked so good Evie grabbed the pie and ate the entire thing. Evie's eyes drooped shut as the pie did it's work sending Evie to sleep,

Evie's POV:

I woke up and rubbed my eyes, as I looked around I noticed I was in Auradon. My plan had worked I did escape and I did get away from my mother and I..... I blinked a few times as I saw Mal, Jay and Carlos. I ran to them calling their names but all they did was ignore me I figured they didn't see me so I ran back to my room and was surprised to see that all of my stuff had been moved out. Confusion set in as I ran to find my boyfriend Doug, As I reached his room my heart dropped as I saw him with Audrey. As I stood there I called for him as tears ran down my cheeks, "what is happening?" I cried as I ran to find Mal. Mal was sitting with Ben in the lunchroom she seemed strange however "Hey Mal!" I said as I ran to her, but she just stood there staring at me judgingly. "Who are you?" Mal said to me catching me off guard "It's me Evie, Mal what's wrong with everyone they are being so weird" I said as I grabbed her hand and Ben came over slapping it away "Keep your hands off my Girlfriend, Evie is no longer around and not important anymore so whatever kind of sick joke this is knock it off" Ben snapped at me sending tears to my eyes once more. I felt a wave of dread and my heart become very dark as I watched Ben take Mal away leaving me alone in the middle of the cafeteria. My head began to spin and as I sat down and closed my eyes I felt nothing but Hopelessness.

When Evie came to she was less surprised that she was still in the tower, She felt numb and alone and forgotten. Her friends had truly forgotten about her and she now had nothing left to fight for. Ignoring the pain in her side she laid back down and tightly closed her eyes trying to forget about her friends and Boyfriend, as far as she was concerned she was alone in this. Evie was startled awake by the sound of her mother barging through the door, She didn't make an effort to move and just laid there in a depressive state.

"Evie, what ever is the matter" Evil Queen sneered as she spoke a little too smugly, Evil Queen knelt beside her daughter and brushed the hair out of her face,

"My friends.... everything you told me was true.... mother, I'm so sorry I ever betrayed you." Evie sniffled as she looked up at her mother with red puffy eyes. Evil Queen smiled and picked her daughter up giving her a weak gentle hug and a kiss on the forehead "we will just let bygones be bygones, I'm glad you have forgotten all about those silly people and now you can help me take over Auradon once and for all!" Evil Queen Cackled loudly and set her gaze on her daughter "come with me dear, I believe you have earned a better room then the floor of this tower". Evil Queen helped Evie up and led her up the spiraling stairs to the bedroom that once belonged to Rapunzel for eighteen long years. Evie laid down on the soft bed and gazed up at the paintings on the ceiling, Rapunzel sure did have alot of time on her hands. Evie's eyes fluttered and she fell asleep as Evil Queen tip-toed out of the room grinning as she thought of how great her plan was going.

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