An Angels Heart

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I turn my head and see everyone staring at us. I push Jace off me and get up. I see Hook,Emma,Regina,Magnus,Alec,Simon,Izzy, A woman with blonde hair, Sebastian and Jonathan. Jonathan. An evil laugh startled me. I whip around and see the Evil Queen. "Your supposed to be dead.....I crushed your heart" Regina says.
"You can't just kill me Regina....I am a part of Can't get rid of me" she says grinning.
"I would still like to try" Regina says as she shoots a fireball at the Queen. The fire ball hits the Queen. The Queen gasps then laughs. She clears the fire stain from her dress.
"I told can't get rid of me" The Queen says, Then she looks at me and grins. She then looks behind her. "Come" she orders. A figure steps out of the shadows. Valentine. Jace and I tense. Valentine looks at us with a slight horror in his eyes.
"Yes my Queen" He says, his voice steady and cold. Flashbacks overwhelm me.
"Why are you here?" Jace says coldly. "You destroyed everything you should be in hell" Jace says coldly.
"I'm a shadow hunter who did bad things....I still saved mundanes....I might not be in heaven but I do get a chance to go there" Valentine explains. "I still have unfinished business" he says.
"Oh yeah like what?" I finally say. "Destroying the world?!" I ask.
"You" He says. "My unfinished business is you" Valentine says."and Jace and Jonathan, but mostly you Clarissa"Valentine says never taking my eyes off me. "You don't understand everything I did was originally for your mother, and then for you" valentine says. I scoff.
"For me?" I ask. "You where trying to kill demon blooded creatures.....and at the time half of the people who cared and helped me where down worlders" I say.
"I kept you and Jace alive" he says. "You where my main enemy's because of your angel blood. But I kept you alive because you, Clarissa , you are my daughter" he says. I notice Hook, Emma and Regina looking surprised. I shake my head. "That doesn't matter, Jonathan was your son, and you turned him into a monster" I say
"Might I remind you I am right here" Sebastian says.
"No, she's right you are a monster" Jonathan says, earning a glare from Sebastian.
"That is different Clarissa" he says. " I did that to him in the name of science" he says.
"You took away his chance to live!" I exclaim. "You took away your own son's life" I tell him. "You probably would have done the same to me had my mother not ran away from you" I say. "Not only did you take away your son's life, but also of millions of Shadowhunters . before and after you died" I say I was getting dangerously mad I notice I was getting closer to Valentine and farther from everyone else. "You also terrorized families....taking their loved ones away" I say.
" one loved one I took away from you" valentine says. "One that you truly cared about and would do anything for" he says. Valentine smiles. "Your mother is alive, Lucian Is alive, Jace is alive,your mundie friend is alive, Magnus Bane is alive, Isabelle Lightwood is alive, Alexander Lightwood is alive" he says.
"Max," I say. "You killed 9 year old max" I say. Valentine rolls his eyes.
"Not by my hand, and it was an accident" he says. "The little boy shouldn't have opened his mouth" Valentine says.
"You don't deserve having a second chance" I say. My hands move without thinking and push Valentine into the same river Hades was pushed into. I stumble back my hand flying into my mouth surprised I actually did that. I turn around and see everyone's eyes wide.

Jace POV

The Evil Queen stands behind Clary. Then Clary gasps. And the Evil Queen grins, the Queen laughs. She walks next to Clary. She has a heart in her hand. "In your world, no warlock or magician can rip a heart out of anyone" she says as she examines the heart. "But you're in my world now" she says. She squeezes the heart. Clary shreiks In pain and falls to the ground. I start walking towards her, but the Evil Queen puts her hand above the river of lost souls. "Ah,ah,ah. If you come any closer, I crush her heart and her ashes fall into the river, with her soul." She says. I freeze. She smiles. "Good" she says. She then comes closer. And holds up the heart. "It takes one push to darken a heart." She says. "Yet somehow.your heart doesn't" she says and sighs. "But with a heart, you can also control people" she says as she looks at me.

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