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"After all this that we have had to work through. Valentine and Sebastian's war we ought to kill anyone who had contact with them....but saddly that would be most of us" Said Jia. We where all in Idris. Mom,Luke,Simon,Maia,Jordan,the light woods,Magnus,Jace, me and every single other Shadowhunter. "But if we do see anyone showing any signs of continuing Sebastian's or Valentine's work the price will be death." Jia says firmly. "You have all-----" Jia was caught off by a shreik. We all quickly turned around. A bunch of shadowhunters started crowding around something....trying to kill something but then getting thrown out of the way.
"What's going on?" I ask. We can't get close enough to see what's going on.
"We Can't kill it"says Aline and backs away. Then so does everyone else creating a path way for a horrible creature. Its like a big bold snake made of shadows it's black like the night sky.
"Thats not a demon" Jace says.
"It has a powerful protection spell.....defenetley not of this dimension....."Magnus says then mutters something that sounds like "the enchanted forrest" and "the dark one". Izzy is the first to act. She flicks her wrist and manages to get her whip wrapped aroung the creatures neck.
"Hah" Izzy says in victory. Then the shadow screaches and pulls izzy harshly to the ground. "Gahh" Izzy says as she falls into the hard and cold marble floor. The creature free's himself of Izzy's whip. Then Alec pulls an arrow and shoots it at the creature. It hits the creature but then burns into ash. The creature shreiks again. We all prepare to attack. But then the creature starts going in circles chasung it's own tail. Then it goes faster and faster until a black hole opens making a whirl wind happen thein a type of tenticle comes from the whole coming straight at me. Then it wraps around my ankle. I don't even have time to gasp as it yanks me off my feet. Pulling me closer and closer to the hole. Fast. Then i feel something pull me up slightly and pull me the opposite direction Jace. I try to get free of it. Then another tenticle comes out and comes towards Jace.
"Jace watch out." I say. But then Jace falls. Just as he falls Alec is there helping Jace and me. Jace is holding on to me for dear life and so is Alec onto Jace. Then another one comes at Alec. But Magnus and Izzy are there before he falls trying to pull all of us back away from thw hole. Then two more tenticles comes at Magnus and Izzy. But Simon is there helping Izzy and Maia pulling Magnus back. Bat pulling maia back. But then we run out of people. I see my mom try and come help with Luke but Jia stops them. Then i feel myself getting pulled into the hole rapidly.
"JACE" I scream at the same time Jace screams my name. I try to grab Jace but he is ripped away from me by all the movement in the hole.

Jace's POV

I get ripped away from Alec. "CLARY" I scream at the same time.
"JACE" is screamed from Clarys lips. Then she gets ripped away from me. I looka t my hands. How did the Love of my life literally get slipped out of my fingertips?
"CLARY" I scream. But noone answers.

Izzy's POV

I start seeing light after Simon and Alec where ripped away from me. It takes my eyes not even a second to adjust. Im in a town that looks kinda old with a clock tower right behind me. I start screaming flapping my arms panicking. I'm gonna die this is at least a 200 foot one can survive this.

Magnus POV

I look around and notice that we're all falling. Izzy is closest to the ground. "MAGNUS DO SOMETHING" Alec screams panicked.
"Im trying!!!" I say moving my hands trying to make a net.
"Well try harder!!!" I hear Simon yell. I try three more times and finally see the net. Thank god. I think to myself.

Killian's POV

I'm with Regina,Emma,Snow white, David, Belle, Red, Dorothy( who had come back from OZ) and Henry. Belle is blabbling something about some book to Henry."Regina...look" Emma says pointing at the sky behind me.
"What the hell?" Regina says. We all look at the sky and see a huge black whole in the sky and what looks like people falling out of it. We all hurry to the clock tower as a saftey net was put in at the bottom in the middle of the street. Then a black haired girl falls into the net. She gasps. Then she flops out of the net onto me and grips my shirt. The girl is preatty and if i didn't know any better i would say she was a mermaid. Out of the cornner of my eye i see Emma frowning. The thought makes me grin internally.
"Careful love" i say getting her off me. The girl flips her hair back. Then she notices Emma.
"Oh relax....i have a boyfriend"she says as she rolls her eyes. Regina raises her eyebrows at Emma and so does Snow. Then two other people fall into the net. A glittery man and another man who looks like the girl who fell on me. The black haired and blue eyed boy fell gracefully into the ground helping the over glittered man.Then a brunette semi rat faced boy falls into the net with a black haired boy and a brown skinned brunette girl. Then a boy who was practically the color gold and who suspiciously looked like Zeus.( A/N: Not the guy they put on the tv the Zeus in the disney Hercules movie....ok carry on)
"Regina?" The glittery man asked. Regina looks up at him. Then she grinned.
"Magnus Bane"she said greeting him happily. She goes and hugs Magnus. All of us stare eye wided.

A/N: ok thats it fot now.....i swear i will update ok just give me some time because i have school and exams and homework.2 dogs and another wattpad story im working on *cough* go check it out name's cinderclary *cough* ok bye

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