Chapter 4: Beam of Light

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 Mal sat beside Ben and listened to his parents speak as they argued with how to help Evie,

"well perhaps we could storm the Isle and search every home and hovel, every nook and cranny until we locate her." Former King Adam thought as he held his wife's hand in his "We could, but that could put Evie in danger, and we would not want to cause anymore harm then could have already been caused." Mal winced at the last part of the conversation, here she was sitting with her Boyfriend and his family while her friends were back at the school and her best friend in the whole world was snatched right under their noses. Mal felt Ben's gentle caress on her back as he pulled her closer in a reassuring way "perhaps now isn't the time to talk about this mom and dad" King Ben firmly but gently spoke. The former king and queen nodded and walked out of the room hand in hand to leave their son and future daughter in law.

"We will find her Mal, trust me on this." Ben whispered as Mal closed her eyes holding in the tears that threatened to escape, instead a shuddery sigh escaped from her mouth catching Ben's attention

"you know Mal you don't have to be afraid to have feelings anymore, if you need to cry you can." Ben lifted Mal's chin gently and smiled "I won't judge you in any way." Mal pulled away and smiled back before frowning once more "Ben I..." The couple were interrupted by the sounds of feet running towards the door, Ben immediately rose from the bed ready to take on whatever was coming. Jay, Carlos, Lonnie, Doug and Jane came barging into the room all out of breath and followed by the guards who were more than prepared to kick the group out. Ben simply raised his hand to gesture the guards to stand down. "They are our friends, all is good" Ben smiled as he looked at his friends, "Would you tell Mrs. Potts to bring up some drinks and cookies for us please?"

"Right away your Magesty" one of the guards bowed before taking his leave. Ben looked at the unsightly bunch who looked as if they had run a marathon, he couldn't help but laugh at Jay who even as captain of the tourney team and R.O.A.R was out of breath as well. "You all look like you ran a mile in a wind storm, and the wind won." Ben grinned as the group forced a laugh and rolled their eyes,

"More like ran all the way from Auradon Prep to here" Carlos said annoyed of the kings joke. Before the Gang could say anymore Mrs. Potts came in with a tray of drinks and snacks for the hungry kids. "Thank you Mrs Potts" Ben smiled as Mrs Potts curtsied and walked out of the room. "so you were saying? What made you run all the way here?" Ben asked as he picked up a tea cup for Mal and handed it to her before grabbing a cookie for himself. Immediately the whole gang started to talk at once about Evie and her necklace and something about Forests. "one at a time, please" Ben laughed, Lonnie spoke up as she placed her cup down on the side table beside her "We found Evie's necklace, which means she wasn't wearing it or it was taken from her." Ben listened intently as Lonnie spoke "We found Chad and Audrey in Sherwood forest and Audrey was wearing it, when Jay asked where they got it, Chad said he found it which was total BS since Evie never takes it off, oh and then Jay shoved Chad into a bush and we ran all the way here" Mal sat up and placed her cup down on the tray before standing up "Where is the necklace?" She asked with a shaky voice hoping nobody would notice, Everybody looked at her as Jay presented the necklace the clasp broken since Jay ripped it off Audrey's neck. "Where are Chad and Audrey right now...." Mal stated through gritted teeth

"We last saw them in Sherwood forest so probably a few miles from here?" Jane said in a small voice

Mal stared at the necklace for a few minutes before noticing something peculiar, "Ben, I need a pair of tweezers" she said in a firm voice. Ben came back moments later with a pair of tweezers, the gang crowded around Mal as she carefully pulled a long strand of purple hair from the broken clasp tangled in the chain. Mal stared at the hair for a few minutes and gasped only one other person had purple hair on the Isle "Maddy..." Mal whispered getting the attention of Jay and Carlos who shared a quizzical look. "Mal are you sure it's her?" Carlos finally asked after a few moments of silence, Mal shot a look at Carlos and nodded firmly "I think maddy somehow is apart of this but she wouldn't have done this alone." Mal turned to Ben and held his hand "I need to go to the Isle, please don't stop me" Ben looked into his girlfriends eyes and shook his head "I can't let you do that Mal, it's too dangerous." Ben squeezed Mal's hand reassuringly "Let Fairy godmother and my parents handle this please, I don't want to lose you" This caused Mal to drop her boyfriends hand and narrow her eyes, they began to glow a bright green color as she clenched her fists Carlos and Jay moved the rest of the group backwards and braced themselves.

"Evie is my Best friend Benjamin! I will not let any harm come to her and YOU will not stop me from going to the Isle to help bring her home! I never needed anybody to protect me and I will not start now! I am going and you are Not going to stop me understand?!" Mal felt her eyes begin to mist as she shoved the group out of her way and ran towards the door. Carlos and Jay were about to speak when they saw a Beam of Light pierce the sky attracting the attention of Mal who promptly ran to the window to locate where the Light was coming from. "The forbidden Mountains.... of course.." Mal muttered under her breath, She grabbed her spell book and turned on her heels and ran out the door unaware that the VK's and AK's were right behind her.

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