Chapter 15: The Battle /Happy Endings

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         Mal and Evie landed on the ground as they fell through the portal, Evil Queen stared daggers at the two teens and ran towards them. Mal quickly pushed Evie out of the way receiving a kick the stomach. Evil Queen lifted Mal up by her hair and smirked at the teen, Mal looked over at Evie who was looking fearfully at the two she looked over at the scattered talismans and back at Mal who was now being choked by Evil Queen. Evie tried to remember what she had heard her mother talking about she closed her eyes thinking back to the conversation she overheard "when the talismans are put together in a special order they will create a ray of light that if used properly could end Auradon once in for all, She opened her eyes the order was so simple all she had to do was make sure instead of evil it did good, she would have to find a way to turn it only into a beacon to signal for help. She was snapped out of her minds when she heard a scream emit from Mal as she was flung against a wall. Evie ran towards the talismans and began to gather them, she glanced over at Mal who was still fighting with Evil Queen she winced as Evil Queen kicked Mal once more in the stomach. Evie placed all the talismans in a pile and began to put them together in a circle and looked up at the sky, it had begun to rain hard. Mal was losing her strength but she knew she had to continue to fight for Evie, Evil Queen launched herself at Mal once more as Mal jumped out of the way. Evil Queen glanced around for Evie and spotted her placing the Talismans together she knew that Evie would try and save the day. Evil Queen stalked towards Evie with a look of death on her face, Mal looked up seeing Evil Queen and growled, she stood up as her eyes shined brightly, using the rest of her strength she shifted into a dragon once more. Mal swooped her tail pushing Evil Queen to the ground, Evie looked up as her mother had been so close to her she quickened the pace placing the next talisman beside the other. Evil Queen stood up and forgot about her daughter for the time being, she walked towards Mal "alright then, I hurt you once and I will do it again" Evil Queen tossed a poisoned dagger towards Mal this time however Mal deflected it with fire. Mal shoots flames towards Evil Queen and roars loudly, Evil Queen jumps out of the way just in time from the corner of her eye she sees a rock she picks it up and points behind Mal "is that your boyfriend?" Mal quickly turns around and is struck by the rock, losing her focus she falls to the ground shifting back to normal, Evil Queen grabbed Mal roughly by the arms before turning to Evie "Either you do as your told little miss or Mal is going to take a little trip off the side of this tower into the wall of thorn's." Evie looked up seeing Mal in distress, she shook her head "Please don't hurt her!" she shouted, dropping the final talisman and mentally hoping it would fall into place. "Do what I say and she will be released unharmed" Evil Queen shouted as she held Mal tightly. "Evie no, I will be fine" Mal said as she struggled to get out of the witches grip. Evie stepped forward and held her hand out "give me Mal and I will go with you mother" she said with tears in her eyes, her deep blue hair was soaked as was her clothes as the rain continued to fall. Little did they know the final talisman did indeed fall into place, all of a sudden a bright beam of light shot into the sky but instead of destroying everything good and beautiful, it cleared the sky and sent a homing beacon.

Ben, Jay and Carlos were sitting in their room when they saw the light from the distance, it was

So bright and also very strange. "do you guys see that?" Ben said as he stood up running to the window, the boys nodded in sync "we gotta get over there" Carlos said as he looked at the large beam of light that rose from beyond the forest. "but Fairy Godmother has us on castle arrest" Ben stated rolling his eyes and pointing at the camera. Carlos and Jay smirked at each other, Carlos sat on his laptop and hacked into the security system turning off the camera's while Jay stuffed pillows underneath blankets and recorded snoring sounds. Ben turned off the light, but as the boys began to climb out the window Fairy godmother and Aurora came rushing in. The boys quickly turned to face the two angry and concerned pair and looked down at their feet. "Fairy godmother something is...." Carlos was cut off as Fairy godmother put a hand up silencing them all. Aurora looked out the window and nodded at Fairy godmother "Let me guess you three saw that beacon of light and decided to go check it out?" Ben and the boys looked at each other and nodded "It could be Mal" Ben said quickly he just wanted to get there and see for himself. Aurora looked at the boys and smiled, before Fairy godmother could disagree Aurora waved her hand and guided them towards the royal limo. When they reached the limo however Fairy godmother walked in front of them "While I do think this is far too dangerous, we will never get there in time by car." Fairy Godmother pulled out her magic wand and thought of the words she hadn't used in so long. "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!" a spark came from the wand as the three boys, Aurora and Fairy Godmother were teleported to the beam of light, As they landed there they saw Evil Queen throw Mal across the fortress floor, the group hid behind some pillars. Jay really wanted to punch Evil Queen in the face but Ben must have sensed his anger and placed his hand on his shoulder putting a finger up to his lips before pointing to just behind the beam of light. From behind the pillar the group saw a girl back away and trip over some rubble, the light shined on her revealing deep blue locks "Evie!" Carlos whispered as the group sighed in relief. They were shaken from their thoughts by a loud ear piercing scream "Mal!" the group yelled in unison as their friend was thrown from the fortress towards the thorn wall. They watched as their friend flew straight up and threw a blast of magic towards Evil Queen knocking her off her feet. Mal landed on the ground and walked towards Evil Queen but stopped as Evil Queen ran over grabbing Evie and dragging her across the floor to the edge of the fortress. "You will back down or else" Evil Queen yelled as Evie struggled tears filled her eyes. Mal stopped the attacks and froze "okay.... let Evie go and I will do whatever you ask, just don't hurt her" Mal spoke with fear lacing her voice. Evil Queen smirked and threw Evie off the Fortress "EVIE!" Mal screamed as she ran to the fortresses edge, a fury she had never felt before filled her as her hands began to glow a dim green color as well as her eyes she turned around and raised her hand shooting a green mist which enveloped Evil Queen choking her tightly, she saw the panic in Evil Queen's eyes and smirked she could feel herself losing touch on all things good but at this moment she didn't care. "You can harm me all you want, but you will never harm my friends again!" Mal spoke as she rose Evil Queen upwards slamming her into a pillar which crumbled on top of her, as she lowered her hands she couldn't shake this anger inside her, she wanted Evil Queen to feel the pain, every seering , humiliating, lonely, heart breaking moment the VK's had endured their entire lives before leaving for Auradon. As She tried to shake her mind from these feelings she looked over seeing Jay,Carlos,Ben Fairy godmother and Aurora huddled over something, Mal walked over to see Evie who was badly hurt she felt her heart becoming dark and the tears disappear. Mal turned to where Evil Queen was trapped underneath the rubble she was groaning, Mal simply lifted her up from the rubble telling the others to take Evie to the Hospital as she had to finish something. Ben placed a hand on Mal's shoulder "Remember your talisman Mal, Love is stronger than Hate... and sometimes it's easier just to forgive.... Remember Love." Ben kissed Mal on the cheek before disappearing with the others. Mal stared at Evil Queen who looked terrified, "I should kill you right now, I should make you feel the pain you put Evie through, I should put you in the dirt like the scum you are!" Mal shouted at the Queen throwing her back to the ground before lifting her once again. "But, then I would be like you and my mother... Weak. Because... I chose to do the right thing instead of stooping to your level, so here's what we are going to do" Mal pulled Evil Queen close to her and smirked "You are going to disappear, from now on you are dead to all of Auradon and the Isle of the Lost, you do not exist!you are nothing! Never show your face anywhere ever again! Or else!" Mal screamed at the Queen who stared at her with widened eyes "you c...can't do that! You are no queen nor are you a leader like your mother!" Mal smirked recalling the time her mother had said those very words at a certain princesses 6th birthday party "well, it's either that or I can throw you into the thorn wall down below like you did to your own daughter!" Evil Queen continued to glare "you wouldn't kill me nor would you harm me," Mal flew Evil Queen towards the thorn wall stopping only inches away from the thorns "you were saying?" Mal snarled, Evil Queen nodded furiously "do it! I will never stop until I have my daughter in my clutches!" Mal smirked before dropping her into the thorns anyway. A Large blue mist emitted from the thorns before evaporating into the sky a weight was lifted from her shoulders as she looked at the talismans in a circle on the ground using the last of her fury she decided to pull the magic out of them all before sending them back to where they all belonged.

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