Chapter 9: Cruella's Cigarette Holder

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Carlos found every excuse to stop on the way to Anita and Rogers house, whether it was stopping for a drink break or for some lunch. Carlos even went as far as pretending to trip and sprain his ankle, The group shared a sigh as they finally gave in and sat on the ground alongside the path they were walking. Carlos sat still and hugged his knees as Jane sat beside him resting her head on his shoulder his eyes were welling up with tears as he looked at his other friends who looked at him with worried looks.

"What is wrong with you Carlos? Mal snapped, they only had a few more hours until Evie was gone forever and she knew everyone knew that. "You can't seriously be afraid of your mother still, you know she can't get to you, so stop being such a chicken" Mal growled, her green eyes piercing the boys soul.

"Mal, Lay off him, if he's too scared then we will just find another way to get his talisman, no need to be mean Carlos is our friend remember that" Ben snapped at his girlfriend using a no nonsense tone. Mal lowered her head and snarled

"Fine! Then we will all just let Evie disappear forever! Since thats all you guys care about" Mal yelled as she walked away from her friends. Ben sighed and looked at Carlos who wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded before standing up on his feet "We owe it to Evie, she would do the same for us." Carlos said to the rest of the group, receiving nods of agreement and pats on the back. The group ran to catch up with Mal who was almost near the house, As they were about to reach Mal an arrow shot from behind and hit a tree in front of Mal's face, she jumped back as Ben ran to her.

"It's an ambush!" Doug yelled out as the rest of the group ran for their lives, They ran into a dark cave just in time to see a swarm of hunters come running past them. The group sighed in relief and turned to Mal who was silent, "Mal are you alright? Look at me." Ben asked with worry grabbing Mal by both arms and forcing her to look at him, She winced as Ben grabbed her left arm and quickly released her that's when he noticed she had been hit by one of the arrows. "Oh my God, Mal!" Lonnie quickly ran to her friend who was bleeding, "you guys we need something to stop the bleeding!" Lonnie yelled to her friends who quickly scrambled all over the cave in search of something.

"it's just a flesh wound, the arrow didn't even hit me, it just grazed the skin that's all" Mal said as she rolled her eyes, wincing one again as Lonnie wrapped her arm in a piece of cloth from one of the boys shirts. "We have to get you to Anita's she can help you better, she has to have a first aid kit" Jane said quickly as Jay and Ben helped Mal to her feet. The group walked slowly and soon reached the front door to Anita and Rogers house, They noted the dog toys that lay scattered all over the front lawn as Carlos knocked rapidly on the door forgetting about the dogs and worrying more about his friend.

A woman came out with brunette hair and a blue apron tied to her waist, she smiled and looked at all the children who were standing on her front stoop. Her gaze however stopped at the injured Purple haired Mal who was becoming pale.

"oh dear! Please come in all of you and lie that child on the couch" Anita said quickly as she called for someone "Roger fetch me the first aid kit immediately" She yelled from the staircase

"How did this happen? King Ben? Whatever is going on?" Anita now asked as she realized the king was in her home, at that moment Roger came down the steps with the first aid kit as well as two Dalmatians beside him causing Carlos to snap out of whatever trance he was in, he panicked seeing the Dalmatians and cowered behind Ben.

"Don't mind us, we were on our way to see you and Mal here," he said pointing at the young girl on the couch "was hit by a stray arrow from a hunter" Anita nodded as she hastily applied a large wad of gauze on the teenagers arm "Is there anything else?" Anita asked, Ben nodded and pushed Carlos forward who widened his eyes looking at Anita and Roger up close, While Carlos was no longer afraid of Dogs he still was timid about some types especially since his mother tried to murder Dalmatian puppies. Carlos shivered and stuttered as he spoke "I...I... uhh... I... A...Am.... C..Carlos..." Anita wiped her hands on her apron after finishing up with Mal and took the boys hand gently "it's alright dear one, do tell us why you have come?" Carlos felt Anita's warm hands and immediately panicked, what if he said he was Cruella's son and they set their dogs to attack him, what if they didn't help him.. All the horrible thoughts filled his head and he paled before the world became dark all around him.

Carlos awoke a short while later and was laying on the couch in the place of Mal who was now sitting on a chair, Jane walked over and handed Carlos a cup of red liquid instructing him to drink it all. Carlos downed the cup and looked up at Anita and Roger who were now standing further away and looking with worry and fear the Dalmatians were now out of the room and time was standing still before he took a deep breath and blinked "I...I'm C..Cruella's...." Carlos went silent as Roger nodded "We know who you are, but the question is why are you here?" Anita held her husband back who looked angry and hurt but seeing that the young boy looked just as scared he calmed down and cleared his voice "Ben tells us your friend is in trouble and you need to hear our story to gain your talisman, Is this true?" Anita asked gently, all the boy could do was nod as his fear rose once more

"We will tell you our story, but we will be using Jane's magic to place you into the story, you will not be harmed but you will be seen and heard" Roger explained pointing to the empty cup in the boys hand "that drink you just drank, was a magical potion that will transport you into the story so get ready" Roger spoke firmly as he told everyone to have a seat, once again everyone was around Carlos much like in Agrabah when they were all surrounding Jay, Roger began the story and Carlos closed his eyes when he opened them he was no longer in the house he was in the back of a truck with a hundred and one Dalmatians as well as Pongo and Perdita. The truck was speeding along the icy road and was bouncing all of them around, soon he heard the screech of tires as Carlos' mom came barreling towards them like a lunatic. "Pongo! There she is, Cruella!" Perdita said as the puppies cowered in their hiding spots, Carlos stood up attempting to hide the puppies In drawers and keep them closed but the truck was bouncing them all over. Cruella sped up and rammed into the truck in an attempt to get the truck to crash, Carlos let out a screech as he fell backwards into a lamp and watched as his mother crashed into an embankment, the Dalmatians thought they were alright until they saw Jasper and Horace from above as well as Cruella who's eyes were those of a crazy person as she rammed the back of the truck causing one of the puppies to almost fall out "NO!" Carlos yelled as Pongo grabbed the puppy almost falling out himself, Carlos took in a deep breath and helped Pongo back into the truck along with the puppy and watched his mother's eyes pierce through his soul much like Mal's had earlier that day. At that moment Carlos felt his fear disperse until he saw Jasper and Horace barrel into Cruella's car causing them both to flip and roll off the hill into the snowy embankment below. Carlos felt his eyes well up with tears until he felt the nudge from underneath his arm. "You saved us, thank you" Perdita said kindly and licked the boys face as the truck continued to drive. When the truck came to a stop Carlos helped every puppy out of the truck and placed them gently on the ground. He turned around and smiled as the puppies barked at the door of a house, A older woman answered the door as the puppies all came running inside as well as Perdita and Pongo. Carlos watched from the window as the puppies were reunited with their family as it began to snow gently outside.

Carlos closed his eyes and when he opened them again he was back in the house on the couch surrounded by his friends, Anita and Roger were smiling as Pongo and Perdita came walking in the room with a box engraved with paw prints they handed it to Carlos before backing up, Carlos opened the box and pulled out Cruella's Cigarette holder she always carried He read the inscription on the box aloud " Sometimes, The Bravest thing you can do. Is admit you are scared." Carlos smiled and stood up giving Anita and Roger a hug "I'm sorry for what my mother did to your family" Anita smiled and returned the hug "You are a brave boy Carlos, come visit us anytime" Carlos and his friends walked outside waving to Anita and her family as they walked North towards their final place. "Lets go get my Talisman...." Mal sighed as she held Ben's hand tightly something about seeing Queen Aurora and Queen Leah made her stomach churn and she knew they wouldn't be happy knowing their daughter and grandchild was now in the Auradon dungeons. They all set off towards Castle Aurora.

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